My medical will cost me about $350 to $400 per month compared to much much more if I'm just a retired consumer paying for my insurance before Medicare kicks in. I also pay a very small amount for lifetime life insurance. If I go to Newco and get laid off, I have only Cobra which is horribly expensive until I find another job. I have a friend who is 57 and got laid off in Wyeth/Pfizer merger and still hasn't found another job. There is no guarantee I will find another job or find one in a timely manner. I cannot afford to risk losing that medical benefit. At RM/DM right now Jim Hynd is giving them all a big rah rah speech that nothing is going to change, that they learned their lessons from Hospira. Well the only lesson I see that they have learned is that they won a 7 year class action lawsuit against all those poor employees who worked 10, 15, 20 plus years and lost those benefits they earned. He claims no layoffs at Newco. Didn't Julie (last name?) tell us NO LAYOFFS for 5 years....we are good with our numbers only to go through a layoff of about 1900 a year later????? The only people who really know for sure are the elite upper upper mgt. How can Jim Hynd say this?