Teva layoffs 2022?

Both posters for #39 and #40 above have no business even being in our industry. Where they need to be is back in 6th grade English and grammatical sentence structure class. What the hell is that all about?

That is one rambling sentence. You seem obsessed with the new people being "contract reps". Ok, but some of us started with 140k base salaries. Aren't you "real" Teva reps maxing out at 125k? Either way, all of US are in deep trouble. Austedo experience or not. I am actually employable outside Teva so I am working my way out. Sad really, I just started three months ago and was excited for the launch. But based on the CRL and the lack of quality in the Austedo Reps I have met, I need to bail.

It's probably for the best. I don't understand how you were excited about a "me too" product? Maybe that's why they paid you so much? It was the only way to get someone to do it. But then again, the company does not have a drug for you to sell.

Both posters for #39 and #40 above have no business even being in our industry. Where they need to be is back in 6th grade English and grammatical sentence structure class. What the hell is that all about?

Ya, that person was struggling. But it seems you avoided commenting on the content of the posts. The guy makes some valid points. Is it safe to assume you are an upset uzedy rep?

That is a good point. The uzedy reps are basically medincell reps. The drugs are from medincell and not teva. If they are employed by teva to sell medincell products, what happens if those drugs don't make it to market? Would they be cut like a contract salesforce? Does that void the contract between those two companies? This industry stinks. Someone is always being laid-off.

6 months ago we laid people off. Downsizing Austedos sales force. Now you are brought on board (supposedly planned. Lol) talking about shared voice. Those reps laid off were veteran austedo sales people with relationships. You come in as a MedinCell sales team and think your going to replace austedo reps. You are a teva/medincell sales team. Not teva. You we supposed to sell the two new drugs by medicel. You guys are tied to medicell. Medicell fails, you are gone. You will not replace austedo reps because you are not teva. You are basically a contract sales team teva has for medicells two drug. One is under review, the other is out in March. If one does not get approved, why should teva keep you? If teva breaks the contract with medicell, you guys are gone. Sorry. Look at your signing package. You are tied to medicells drugs being approved. Your basically medicell reps, not teva reps. You selling austedo is hust to buy time and figure out what to do.

Wow, what a great example if the one Teva mentality in action! Some of us actually came from other divisions within so I never really felt separate, but your comments do explain my overlaps lack of cooperation. We all know this sucks, for everyone. In the meantime, can't we work together and get rid of the us vs them attitude to get thru it?

Wow, what a great example if the one Teva mentality in action! Some of us actually came from other divisions within so I never really felt separate, but your comments do explain my overlaps lack of cooperation. We all know this sucks, for everyone. In the meantime, can't we work together and get rid of the us vs them attitude to get thru it?

Maybe, but doubtful. Most reps don't like having to share what they worked so hard for. You guys are coming into a golden opportunity and did no work. Now you will start calling on targets we grew. All you can do is set us back. Not to mention we had reps we worked with for years that were laid off for. Now you guys are coming in as replacements with experience in the disease state, drugs and relationships. Why should we be happy about this? Should those you replaced be happ to hear about you coming in? Why did they not get your position?

This is the mindset I'm talking about
I said in my post - this situation sucks, no one is happy about it, and it's definitely not our fault. I'm sorry you had friends get displaced - that also sucks and is not our fault.
You should realize that we are all disposable here, play the game and make it work for everyone. None of us want to mess with your success or relationships. That makes no sense. But when you are uncooperative, hostile, or let your insecurities affect your common sense, someone will lose.

This is the mindset I'm talking about
I said in my post - this situation sucks, no one is happy about it, and it's definitely not our fault. I'm sorry you had friends get displaced - that also sucks and is not our fault.
You should realize that we are all disposable here, play the game and make it work for everyone. None of us want to mess with your success or relationships. That makes no sense. But when you are uncooperative, hostile, or let your insecurities affect your common sense, someone will lose.

I think you missed they guys point. You are coming in and working business they created. Basically you are riding thier coattails and only create problems. Fact us you are not a teva salesforce. You are a medincell salesforce basically contracted by teva. You were not supposed to sell austedo. You were supposed to sell two medincell drugs. The one currently under review and the other in March. And with all the austedo contests going on, you only hurt our chances to make money. Especially if you can sample. I don't think you understand your situation or austedo reps. You just keep saying it's not your fault. No one cares if it's your fault. They care about the problems your presence creates.

I do understand completely
I'm just saying this is the situation, make it work. Why do you feel we are going to mess things up? We are all professionals and just trying to make it through this.
And I would knock off the 'contract sales' BS. You are 100% a number just like we are, just as easily displaced or replaced
If you need to be angry, aim it at Teva.

I think you missed they guys point. You are coming in and working business they created. Basically you are riding thier coattails and only create problems. Fact us you are not a teva salesforce. You are a medincell salesforce basically contracted by teva. You were not supposed to sell austedo. You were supposed to sell two medincell drugs. The one currently under review and the other in March. And with all the austedo contests going on, you only hurt our chances to make money. Especially if you can sample. I don't think you understand your situation or austedo reps. You just keep saying it's not your fault. No one cares if it's your fault. They care about the problems your presence creates.

Some of us are former Austedo reps and built the territory and business long before this happened. Don’t assume every TV46000 rep is a new hire for Teva. Likewise, if your new to Teva and Austedo within the past year, careful how loud you bark. Chances are your ego is talking for you without a filter.

I do understand completely
I'm just saying this is the situation, make it work. Why do you feel we are going to mess things up? We are all professionals and just trying to make it through this.
And I would knock off the 'contract sales' BS. You are 100% a number just like we are, just as easily displaced or replaced
If you need to be angry, aim it at Teva.

You job is tied to the drugs of medincell. If uzedy does not make it to market by sept/Oct why keep you? You other drug launch (another medincell LAI) comes out in March. You future is tied to those drugs. You were supposed to be tevas LAI sales force. It upsets us you are selling Astedo when you could gone in 2-6 months depend on if teva breaks the contract with medincell not having drugs for you to sell. Then we have to deal with targets hearing from ingrezza reps about how teva did another set of layoffs or reorg with austedo reps. No matter what your presence is a headache

Some of us are former Austedo reps and built the territory and business long before this happened. Don’t assume every TV46000 rep is a new hire for Teva. Likewise, if your new to Teva and Austedo within the past year, careful how loud you bark. Chances are your ego is talking for you without a filter.

You guys are such a headache. They just need to let you rather than string you along. I don't see your drug getting approved. Medincell is a me too drug company specializing in delivery systems. If one drug can't get approved what does that say about your other drug in March? Its best to just end the contract with medincell and let you go now. Teva can't have 3 sales divisions selling Austedo.

"MedinCell® is a pharmaceutical company at premarketing stage that develops innovative long-acting injectable medicines in many therapeutic areas. Products of our portfolio are based on our BEPO® technology and aim to ensure patient compliance, improve the effectiveness and accessibility of treatments, and reduce their environmental footprint. We collaborate with tier one pharmaceuticals companies and foundations to improve Global Health through new therapeutic options. MedinCell does not currently have a salesforce. Our philosophy is to invest in R&D and outsource sales to top tier pharmaceutical companies."

There you go. You may say "BS", but medincell says they outsource their drugs to other companies to share in profits. Teva is providing the salesforce for medincell products. What happens if you do not have uzedy? Another words, you are a contract salesforce contingent on the approval of two LAI by medincell.

Some of us are former Austedo reps and built the territory and business long before this happened. Don’t assume every TV46000 rep is a new hire for Teva. Likewise, if your new to Teva and Austedo within the past year, careful how loud you bark. Chances are your ego is talking for you without a filter.

That's hilarious. Anybody who left the Austedo team on their own volition to sell this LAI was running from something, either a hated manager, frustrated with Austedo's bonus comp etc. Nobody runs TO an LAI unless you're running from something. The VMAT2 market is an exciting market with lots of potential IMHO, another me too LAI? Meh.

That's hilarious. Anybody who left the Austedo team on their own volition to sell this LAI was running from something, either a hated manager, frustrated with Austedo's bonus comp etc. Nobody runs TO an LAI unless you're running from something. The VMAT2 market is an exciting market with lots of potential IMHO, another me too LAI? Meh.

That’s because what’s left of NP is full of unqualified new hires, poor management, and incompetence. Guess that makes you a running bitch too since you left somewhere to join Teva and NP. Every rep leaves somewhere for a better opportunity. Look around at the NP sales force and management. It’s not rich in talent.

That’s because what’s left of NP is full of unqualified new hires, poor management, and incompetence. Guess that makes you a running bitch too since you left somewhere to join Teva and NP. Every rep leaves somewhere for a better opportunity. Look around at the NP sales force and management. It’s not rich in talent.

Does not matter. Even if you are right. You are still a medincell sales team with no drug. You are selling austedo until teva figures out what to do with you and medincells agreement. Especially if they can't get uzedy approved this year. Based on how things are going, I would be worried about your other drug being approved early next year too.

Maybe, but doubtful. Most reps don't like having to share what they worked so hard for. You guys are coming into a golden opportunity and did no work. Now you will start calling on targets we grew. All you can do is set us back. Not to mention we had reps we worked with for years that were laid off for. Now you guys are coming in as replacements with experience in the disease state, drugs and relationships. Why should we be happy about this? Should those you replaced be happ to hear about you coming in? Why did they not get your position?

I think your biggest problem is the fact that we are coming in to ultimately take your jobs. Yes, we will ride your coattails. We will use your relationships to help us take over. When the music stops, I plan on having a chair, and I could give 2 shits about you guys. This is dog eat dog out here!

I think your biggest problem is the fact that we are coming in to ultimately take your jobs. Yes, we will ride your coattails. We will use your relationships to help us take over. When the music stops, I plan on having a chair, and I could give 2 shits about you guys. This is dog eat dog out here!

You keep copying and pasting your same post. Facts is you are a LAI salesforce for Medincell contracted by teva. Your future is tied to uzedy and that other LAI in March. Your future at Teva is tied to uzedy/medincell, not austedo.think of Exact Science when they contracted through Pfizer. When Pfizer ended the cologuard contract with ES, Pfizer laid off all the cologuard reps. That's how it works. If uzedy is not approved you will be gone. Teva is not going to move contract reps to NS or NP. Because that what they would have to do. They would need to do a reorg of all divisions selling austedo, or there will be lawsuits. Your paychecks may come from teva, but you are Medincell sales reps hired to sell medincell LAIs. You selling austedo is just buying time to figure out what to do. Teva is not gonna do a reorg for you

You keep copying and pasting your same post. Facts is you are a LAI salesforce for Medincell contracted by teva. Your future is tied to uzedy and that other LAI in March. Your future at Teva is tied to uzedy/medincell, not austedo.think of Exact Science when they contracted through Pfizer. When Pfizer ended the cologuard contract with ES, Pfizer laid off all the cologuard reps. That's how it works. If uzedy is not approved you will be gone. Teva is not going to move contract reps to NS or NP. Because that what they would have to do. They would need to do a reorg of all divisions selling austedo, or there will be lawsuits. Your paychecks may come from teva, but you are Medincell sales reps hired to sell medincell LAIs. You selling austedo is just buying time to figure out what to do. Teva is not gonna do a reorg for you

You said, “and there will be lawsuits” because a company has a reorganization! What a total moron you are! My God fool, name me just one company in or out of pharma that faced lawsuits because of a legitimate company reorganization where employees filed and won a lawsuit because of a reorg!

You said, “and there will be lawsuits” because a company has a reorganization! What a total moron you are! My God fool, name me just one company in or out of pharma that faced lawsuits because of a legitimate company reorganization where employees filed and won a lawsuit because of a reorg!

Did you even look up your question before asking? You are aware the internet is a useful tool for finding information? First one that comes to mind is Forrest Pharmaceuticals in i think 2010. I mentioned Pfizer/Exact Sciences which is still currently ongoing (Exact Science contracted a salesforce with Pfizer. Pfizer broke the contract and laid them all off). etc. There are many examples. Remember you cannot lay off reps that are also in contention for presidents club because reps will sue over companies not wanting to bonuses. There are also many examples of age discrimination on layoffs with Pfizer, BMS and Merk. Lets not forget Novartis and Lilly laying people off and losing their lawsuit because it was discovered they targeted people on vested money for 401ks. This is why there is a point system applied to each rep when it comes to reorgs and layoffs now. Pay, age, gender, rep location distance when compared to the name of the territory, time with company, etc. Also, you seem to keep forgetting that teva will not replace their sales force with a outsourced sales team like the Medincell LAI team (similar to the pfizer example). Which has been explained to nauseum. But it does not even make common sense. You have new inexperienced uzedy reps calling on only 30% of the current writers of Austedo that are also selling another company's product. Do your really think that Teva is going to replace up to 20% of its Austedo salesforce who know 100% of the targets for years with unproven Uzedy reps? Most uzedy reps have not even called on a single Austedo target yet. They may use them for backfill austedo position, but that's it. Come on man, do you really believe that nonsense you are pushing on here? Seriously how good of a rep can you be if you do not even know how to search something on the internet?