Teva is optimistic for the future

Teva lies and lies and lies.

Cashflow a disaster, no pipeline, moronic management and strategy.

Fire sale is coming as well as mass layoffs, hopefully a heap of layoffs in Tel Aviv as well.

Joke of a company.

Take your disgruntled verbiage and leave this board. Austedo is growing and Teva needs that drug for revenue. No one is being laid off that sells their flagship drug. Perhaps starting your on journal and writing down your thoughts in your "study" may help..because your old news and your threads are repetitive, tiredsome and boring.

Take your disgruntled verbiage and leave this board. Austedo is growing and Teva needs that drug for revenue. No one is being laid off that sells their flagship drug. Perhaps starting your on journal and writing down your thoughts in your "study" may help..because your old news and your threads are repetitive, tiredsome and boring.

I agree. So many haters on this Teva board. I for one just heard from my RSM that I'll be banking a little over $10K on the recent Austedo XR Launch contest to be paid out this Friday. How in the world can Teva be strapped for cash when I'm hearing that many reps nationally will be making well over $75K in bonus alone this year?

I agree. So many haters on this Teva board. I for one just heard from my RSM that I'll be banking a little over $10K on the recent Austedo XR Launch contest to be paid out this Friday. How in the world can Teva be strapped for cash when I'm hearing that many reps nationally will be making well over $75K in bonus alone this year?
It all lies and deceit, they all say how brilliant teva is when in fact we are a pathetic and sick company.

I agree. So many haters on this Teva board. I for one just heard from my RSM that I'll be banking a little over $10K on the recent Austedo XR Launch contest to be paid out this Friday. How in the world can Teva be strapped for cash when I'm hearing that many reps nationally will be making well over $75K in bonus alone this year?
Wait for your new CEO to arrive …. bye bye bonus.