Terry P or Donny T?

We are lucky the americans did such a great job with Latuda. They made billions and billions and subsidized us for far too long. They have the great business acumen of their president and the work ethic too. We are nothing more than eurotrash that continues to suck off the teat of the yanks. We deserve to be cut. We made our own bed.

Thank you American team for allowing us some additional time. We suck and deserve what has been placed upon us. Chin up.

Yes, Terry. All EU sales management fired or resigned. Go! Good luck Maggie with the shambles! TP and Donnie in the home stretch. Consider who to pardon before you go. HR, finance, or who can pay the most!

The Sunovion sword swiftly cut Terry’s ties to Japan. Sayonara they said. The new owner is a UK banker. How fitting. For all of the wasted energy and inflexibility:

To Inflexion and Beyond!!!