Territory Manager Interview

Because I have bills to pay you idiot!!!! Do you think I will receive an award for voicing my opinion when they run, on average, a person off a month!!!

The Reps would love to voice their opinion, if they knew they would not get fired for it!!! It would probably help this company out to hear the concerns, but mangers like yourself dont want to hear it!!!!

Just stop getting upset and quit trying to figure out who I am. I smile at your face and kiss your arse because I have to. I have bills to pay, i need a job. I guarentee what I am saying, at least 75% of the workforce is thinking. Why only 75%??? Because about 25% are new reps within the last year or two!!! (High Turnover)

How do you look in the mirror every morning and feel good about yourself!!!!!

Your a disgrace to all the good managers out there!!!!

Because I have bills to pay you idiot!!!! Do you think I will receive an award for voicing my opinion when they run, on average, a person off a month!!!

The Reps would love to voice their opinion, if they knew they would not get fired for it!!! It would probably help this company out to hear the concerns, but mangers like yourself dont want to hear it!!!!

Just stop getting upset and quit trying to figure out who I am. I smile at your face and kiss your arse because I have to. I have bills to pay, i need a job. I guarentee what I am saying, at least 75% of the workforce is thinking. Why only 75%??? Because about 25% are new reps within the last year or two!!! (High Turnover)

How do you look in the mirror every morning and feel good about yourself!!!!!

Your a disgrace to all the good managers out there!!!!

I agree with this post 100%. I have kids to take care of, a mortgage to pay,student loans to pay and I hate this job. But I continue to go out and collect signatures for you idiots until I can find something new. I, too, have tried everything to get out of this industry but I am becoming more convinced that this industry and company are a curse. As soon as I can I am gone as well as many others in my area. The reps in my area talk to each other and let them know how frustrated they are with this shit hole company. Just a waiting game now, looking for new employment or waiting to be laid off.

Yes, but that was the IP yesterday when I checked. But let the manager keep adding his thoughts on here. I actually know I am getting under one managers skin, he has dropped a few hints who he thinks I am. LOL turth must hurt!!!

As for my manager friend on here, why doesnt he post his name? he has been positive about everything, why hide your identity? I mean, i know why I dont post my name, I would have my LOC and warning letter all in the same day. Until I find a job, I will continue to do my job and smile like I am the typical Forest Rep!!! Which brings up another good point! Why is it so damn hard to get a job outside of Pharma with all this dang experience? Once again, the industry is killing me. I want to leave, but cant!!!! But I know it is a lot easier to find a job, if you have one. I will do all of this extra BS planning we are having to do, I will keep getting my signatures, etc.

But the turth is already out about this company and how it treats its people!!!

Because posting on cafe pharma, positive or negative is against company policy and is the quickest ticket to get one canned. Anonymous posting is required as an employee at Forest, just like the shits and giggles and head bobbling yes to everything your DM says or while at a poa meeting. You better earned your "oscar" while at meeting as we all know the one's who fake it the best are the ones who stay the longest. What a joke this company is. There is a list at corporate as to who the "cafe pharma" posters are and you are one fucking naive idiot if you dont think your DM knows and the RD's who posts on here. Some times it is even DM's that get the torture chamber when the RD's and HO catch wind of their Cafe Pharma involvement. If you post and are caught you will be fired, positive or negative!!!! Conform or get out. Either way Forest does not care, but managers during field rides probe and "in confidence" put rep through various checks and balances to try and catch them with cafe pharma information and who the source is. I have seen it happen many times in my years with this co. Just as there is a list for who is falsifying sig's on docs who are on vacation or not in territory on day of call, the lists are live and widespread on reps who propagate on this site. It is fucking ridiculous but also all very real. Ask DB is St. Louis if you want more info on these topics.......

Dick Nix