Terminations NE/Atlantic

I am sales and I assure you I do t make money yet my BOB is huge! The way they are doing it now you would have to move mountains to get a dollar commission

Raise the workload on the rep and then make it impossible to make money. Great formula to retain and motivate a sales rep.........the company's stock is as high as its ever been yet they dont want to pay commissions but they want reps to do more for no money. Somebody is pocketing the money! Upper management is lining their pockets on the backs of sales reps. And people wonder why a union would be a possibility. This is the greed that happened in many large corporations back in time. Greed started creating have's and have not's and then a union comes in and then the company either reduces their staff to low levels or gets bought.. Future does not look bright here. Get out and find a sales job that rewards and motivates their employees!!