Yeah, No, sorry to say way off base. To much supporting evidence in these womens cases. Email, FCR's, BDR's, Annual reviews, etc. These aren't headlines, this is appauling to happen in this decade. Maybe 20 or 30 years ago but this is so backward and sick. No rep is perfect but the acts that occurred are very offensive. They didn't happen once, and it wasn't one email. It happened over and over again and now more women are speaking up due to these brave women who came forward. Yes, this was, and still is appauling.
Uhh..yeah..sorry to you..way ON base! Why don't you take the time to read the posting instead of having a quick knee-jerk reaction? My posting was specific to the initial posting titled "The appauling tale" of these horrible emails showing Novartis targeting a pregnant rep for termination. If you take the time to read the emails they post to prove their point(???) you will see that the emails focus on the fact that there were sample violation questions that the DM wanted examined BEFORE she went on maternity leave. It had nothing to do with terminating her job because she had a baby! I am amazed at the people who don't tkae the time to read all the facts before they come up with their "appauling" views....WAKE UP!!