you have to admit mnk is consistent. Everything they touch gets worse. CEO has gotten rich By adding huge debt with products no one else would buy and pay even more when losing the lawsuits every time. Pipeline fails in dramatic fashion twice in 2 attempts. Only thing they get right is getting it wrong.
I laughed when they said they were all shocked it got a horrendous crl but the silently majority were not shocked. No mortality benefit at all, SE and limited hrs reversal. Ruff ruff and the flees too!
Gonna miss listening to mark thinking he understands business and the short guy hoping today is the day he wakes up to find his height matches his ego. It’s sad but their bank accounts are full and we are the suckers.
Do feel bad for the terli guy collecting the data for years. All that work all those weekends and it will never see the light of day. That is tragic.
Well said. the drug is a dog. They talked it up like it was the next best thing at meetings. I mean we had three fuking sales meetings around this shti. What a waste of time. I’m just glad I don’t have to hear anything more about this useless drug. It never had a chance. And don’t think the MNK reputation didn’t have anything to do with it. The greed at the top is disgusting. What they did to this company is sad. Someone should see a jail cell for the crooked shti that went on. I won’t miss hearing the BS about this drug Terli. I am going to ride this bitttch until they pay me to go. I have a decent severeNce coming my way.