Terlipressin take the job Yeah or Nay?

what chance you think approved friday?
(Rejected, delayed or approved)
My complete guess is 40% chance approval. 40% delayed and 20% rejected as this is mnk.

Hearing numerous reps are out the door 4 sure this year and others early next year for start ups

Hope it’s approved.

I just found out useless Newman left. Jesus did he get lucky. Avg Joe meet lucky. So many of those types of guys here. We had a launch excellence group????? Wtf did we launch. This place is backwards nuts. But I’m riding this biiitch until this Indian tells me to leave

If it does get approved it will be near impossible to get without hoops. And people will die before those hoops are met. My guess. It won’t get approved. The efficacy isn’t that great vs what is out there. I

It only reverses HRS 29% of the time. That sucks. How do you sell that bag of shit for 10s of thousands more than placebo. Which worked 16% of the time. The death rate is the same as placebo. It’s all out there. Go read it. Not sure why they would approve this dog

I heard news is not good. This bitch will get sold. We don’t even have people to sell it. I mean do we? We sell an IV pain drug. I’ll take the job. The training has been an utter joke though.

Don’t worry dumb and dumber in marketing have this. I think that Indian guy from medical swore on his job this would get approved. Whoops. Well they promised they would fight this one too. Sound familiar. Opioids, CMS, bankruptcy......

you have to admit mnk is consistent. Everything they touch gets worse. CEO has gotten rich By adding huge debt with products no one else would buy and pay even more when losing the lawsuits every time. Pipeline fails in dramatic fashion twice in 2 attempts. Only thing they get right is getting it wrong.
I laughed when they said they were all shocked it got a horrendous crl but the silently majority were not shocked. No mortality benefit at all, SE and limited hrs reversal. Ruff ruff and the flees too!
Gonna miss listening to mark thinking he understands business and the short guy hoping today is the day he wakes up to find his height matches his ego. It’s sad but their bank accounts are full and we are the suckers.
Do feel bad for the terli guy collecting the data for years. All that work all those weekends and it will never see the light of day. That is tragic.