tenured or senior reps at gsk please help


PLease help... if you are a tenured rep... advice please
does anyone get more nervous as time goes on about ride alongs, I have been out of pharma for at least 5 years and im about to return to big pharma where there wont be as much sampling but there will be ride alongs and for some reason i feel nervous about that. like what the day will be like or what i will say ... just overall feel like thats the worse part of the job and i hear this manager rides alot with his reps.
any advice on to shaking that off would be great.. currently with company no ride alongs at all and doing well.. but im a little not to excited about the ride along part but i know its part of the job. but i feel like its the worst part where i have quit before... any help would be appreciated to get over this...

PLease help... if you are a tenured rep... advice please
does anyone get more nervous as time goes on about ride alongs, I have been out of pharma for at least 5 years and im about to return to big pharma where there wont be as much sampling but there will be ride alongs and for some reason i feel nervous about that. like what the day will be like or what i will say ... just overall feel like thats the worse part of the job and i hear this manager rides alot with his reps.
any advice on to shaking that off would be great.. currently with company no ride alongs at all and doing well.. but im a little not to excited about the ride along part but i know its part of the job. but i feel like its the worst part where i have quit before... any help would be appreciated to get over this...

I used to get very anxious about ride alongs. Here's how I got over it. I have a scat fetish. I haven’t been able to eat another person’s in a while. The only/first time I ate another person’s, I had less than a teaspoon of it and gagged just swallowing it and literally was in the process of throwing up just to get it down. It was awful. I told myself next time I was going to eat the whole thing. This isn’t possible unless your taste buds are immune to the bitterness in it. I just ate my own tonight, the first time I have tasted any scar in a long while. I thought it would be good. I took about an 1/8 teaspoon of it in my mouth and slightly started to mash it with my tongue. I was on the toilet and had to try so hard not to puke before I evens wallowed it. I would have puked if I hadn’t tried so hard not to at just the smallest taste of it. I hadn’t even mashed it yet. I had to open my mouth and breathe in air to try and get the taste out. I was dying for some water to get rid of the taste. After i recovered from the taste from breathing air, I started to try to mash it again.

PLease help... if you are a tenured rep... advice please
does anyone get more nervous as time goes on about ride alongs, I have been out of pharma for at least 5 years and im about to return to big pharma where there wont be as much sampling but there will be ride alongs and for some reason i feel nervous about that. like what the day will be like or what i will say ... just overall feel like thats the worse part of the job and i hear this manager rides alot with his reps.
any advice on to shaking that off would be great.. currently with company no ride alongs at all and doing well.. but im a little not to excited about the ride along part but i know its part of the job. but i feel like its the worst part where i have quit before... any help would be appreciated to get over this...

The worst of the job for sure. It’s crazy we have to do that to our customers

Here's the deal. We are paid fairly well and get some pretty nice perks. Those things come with a price tag. The first cost we incur is job instlabiilty. A product goes off patent or corporate earnings are down, Whamo! Layoffs. Most of us have been a victim or seen others suffer from downsizings. GSK has perfected it. The second cost we pay is the "ride-along". While other industries practice this type of model. No other company takes it to the length ours does. It's the price we pay for a company car, nice salary, bonus and benefits. Leadership could care less as they are not held to this and it helps justify their roles. It's up to you. Are you willing to pay the price every 6 weeks?

Here's the deal. We are paid fairly well and get some pretty nice perks. Those things come with a price tag. The first cost we incur is job instlabiilty. A product goes off patent or corporate earnings are down, Whamo! Layoffs. Most of us have been a victim or seen others suffer from downsizings. GSK has perfected it. The second cost we pay is the "ride-along". While other industries practice this type of model. No other company takes it to the length ours does. It's the price we pay for a company car, nice salary, bonus and benefits. Leadership could care less as they are not held to this and it helps justify their roles. It's up to you. Are you willing to pay the price every 6 weeks?

other industries sales managers come along to strengthen customer relationships and close business deals. Here mangers are there to evaluate and coach. It is self serving to the organization and offers little value to the customer who has to endure the ride/tag a along Not all managers are like this but this is what the corporate leadership wants. Not every company runs things like GSK. Patient first drove out many motivated and talented people. Can’t blame them. They are thriving elsewhere where company stock prices aren’t shrinking for 20 years.

other industries sales managers come along to strengthen customer relationships and close business deals. Here mangers are there to evaluate and coach. It is self serving to the organization and offers little value to the customer who has to endure the ride/tag a along Not all managers are like this but this is what the corporate leadership wants. Not every company runs things like GSK. Patient first drove out many motivated and talented people. Can’t blame them. They are thriving elsewhere where company stock prices aren’t shrinking for 20 years.
Other industries’ sales reps conduct business deals and transactions. You run around and drop off coffee while earning in the top 3%. You’re free to go try a real sales job in “other industries,” pharma rep.

GSK managers do nothing but follow people around and look for things to criticize. Awful culture. 90% of managers currently at GSK are kool-aid sipping jokers with zero leadership ability or talent. All they do is kiss their useless VP's butt as much as they can. There is zero innovation here which is why there is no pipeline and the same thing is talked about week after week. Just look at the redundant conference calls, ride-alongs, and so-called 'new initiatives which are just the same old thing with a different spin or title. Overall, just do what you are told and don't provide any new ideas because they will not be listened to, embraced, or implemented. And so, the same antiquated ride-along process that has been around for 35+ years will continue. It's straight comedy. GSK will soon be a company of the past.

Same old posts. Whining, and complaining. If you are a professional and extremely competent then ride alongs should not matter. When I was I rep I looked forward to my ride as a means to show off what I could do! It didn’t take long for me to rise through the ranks because my colleagues were lazy and whinnying. Maybe you should ask yourself what you want to be? A representative for the rest of your life calling on doctors and subject to layoffs. Grow up and learn to be better than what you are!

Same old posts. Whining, and complaining. If you are a professional and extremely competent then ride alongs should not matter. When I was I rep I looked forward to my ride as a means to show off what I could do! It didn’t take long for me to rise through the ranks because my colleagues were lazy and whinnying. Maybe you should ask yourself what you want to be? A representative for the rest of your life calling on doctors and subject to layoffs. Grow up and learn to be better than what you are!

^^ 80 IQ hands typed this post.

GSK managers do nothing but follow people around and look for things to criticize. Awful culture. 90% of managers currently at GSK are kool-aid sipping jokers with zero leadership ability or talent. All they do is kiss their useless VP's butt as much as they can. There is zero innovation here which is why there is no pipeline and the same thing is talked about week after week. Just look at the redundant conference calls, ride-alongs, and so-called 'new initiatives which are just the same old thing with a different spin or title. Overall, just do what you are told and don't provide any new ideas because they will not be listened to, embraced, or implemented. And so, the same antiquated ride-along process that has been around for 35+ years will continue. It's straight comedy. GSK will soon be a company of the past.
Surprised GSK has lasted this long. Used to work there are ridealongs in the beginning were fine- before they switched to patient first. Then they became awful- nitpicking managers who awarded their pets and possible lovers. Knew people in my district who qualified for both. I got the hell out of there when I could and remember early days when my status was based on sales which never lied! It was very embarrassing for all involved- including our customers.

Same old posts. Whining, and complaining. If you are a professional and extremely competent then ride alongs should not matter. When I was I rep I looked forward to my ride as a means to show off what I could do! It didn’t take long for me to rise through the ranks because my colleagues were lazy and whinnying. Maybe you should ask yourself what you want to be? A representative for the rest of your life calling on doctors and subject to layoffs. Grow up and learn to be better than what you are!
You obviously never worked at a company that actually respected their sales reps and didn’t treat them like 4th graders. GSK “way” is ridiculous and obviously people like you do well there. Bet you were the tattler in grade school.

You obviously never worked at a company that actually respected their sales reps and didn’t treat them like 4th graders. GSK “way” is ridiculous and obviously people like you do well there. Bet you were the tattler in grade school.
Thanks for proving my point that you aspire to being nothing more than a complainer, and a whinny representative who will never escape your situation. I’ve met hundreds of people like you. You blame everyone and everything for your lack of success. Grow up and rethink what you are doing. If GSK is so repressive then I suggest you go somewhere else where you can be successful.

Thanks for proving my point that you aspire to being nothing more than a complainer, and a whinny representative who will never escape your situation. I’ve met hundreds of people like you. You blame everyone and everything for your lack of success. Grow up and rethink what you are doing. If GSK is so repressive then I suggest you go somewhere else where you can be successful.
I am somewhere else, Einstein.