Tell me about the Alkermes car allowance.

Oh boy oh boy oh fucking boy. Now we have a choice of cars. It’s nice but perhaps some could think a little more big picture. For example is 5461 likely to get approved? Will quotas ever be realistic? Will the CCO ever get a clue? So much promise for the company but so little in terms of performance. Maybe the new guy from astellas will do his jon

Dude. Why all the hate? I think it may be a bit of a haul for 5461 to get approved. I'm thinking we may need an additional efficacy study or some longer term safety/non-habit forming information, but I have no more information on that than the general public. As far as goals and sales credit go, is it any different here than at any other pharma company? It is actually. I remember when they were way off on vivitrol goals they did some adjusting downward. That never happened at any of the other pharma co's i have worked for.

If this is too rough for you, maybe you should think about going elsewhere. I've been in this industry for a long time and this place is still refreshing to me. Even after 3.5 years. I work very hard for this company because I believe in it. If you don't maybe you should go somewhere else. Life is short, my friend. Find a place where you are happy.
What are the car choices? I'm interviewing. Bonus structure? I appreciate any information and it's nice to see someone not negative on these boards.
No car choices yet. Should be getting more information in July. You should really consider going with the car allowance. You can choose your own car and even make a little money on it if you get a less expensive car. All my prior co's had fleet cars and I was a little worried about allowance when I came here but now I don't think I'd want to go back to fleet. Will be interesting to see what kind of cars choices they give us. I've heard DBL's will have upgraded vehicles to choose from compared to reps. That's cool. At my last company us reps got Ford Excapes and DM's got fully loaded Ford Explorer's. If we are given Ford Escape or similar I'll probably keep the car allowance and stick with my nicer car.