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Tela Bio beware of new CCO


Pete Murphy is the new CCO at Tel Bio. How this inadequate synchophant was hired shows the their HR did not do its due diligence. Beware, this turd has no skills. He can barely speak in from of more than 10 people. Talk about technologically challenged! He cannot even put together a PowerPoint, he had another manager do them for him. He also led backdoor ambush to remove Pacira's African-American VP of Sales. Guess who replaced the VP? Yep, PM.
No leadership, no charisma, no creativity, no ethics, "boys club" mentality, terrified of most of his reps as a manager. Good luck!

At Pacira PM did nothing. There is not one thing that anyone at Pacira can say he improved the sales force, the leadership, ethics, morale, or culture. Not a good guy? Pacira shuffled him to TB to put another "do nothing" Dennis McLoughlin in his former role as VP of Sales.
Maybe Max Reinhart, another reject (Depuy-Synthes) has ZERO idea of what is going on.
The biggest problem is the CEO, Dave Stack.

At Pacira PM did nothing. There is not one thing that anyone at Pacira can say he improved the sales force, the leadership, ethics, morale, or culture. Not a good guy? Pacira shuffled him to TB to put another "do nothing" Dennis McLoughlin in his former role as VP of Sales.
Maybe Max Reinhart, another reject (Depuy-Synthes) has ZERO idea of what is going on.
The biggest problem is the CEO, Dave Stack.

This really has become a shit show...again.
The VP for contracting is quality but all others are just empty suits. Should drain the swamp and start over.
It's a shame as the technology is solid

I met several Pacira sales reps and two manager, all said Murphy was a liar and never stood up for his team.

Don't believe his accom0kishmemts, his region had 2 more reps than other regions & top region based on total revenue. Tgats how fucked up Pacira is.