Ted' Cruising! Trump headed for the Dump!

The typical Trumpster - old, white and poorly educated.

Wow that's not real impressive! If this was the typical Cruz supporter, you hating loons would be having cows.

Just another illustration of how deranged the Trump supporting/ Cruz bashing people on this board are.

What Trump has demonstrated is that he's unable to expand his base of support. His base of support is old, white and non-college educated.

In the primaries, he can get to about 35 %, occasionally a bit higher, and then that's it. Like I've said, Trump has a high floor but a low ceiling. I've been proven correct.

Cruz, meanwhile, has proven that he can expand his base of support. Cruz will wind up with the nomination and win the general against whichever old, white, crazed liberal the Dems decide to nominate.

There is no way the young, brilliant, Hispanic Cruz can lose! How could you not love the freshness and diversity he represents? How could you not love the policy positions which will be good for our nation? Hmmmm?

Say hello to President Cruz!!!!!!

Even if Taliban Ted manages to steal the nomination away from Trump at a contested convention, the GOP vote will be split in the fall. The Trump supporters will never back anyone other than their guy and most will just stay home rather than vote for Cruz. Another factor is the Latino vote. Cruz has a tough stance on immigration that will cost him to lose the Hispanic vote and lose the election. The numbers just don't add up for Lyin' Ted.

Even if Taliban Ted manages to steal the nomination away from Trump at a contested convention, the GOP vote will be split in the fall. The Trump supporters will never back anyone other than their guy and most will just stay home rather than vote for Cruz. Another factor is the Latino vote. Cruz has a tough stance on immigration that will cost him to lose the Hispanic vote and lose the election. The numbers just don't add up for Lyin' Ted.

No but they line up great for Honest Ted! :D

But hey thanks for weighing in with the crackhead perspective. Not very useful but great entertainment value!

WOW! Cruz (that is, "Lying Ted") came in THIRD, and a dismal third at that. It's still early so maybe he will wind up being fourth, behind "Margin of Error." Cruz is toast; he should go back to Canada.

You are gonna look like the biggest FOOL EVER ....There's NOT going to be brokered convention Trump is the nominee and you wasted 7 months of your pathetic life on LYIN TED
Eat Crow Political Hack

What are you talking about, fool? I support Honest Ted! I don't know who you're talking about. :p

We're almost certainly headed to an open convention, you can't even get the terminology correct. That shows how little you know, political hack!

Trump held serve. He won his home state, just like Honest Ted. That's basically all he did. Big deal!

WOW! Cruz (that is, "Lying Ted") came in THIRD, and a dismal third at that. It's still early so maybe he will wind up being fourth, behind "Margin of Error." Cruz is toast; he should go back to Canada.

LOL! Honest Ted has shut out lying Donald for the last MONTH! Trump wins his home state and you think it's a big deal. Honest Ted is playing political chess and you don't even understand checkers!:p

You Cruz, you Luz!

Wait until the next round of states - Lyin' Ted is in for another Bruzin'

Cruz on into another third place next week - lol

You Cruz with Honest Ted, you roll over the lying Trump speed bump.

Cruz has been Skull dragging trump for an entire month. Donald wins his home state. Big deal. He's supposed to! LOL!