
So does that mean they are completely folding Taro as a company? Is that what MB and Coote are discussing ? What is UB thinking here? Is he heading back and SG taking over the whole empire?

So pardon me for asking, but shouldn’t there be a caveat to this? Also what is the glitz and glamor anyway? I am sure 90% would say no to a move, unless they get apartments and automobiles paid for by the company.

My take is, who the heck is BC to make a decision? Will he be moving to Princeton too? Might be good for him much closer for those weekends spent on LBI.

Is MB moving? I am sure ZA and his staff will do the work without the drama of the NY people, plus no mountains in Southern New Jersey for skiing.

I guess we see how this plays out, in the meantime I will get my children SAT prep courses when they are of age for Princeton University just in case we have to transfer the family down there.


So pardon me for asking, but shouldn’t there be a caveat to this? Also what is the glitz and glamor anyway? I am sure 90% would say no to a move, unless they get apartments and automobiles paid for by the company.

My take is, who the heck is BC to make a decision? Will he be moving to Princeton too? Might be good for him much closer for those weekends spent on LBI.

Is MB moving? I am sure ZA and his staff will do the work without the drama of the NY people, plus no mountains in Southern New Jersey for skiing.

I guess we see how this plays out, in the meantime I will get my children SAT prep courses when they are of age for Princeton University just in case we have to transfer the family down there.


ZA will definitely take over. No need for 2 people in the same position. People respect him more in Hawthorne than MB anyway. BC is retiring soon. When the office moves, he will retire. All the plans will be finalized once we are all on SAP.

yes list of layoffs will be released soon. Covid extended the layoffs to 31.03.24

The list came out from India to get rid of staff on 31/12/2022. Problem is Senior Management wants Middle Management to fire their direct reports. Makes Senior Managers keep blood off their hands, as well as makes Middle Managers the “bad guys”. Company is so NON transparent, everything is a fabricated lie. Senior Management is a bunch of used car salesmen after a hurricane.

The list came out from India to get rid of staff on 31/12/2022. Problem is Senior Management wants Middle Management to fire their direct reports. Makes Senior Managers keep blood off their hands, as well as makes Middle Managers the “bad guys”. Company is so NON transparent, everything is a fabricated lie. Senior Management is a bunch of used car salesmen after a hurricane.