Taro Pharma buyout by Sun Pharma

Is anyone aware of the whistleblower mess with Sun in India? There was some more news on Friday. The stock price is tanking. Does any one at the home office feeling the pressure?. After all we are run by Sun.

I am getting worried. What if the buy us out to deflect the attention from them to us. Do you think this will happen sooner than later?

Is anyone aware of the whistleblower mess with Sun in India? There was some more news on Friday. The stock price is tanking. Does any one at the home office feeling the pressure?. After all we are run by Sun.

I am getting worried. What if the buy us out to deflect the attention from them to us. Do you think this will happen sooner than later?

It is hard to tell. I would start interviewing either way. This place is a hot mess. I just stay because it is close to home, so my job search is limited. Once SAP is in, there will be layoffs. I am sure of it. Can’t hurt to update your resume and go on a few interviews for practice. This way, you are ready.

It is hard to tell. I would start interviewing either way. This place is a hot mess. I just stay because it is close to home, so my job search is limited. Once SAP is in, there will be layoffs. I am sure of it. Can’t hurt to update your resume and go on a few interviews for practice. This way, you are ready.

Consensus says we hope MB gets canned. He is the worst person we have ever encountered. A mean narcissistic self centered prick.