Target Now

This is strong science. WE can help you understand it, willing to role play your presentations and make calls with you. Just ask. Please.

I am a clinical researcher with a masters in biology and statistics, and a cancer survivor. I am not interested in selling this idea to anyone.

Nor do I need any rep with a marketing degree to explain any scientific evidence or analysis to me. Just looking at the failed results/outcomes is enough for me and most clinicians (you may refer to that as 0% share of the market.)

This was not a scientific problem, this was a Duke problem. Shame on them for falsifying the data. Do you not agree that this science has great potential?

Yes, in this case it is Duke's problem (and Yale's problem in the case of OvaSure.)

And I agree that UNDERSTANDING a tumor's specific genetic makeup is a promising tool for developing treatment strategies. However I think the failures pointed out in this article suggest that whatever information we are mining from these tests are not leading to better outcomes. Whether there's a problem with the analysis of the information or the test results are inconsequential to treatment selection are the questions I have about this technology.

Gene Therapy for a host of diseases are also facing this challenge; we've now had the data on our own healthy cells for 15 years, but viable therapies have been slow to arrive because this is a complicated new approach to medicine. I recall similar stories in the late nineties about patients that were dying in gene therapy studies because researchers and clinicians were taking massive leaps to conclusions that were not reached by using good scientific method.

Potential is fine when we are studying a drug/therapy/test (as was the case at Duke) or when there are no treatment alternatives, but as a patient who is going to a doctor for a better outcome, or a doctor/institution that must manage costs, SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE SHOULD BE A MUST.

The absolute joke of the industry. Anything for a dime. Doctors laugh at the reps to their faces and we sit in the office and wait for them to deliver lunch so we can eat on their tab. None of the reps can sell anyway.

Genoptix is not a competitor to CTN. get your facts straight. Not that it matters due to the fact we are losing every bit of business we currently have due to one ineptitude. Excellent changes to the comp plan should really encourage everyone not to work as well. Of course the money to make everyone whole will come from the top performers, so I will be taking my business to another company that doesn't screw the top reps.