Tanking Stock

You all are on a sinking ship and trying to talk shit about a company that doesn’t have to spend $3 to make $1? Now you have no money and no loyalty and nobody wants you…but it’s the other companies that are bad.
They have a great product in DAXXIFY. The market is growing substantially and sales are growing quickly.

You all are on a sinking ship and trying to talk shit about a company that doesn’t have to spend $3 to make $1? Now you have no money and no loyalty and nobody wants you…but it’s the other companies that are bad.
Oh, really? You can say that because Prollenium is not a public company and doesn’t disclose their financials. Would be so interesting if your practices are public and scrutinized. It will not only show Prollenium is super shady, but also prove it is not in good financial standing. Foley is useless, but at least we don’t have to compromise our ethical values and fear receiving fda letters.

That’s why share price tanked and why there’s a take-over situation. Over promised under delivered. That’s how great daxi really is.
The share price did not tank because of DAXXIFY. DAXXIFY is the jewel in the crown. It tanked because Teoxane claimed breach on the RHA side, putting the deal premium into question, and the restated agreement is far too agressive in Teoxane’s favor.

Hey look in the bright side, with all the Versa people leaving there are options. I hear they are launching some fish sperm topical shit and maybe some exosomes next year. If they could somehow mix dog shit with HA and sell it they would and call it innovative. But still better than this shit box we are trapped in.

Hey look in the bright side, with all the Versa people leaving there are options. I hear they are launching some fish sperm topical shit and maybe some exosomes next year. If they could somehow mix dog shit with HA and sell it they would and call it innovative. But still better than this shit box we are trapped in.

Oh my where to even start on this one

The share price did not tank because of DAXXIFY. DAXXIFY is the jewel in the crown. It tanked because Teoxane claimed breach on the RHA side, putting the deal premium into question, and the restated agreement is far too agressive in Teoxane’s favor.
Share price -87% since start and -50% this year. Teoxane is another shit show with crazy leaders and questionable ethics but the share price tanked before that company claimed breach.

Oh, really? You can say that because Prollenium is not a public company and doesn’t disclose their financials. Would be so interesting if your practices are public and scrutinized. It will not only show Prollenium is super shady, but also prove it is not in good financial standing. Foley is useless, but at least we don’t have to compromise our ethical values and fear receiving fda letters.
Revance is the only company in this space that is headed to bankruptcy court if they aren’t bought. You may want to check your sources of information. Daxi sucks for anything except the 11’s. Duration in the Frontalis is total shit, and you know it. You have 1 lifeline and that is about to break. Merry Christmas Revance reps…you’ll be getting a jelly of the month club gift from Foley as he descends into oblivion in his golden parachute all while you pray mom and dad throw you an extra 0 or two on that Xmas check.

Revance is the only company in this space that is headed to bankruptcy court if they aren’t bought. You may want to check your sources of information. Daxi sucks for anything except the 11’s. Duration in the Frontalis is total shit, and you know it. You have 1 lifeline and that is about to break. Merry Christmas Revance reps…you’ll be getting a jelly of the month club gift from Foley as he descends into oblivion in his golden parachute all while you pray mom and dad throw you an extra 0 or two on that Xmas check.
This is it. 100%

Revance is the only company in this space that is headed to bankruptcy court if they aren’t bought. You may want to check your sources of information. Daxi sucks for anything except the 11’s. Duration in the Frontalis is total shit, and you know it. You have 1 lifeline and that is about to break. Merry Christmas Revance reps…you’ll be getting a jelly of the month club gift from Foley as he descends into oblivion in his golden parachute all while you pray mom and dad throw you an extra 0 or two on that Xmas check.
Jelly of the month from oblivious foley or fired for no reason without any pay or benefits just because marky mark wilkins woke up on the wrong side of the bed again? Great options everyone! The gossip about revance and prollenium is entertaining. And I’m not with allergan. Although I bet many would like to join them now just to be safe from this shit show.

Jelly of the month from oblivious foley or fired for no reason without any pay or benefits just because marky mark wilkins woke up on the wrong side of the bed again? Great options everyone! The gossip about revance and prollenium is entertaining. And I’m not with allergan. Although I bet many would like to join them now just to be safe from this shit show.