Takeda total sales 2.7 billion lighter with..


Actos now generic. Weren't sales 4 billion recently.Looking like profits falling big time,along with the reputation it used to have.Riches to rags story.Goodbye to an era.


Then leave idiot.[/QUOTE

I am in the process of doing so,but until I find the right opportunity of my choice,I will use Takeda as a means to meet my ends,keep taking the paycheck,and do the minimal. That's all the new Takeda deserves and will get from most of us.By the way,the only idiots are those not networking and applying for other jobs.

You are truly clueless. Grass used to be greener everywhere. Look at the whole industry, there is no perfect job anymore. It's what you make of it. Clearly you are just looking for a free ride, time to leave pharma for you. Probably never could make here anyway.

You are truly clueless. Grass used to be greener everywhere. Look at the whole industry, there is no perfect job anymore. It's what you make of it. Clearly you are just looking for a free ride, time to leave pharma for you. Probably never could make here anyway.

Spot on! If your looking for an easy gig then go do something else. It's obscene how people have abused pharma jobs over the years. The industry has changed and it's tough to do that now. So how about treating this like a real job and actually work?

Spot on! If your looking for an easy gig then go do something else. It's obscene how people have abused pharma jobs over the years. The industry has changed and it's tough to do that now. So how about treating this like a real job and actually work?

I used to work very hard,and so did many of my peers,but then they got kicked out the door for their efforts. I will not be as naive. I will bide my time,doing the minimal,until I find a job that appreciates hard work and dedication. Those attributes went away at Takeda 2 years ago.

I used to work very hard,and so did many of my peers,but then they got kicked out the door for their efforts. I will not be as naive. I will bide my time,doing the minimal,until I find a job that appreciates hard work and dedication. Those attributes went away at Takeda 2 years ago.

This is B.S. Look around at the industry. Working hard doesn't make you immune to being laid off. There are a lot of factors that go into that. There are great reps that get laid off at every company that goes through the process. Don't kid yourself into thinking Takeda is the only one. You are a number regardless of which company you work for. Working hard will keep you from getting fired but not necessarily laid off. So you can choose to have a crappy anti-Takeda attitude or you can be a realist and understand that there is no such thing as job security while our industry is going through changes. It isn't a Takeda problem. In the end, Takeda still sends you checks so you should work hard for that reason alone. Otherwise, you can go somewhere else and find the same circumstances over time. Just do your job and quit complaining. And this IS coming from a rep.....not a manager.

This is B.S. Look around at the industry. Working hard doesn't make you immune to being laid off. There are a lot of factors that go into that. There are great reps that get laid off at every company that goes through the process. Don't kid yourself into thinking Takeda is the only one. You are a number regardless of which company you work for. Working hard will keep you from getting fired but not necessarily laid off. So you can choose to have a crappy anti-Takeda attitude or you can be a realist and understand that there is no such thing as job security while our industry is going through changes. It isn't a Takeda problem. In the end, Takeda still sends you checks so you should work hard for that reason alone. Otherwise, you can go somewhere else and find the same circumstances over time. Just do your job and quit complaining. And this IS coming from a rep.....not a manager.

Last thing anybody needs right now is a lecture from a self righteous grandstanding Dbag.
Here's some advice for you, mind your own biz and get off cafepharma. Check back in when
You get tossed in the street. Then you'll have some street cred and we'll all take advice from
You because you are a "realist" who has experience the reality of losing your job, your house, your family, etc.

Last thing anybody needs right now is a lecture from a self righteous grandstanding Dbag.
Here's some advice for you, mind your own biz and get off cafepharma. Check back in when
You get tossed in the street. Then you'll have some street cred and we'll all take advice from
You because you are a "realist" who has experience the reality of losing your job, your house, your family, etc.

Losing your house and family? What does that have to do with anything? If I got laid off, I'm pretty certain I wouldn't lose my family. Sounds like you have had it pretty rough, and for that, I am truly sorry.

This is B.S. Look around at the industry. Working hard doesn't make you immune to being laid off. There are a lot of factors that go into that. There are great reps that get laid off at every company that goes through the process. Don't kid yourself into thinking Takeda is the only one. You are a number regardless of which company you work for. Working hard will keep you from getting fired but not necessarily laid off. So you can choose to have a crappy anti-Takeda attitude or you can be a realist and understand that there is no such thing as job security while our industry is going through changes. It isn't a Takeda problem. In the end, Takeda still sends you checks so you should work hard for that reason alone. Otherwise, you can go somewhere else and find the same circumstances over time. Just do your job and quit complaining. And this IS coming from a rep.....not a manager.

F.Y.I! In both layoffs,older,experienced,award-winning reps,were downsized,only to be replaced in that same territory with "newbies",being paid less money. I knew some of them personally,and was amazed that they were laid off.Downsizing is a time when companies like Takeda get rid of their higher priced talent,nor realizing the value they bring,and then blatantly replace them with younger,cheaper reps.I understand the need to downsize,but don't try to sugarcoat the real intentions.

F.Y.I! In both layoffs,older,experienced,award-winning reps,were downsized,only to be replaced in that same territory with "newbies",being paid less money. I knew some of them personally,and was amazed that they were laid off.Downsizing is a time when companies like Takeda get rid of their higher priced talent,nor realizing the value they bring,and then blatantly replace them with younger,cheaper reps.I understand the need to downsize,but don't try to sugarcoat the real intentions.

Industry going through changes? It is more like an industry (pharmaceutical sales force) being fazed out! Unfortunately, Takeda faster than other companies.

Spot on! If your looking for an easy gig then go do something else. It's obscene how people have abused pharma jobs over the years. The industry has changed and it's tough to do that now. So how about treating this like a real job and actually work?

What could you possibly be doing that is hard or even considered work? A trained monkey could do this job! We don't sell, we're not allowed to think, we can't do what is best for our business, we're told what to say and when to say it, and our products are old dogs. Really!!

What could you possibly be doing that is hard or even considered work? A trained monkey could do this job! We don't sell, we're not allowed to think, we can't do what is best for our business, we're told what to say and when to say it, and our products are old dogs. Really!!

Especially when you consider the fact that EVERYTHING that management has been associated with in the last 2 yrs. has turned to s###!That's right Dougie,you keep paying those consulting firm the big bucks to sink this ship faster than it is already going down.An untrained monkey couls do what Doug is doing now.Assclowns.

F.Y.I! In both layoffs,older,experienced,award-winning reps,were downsized,only to be replaced in that same territory with "newbies",being paid less money. I knew some of them personally,and was amazed that they were laid off.Downsizing is a time when companies like Takeda get rid of their higher priced talent,nor realizing the value they bring,and then blatantly replace them with younger,cheaper reps.I understand the need to downsize,but don't try to sugarcoat the real intentions.

funny there are two territory managers and one ssr in my pod of 5. between the three of us there are about 36 at TAP/Takeda. Guess your theory is shaky

What are their ages? Also,what was stated happened to some good friends of mine,so not theory,rather reality.

You can't make a generalization about the age of people let go. In our district, and areas around us it was just the opposite. The younger less tenured reps were cut and the higher paid, more experienced reps were kept. Both times! There are still older reps with the company. I'm not saying I know why they chose the reps they did but I do know that there are still older and higher paid reps with Takeda. Some may have been cut but many weren't.