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Syria Now In Full Scale Civil War - Congratulations, Libbies

Bubble Burster

CNN didn't cover this.

UN peacekeeping chief calls Syria conflict a civil war

U.N. peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous says the conflict in Syria is now a full-scale civil war, AFP reports.​

US says they will not get involved. Congrats, anti-war libbies. The blood from every innocent victim in Syria is on your hands. We could have prevented it. But now we won't be spending money, right? Obama will probably call it a spending reduction. And what the heck, they're only a bunch of Muslims, right?​

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CNN didn't cover this.

UN peacekeeping chief calls Syria conflict a civil war

US says they will not get involved. Congrats, anti-war libbies. The blood from every innocent victim in Syria is on your hands. We could have prevented it. But now we won't be spending money, right? Obama will probably call it a spending reduction. And what the heck, they're only a bunch of Muslims, right?​

Again, ask me if I care. Go

CNN didn't cover this.

UN peacekeeping chief calls Syria conflict a civil war

US says they will not get involved. Congrats, anti-war libbies. The blood from every innocent victim in Syria is on your hands. We could have prevented it. But now we won't be spending money, right? Obama will probably call it a spending reduction. And what the heck, they're only a bunch of Muslims, right?​

So, tell us, what do you want to cut from the budget so we can get involved in a civil war? Deficits ya know! I say start with Israel's $3Billion.

So, tell us, what do you want to cut from the budget so we can get involved in a civil war? Deficits ya know! I say start with Israel's $3Billion.

With Democrats it's always about the money first. Human suffering never counts, unless they're Americans. OK, letKs talk money.

How about putting all of those unemployed people that Obama couldn't put back to work?

How about getting rid of that monstrosity healthcare boondogle.

How about all of those liberal gimmies, like the tax rebate on the Volt. Oh, thats right...nobody is buying them.

OK then, how about shutting down the useless DOE. How about firing Obama. How about firing all of those useless 'Czars.

How about opening the oil drilling so the gummint can collect taxes on it. How about getting rid of the GAO.

How about turning off the A/C in the White House.

How about shitcanning all of those thousands of earmarks Obama promised he would not allow (ahem).

How about making him reimburse the gummint for the hundreds of millions for all of his campaign trips on Air Force One.

How about the humanity?

With Democrats it's always about the money first. Human suffering never counts, unless they're Americans. OK, letKs talk money.

So, which party is it again that wants to cut food stamps, education, unemployment again?

How about putting all of those unemployed people that Obama couldn't put back to work?

Go talk to the GOP house for voting down the Jobs Act and the tax incentive to bring back offshored jobs.

How about getting rid of that monstrosity healthcare boondogle.

The one that actually CUTS healthcare costs?

How about all of those liberal gimmies, like the tax rebate on the Volt. Oh, thats right...nobody is buying them.

So then there aren't any tax rebates if no one is buying them. Sorry, you lose again.

OK then, how about shutting down the useless DOE. How about firing Obama. How about firing all of those useless 'Czars.

Yep, that'll pay for a new war, wont it? By the way, DOE also handles our nations nuclear industry....nitwit.

How about opening the oil drilling so the gummint can collect taxes on it. How about getting rid of the GAO.

How about we stop giving oil subsidies in the first place? That will save even more.

How about turning off the A/C in the White House.

Oh yeah, that'll pay for another war. You're brilliant.

How about shitcanning all of those thousands of earmarks Obama promised he would not allow (ahem).

Talk to your GOP house who wants earmarks even though they ran on banning them.

How about making him reimburse the gummint for the hundreds of millions for all of his campaign trips on Air Force One.

How about you ask for GW and Clinton to reimburse his millions for trips on Air Force One....we get it, you just HATE having to pay for the same privilege as the other presidents because the current one is black, you racist.

How about the humanity?

See point one.


The lives of the thousands of human beings murdered in Syria mean nothing to you libbies. It's all about the money. Thanks for confirming that.

The Department of Education manages our nuclear weapons????

Nobody wants to cut education, genius. Just the DOE (Department of EDUCATION) which as useful as tits on a boar. The Student Loan program can be sent to another department. Please tell us about all of the wonderful accomplishments of the Department of EDUCATION.

Not even OhBlahBlah is sticking with the stupid story that Owedummycare saves money. Catch up.

So you're saying that the libbies want to keep people on unemployment rather than working?
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So, tell us, what do you want to cut from the budget so we can get involved in a civil war? Deficits ya know! I say start with Israel's $3Billion.

We could cut oil subsidies to the oil co. That would save billions$$$ for the civil war of B/B's.

How about going to Syria and cutting Assad?

How about cutting our subsidy to Israel's Ministry of Education with our $3B in aid every year if you want another war in that region. After all, its a useless department here in THIS country as you claim. Or are you more invested in the education of OTHER countries at the expense of the citizens here to pay for wars?

How about cutting our subsidy to Israel's Ministry of Education with our $3B in aid every year if you want another war in that region. After all, its a useless department here in THIS country as you claim. Or are you more invested in the education of OTHER countries at the expense of the citizens here to pay for wars?

Your post is a non sequitur.