sweeney in danger


Swenney? How long are you going to pummel solid reps and DM's for mistakes you made years ago? Presidents Club was fun a few years...no? You as a leader of this company need to understand what truly motivates your reps. I know, you get it. But reality is that you dont -some leaders do not follow the "mold" set in forth by you. Sometimes the outside thinkers, coaches, trainers, even personal friends - can motivate and help your region.

When will you see that- When do you want a phat trip to Maui again? Trust your DM's and in turn they will trust in you letiing them manage to their style. Be a manager , but not a boss - let you team fly without the fear of rejection. So easy, so hard to do.

ok sharks, or shall i say what the f..k, its all b.s., you win this year as the rep that is the most accountable, the most team player, the most positive attitude and the ironic part is that any year after the next it can come and haunt you, you will be the one that is the most unlikeable team player, the least attitude and the least accountable, its all a game and its all b.s...... shark? but as far as chris i know he is a good guy

I think Chris is a good guy too. I don't see him in danger, he has been one of the most successful RDs in the company for more than 10 years.

However, I definitely disagree with some of his decisions. I also think he has lost his luster in being able to effectively motivate and inspire his management team and reps.

There's so much secrecy about what you guys are doing that is so much work. We don't care or appreciate it because we don't know what you do and why you do it. We don't know anything about your secret world, how you prepare for a poa, why Andrea did so much extra. What is all this?

Why do you guys disassociate yourselves from us outside the workshop rooms? Why do you all sit together at general session? Why don't you (with a few exceptions) ever hang out with us at dinner or in the evening? We feel like we can't approach you

The human moments between us make us closer as a team or a group. There have been those human moments over the years, Chad created one in his room today. He does some little things that make us feel connected and it's great.

We know you guys do things like that for the mangemant team to keep you connected. Wouldn't that work for us too?

Well written; if teamwork is part of the SHARK concept than why not you management team hang out with us rather than sit in your little corner. Too much secret equals to too much untrust! We are just little fish in a big pond of Sharks.

Good points. Does your DM know you want to hangout with them? Outside of talkimg with other DMs to plan, my DM told me he doesn't hang with us much because he doesnt want to imply that he's 'always there' or not giving us a little space

Wow, some of these comments seem incredibly delusional. CS a good guy? If by good guy you mean a "leader" that breaks his rep's spirits and makes most of them miserable. As for the comment about people not working, do you have any idea who exactly is on his sh*tlist and who's not? There are plenty of people that are in CS's good graces that are terrible reps, lazy reps, etc. And there are plenty of people that are on the sh*tlist that are good if not great reps that work hard. There may be some people being targeted that are bad, lazy reps, but that's probably more due to coincidence than reason. If you don't believe it now, you will when your day comes to be on the sh*tlist. Oh yeah, CS always has a sh*tlist, so there will always be people on it.

And to the posters writing that the problem is that the DMs don't hang out with the reps more, please stop. It's bad enough to have to look at their faces for days during the POA and then 2 days a month on a ride along. The last thing I want (along with all the reps I know) is to have to see them any more than that.

ok sharks, or shall i say what the f..k, its all b.s., you win this year as the rep that is the most accountable, the most team player, the most positive attitude and the ironic part is that any year after the next it can come and haunt you, you will be the one that is the most unlikeable team player, the least attitude and the least accountable, its all a game and its all b.s...... shark? but as far as chris i know he is a good guy

No He's Not

I stuck it on and stake and lit it on fire... danced around like something out of Lord of The Flies

lmao, me too!

Did anyone else VOMIT during the "shark awards"?

PLEASE! This crap is SO played out. Your PDF awards don't mean anything anymore-it's a JOKE! Time to go back to the drawing board SoCal. Spoiler alert! If you don't change you are going to get your butt kicked. FYI-other regions MOCK you now.

Yeah, there was a time that your "sharks" instilled pride and the "winning culture" you seek. That time has passed. The more you recognize your "YOUNG" reps with little tenure, the more you isolate and exclude those of us who actually know what we're doing. Do you really think these reps with a year or two tenure are your "sharks"?

Why am I asking? Clearly the answer is yes. You are SO wrong. These are DOCTORS we are selling to, not people who are renting a freaking car, buying a copier, or looking for phone service.

Eddie wouldn't go for this crap.

lmao, me too!

Did anyone else VOMIT during the "shark awards"?

PLEASE! This crap is SO played out. Your PDF awards don't mean anything anymore-it's a JOKE! Time to go back to the drawing board SoCal. Spoiler alert! If you don't change you are going to get your butt kicked. FYI-other regions MOCK you now.

Yeah, there was a time that your "sharks" instilled pride and the "winning culture" you seek. That time has passed. The more you recognize your "YOUNG" reps with little tenure, the more you isolate and exclude those of us who actually know what we're doing. Do you really think these reps with a year or two tenure are your "sharks"?

Why am I asking? Clearly the answer is yes. You are SO wrong. These are DOCTORS we are selling to, not people who are renting a freaking car, buying a copier, or looking for phone service.

Eddie wouldn't go for this crap.

HA! I LOVE it. ONE manager recognized his entire team-well done Ray. OMG was that humility shown by a SoCal DM, WTF?

Every other DM was a damn fool up there making one rep happy and pissing off everyone else on their team. That is so smart! Nice job MG, it was SO EASY to decide who your "shark" is? I am sure the rest of your team really appreciated that. Nice.

Approximately 100 reps that don't think their managers or Rd do anything they couldn't do better or without them. Helluva culture. If Ichan is as smart as some believe and is evaluating Forest's cost per rep, he will eliminate the managers. How about that business model??? Carl??? Are you listening??? Also, in case you missed it, we don't respect you (YES we mean the entire management team-we really mean it this is not a typo- EVEN YOU!). CS deciding to promote you doesn't mean you have earned respect. Perhaps that should be stated again? You have to EARN the reps respect. Think about it.

Accurate but irrelevant. Chris isn't going anywhere under the current leadership. Why not say what you think on here though, everyone reads it so you will be heard. If Ichan has his way, everyone is fair game. However, those who have been here the longest also have the most to gain in stock. Hopefully Forest doesn't have any weak links on the board and the long time members will remain loyal. Gotta love that HS is fighting it though. He is one tough mfer.

He is not in danger, but the fact is everyone sees through his bullshit. We should do more regional business meetings so we can see him shed some more tears. Hopefully he will run out of tear jerking stories soon. Paddle on Eddie.

Post 13 is so accurate. The "Shark" award has become a joke, but it's an easy sell to keep the newbie reps motivated - little do they know that they will be on the chopping block soon enough. I say this being a "Shark" award winner when it was actually an honor. Now it is has become a silly gesture on the part of the "Shark" region to accolade reps who have had a great quarter. How about an " I have put up with your BS for years and still get sales results" award. That might actually keep the driving engine of this company motivated. Or - you can just give us an LOC...that seems to be working just fine.