Susie Brandt latest email


Susie Brandt’s most recent email called out 80 reps that make less than 7 calls a day. What a joke Susie.

Lesson one, don’t start off your emails flaunting all the lavish trips you’re going on while having one of your peons pull these lists for you to look at. It’s not a good look. If you were a savvy leader, you would know that in reality 90% of your reps are actually making less than 4-5 calls a day, but idiotic emails like this force reps to enter in fake calls so they don’t up on reports like this!

Lesson 2…Maybe you should be more concerned about why your team is getting slaughtered by OEC. Tik-Tok

We are compensated over $100 a call we enter. Not bad $ per hour for meeting a metrics. 4 calls a day is as good as it gets we get it. Just put the calls in. If it is 7 put seven in if it is eight put eight in. Don’t make waves that will sink my boat. Just do it

I'm so glad I left that sh*t company/ division.

I quit right after I saw her Mt. Kilimanjaro vacation. Who in their right mind uses their absurdly expensive family vacation as a division-wide training exercise at a sales meeting? A dolt, that's who.

Of course all of this garbage comes down from her. Joke, joke, joke.

Your got it wrong here! Her partner calls there dill doe Mt. Kilimanjaro
I'm so glad I left that sh*t company/ division.

I quit right after I saw her Mt. Kilimanjaro vacation. Who in their right mind uses their absurdly expensive family vacation as a division-wide training exercise at a sales meeting? A dolt, that's who.

Of course all of this garbage comes down from her. Joke, joke, joke.

Well she will win the trip to Scotland for her “hard work” and will justify how her 3-4 tone deaf emails pushed her “team” to be successful. I think she should send an email acknowledging how mostly low volume territories have made a killing this year while high volume territories are bringing in the revenue but making a joke of a bonus. Now that would be showing true leadership to her team.

Well she will win the trip to Scotland for her “hard work” and will justify how her 3-4 tone deaf emails pushed her “team” to be successful. I think she should send an email acknowledging how mostly low volume territories have made a killing this year while high volume territories are bringing in the revenue but making a joke of a bonus. Now that would be showing true leadership to her team.

The only high volume is from shady shit. Drug is the ultimate me too slop. TD Tic Tacs

Well she will win the trip to Scotland for her “hard work” and will justify how her 3-4 tone deaf emails pushed her “team” to be successful. I think she should send an email acknowledging how mostly low volume territories have made a killing this year while high volume territories are bringing in the revenue but making a joke of a bonus. Now that would be showing true leadership to her team.
That’s a huge point of contention with the larger volume territories. We can never hit those high attainments and compete with 120% plus attainment territories. 250+ scripts a week and struggling to hit goal each week while another territory needs 50 a week and a few 90d scripts get them a monster week. It’s all shit now.

Wow great video yesterday to get us pumped to not win the spiff contest if we aren’t 100% to goal. That’s quite the pickle Susie and Josh when you announce the “winners.”

I remember coming home after POA and laughing with my wife about the Mt. Kilimanjaro thing. "Pushing through adversity to reach great heights! Thank goodness my Sherpa was there to carry my pack!"

So glad I left.

The culture here is absolutely wild. Instead of asking reps to be TRUTHFUL about their calls, this creates pressure to LIE. They’d be smarter to ask for real, accurate calls and then take those analytics and downsize appropriately based on access and workload. 10 calls per day, multiple HCP coffees/snacks/meals upon drive time and admin etc…it’s too much. Great job FOSTER-ing a culture of lying, and micromanagement.

The culture here is absolutely wild. Instead of asking reps to be TRUTHFUL about their calls, this creates pressure to LIE. They’d be smarter to ask for real, accurate calls and then take those analytics and downsize appropriately based on access and workload. 10 calls per day, multiple HCP coffees/snacks/meals upon drive time and admin etc…it’s too much. Great job FOSTER-ing a culture of lying, and micromanagement.

Don’t you mean FORESTing a winning culture? . It’s all about the challenger sales model and hey they made a huge investment in us! You can’t put a price on that learn module and 5 minute videos, and don’t forget having our managers try and lead a discussion about the book…which is hard for them because most only read books with pictures and no big words.

The sad truth - the "Challenger" model is known to the customers that have 1/2 a brain and they are ever closing their doors to any representatives.

It killed the last two companies I was with...but, the good news, the packages are decent until you find a new gig.

Did she also mention the trip that was taken away from her about 10 years ago when she lost a club trip as punishment for her old St Louis dm crew pulling some shady stuff w Bystolic

It’s such a complete joke how this company has set goals with Vraylar the past year! How can it be fair to set goals increases exactly the same throughout the country with ZERO regards for current Baselines or Managed Care Access eight years into the launch. Teams with baselines of 50 TRX/week and teams with baselines of 400+ TRX/week have been asked to grow around 10% qtr over qtr this entire year. So the team with 50 TRX has to increase to by only 5 TRX but team with 400 has to increase by 40 TRX per week. All the smaller territories need is one provider to start writing just a little bit to win. Meanwhile, the bigger volume territories have to bust their butts to keep those TRX from falling off since patients switch meds all the time, big volume antipsychotic prescribers change practices often.

Not to mention the complete unfairness that comes into play when you live in a state that requires 2-3 + specific generic trails on Medicaid verses states that have ZERO steps.

Who are the idiots running the compensation program? A bunch of high school drop outs?

It’s such a complete joke how this company has set goals with Vraylar the past year! How can it be fair to set goals increases exactly the same throughout the country with ZERO regards for current Baselines or Managed Care Access eight years into the launch. Teams with baselines of 50 TRX/week and teams with baselines of 400+ TRX/week have been asked to grow around 10% qtr over qtr this entire year. So the team with 50 TRX has to increase to by only 5 TRX but team with 400 has to increase by 40 TRX per week. All the smaller territories need is one provider to start writing just a little bit to win. Meanwhile, the bigger volume territories have to bust their butts to keep those TRX from falling off since patients switch meds all the time, big volume antipsychotic prescribers change practices often.

Not to mention the complete unfairness that comes into play when you live in a state that requires 2-3 + specific generic trails on Medicaid verses states that have ZERO steps.

Who are the idiots running the compensation program? A bunch of high school drop outs?
You hit the nail on the head!! It’s a joke how the territories are compared and now that many territories were split even smaller while some remain HUGE, it’s almost impossible for these large territories that require multiple Medicaid failures to ever hit a summit win.