surveys about reps

Yes. Explain the layoffs and how dare they keep trying to push uncesssary testing to get us deeper in a hole.
It's won't be long before insurance companies across the board will only accept and pay for standardized, AMA certified panels unless there is more documented risk. Studies such as MESA will continue to revise ACC/AHA guidelines and it will harder to get advanced testing approval without a high JNC-8 or CHADS2-VASC risk.
It's going to be a tough road for all labs in the future, as our country shifts to a means tested government run system. Which is unfortunate because there is a lot of value in the VAP. Survival means contracting, collaborating with bigger labs who have done the legwork with payers, and leveraging outcomes via large, outcomes based studies. I don't see how rep surveys are going to help.

1. When was the last time you saw your Atherotech representative?

This Week
2-3 Weeks Ago
Last Month
3-6 Months Ago
I've never seen my rep.
*2. On average, you see your Atherotech representative:
Once a quarter
Once a month
Once a week
Multiple times per week
Other (please specify)
*3. What I like most about Atherotech is:
VAP+ Lipid Panel
Lab Quality
Lab Support (i.e. customer service, turnaround times, etc.)
My relationship with my rep
Other (please specify)
*4. My representative recently shared new information about the VAP with me including:
Not knowing about the risk is risky
LDL of 100 really being 136
Treating Beyond the obvious LDL
The important of PCSK9
None of the Above
*5. My representative has also informed me that the VAP is the:
Most comprehensive Lipid test available with information about remnant lipoproteins
The only lipid test to give you a real look at the Lp(a)
Most accurate lipid test available, because LDL is directly measured
Most affordable cholesterol test available with the competitive billing policy
Other (please explain)
*6. When discussing the VAP+, my representative has told me that the VAP+ is:
Complete, Comprehensive, and Customized
Accurate, Actionable, and Affordable
Cholesterol, Triglyceride, and Hereditary Risk focused
Quality, Support, and Innovation focused
Other (please explain)
*7. I understand the basic cholesterol test is flawed because:
It does not classify risk into cholesterol, triglyceride, and hereditary risk
Requires fasting
It is not flawed, and is fine to use in most patients
Significantly underestimates risk in nearly 50% of patients
Other (please explain)
*8. I would like additional support regarding:
How other physicians use the VAP+
Other tests available through Atherotech
How to treat identified risk
Other (please explain)
9. Other questions or comments:
10. Please provide the following information to be entered to win a GoPro Hero 4:

Email Address

1. When was the last time you saw your Atherotech representative?
This Week
2-3 Weeks Ago
Last Month
3-6 Months Ago
I've never seen my rep.
*2. On average, you see your Atherotech representative:
Once a quarter
Once a month
Once a week
Multiple times per week
Other (please specify)
*3. What I like most about Atherotech is:
VAP+ Lipid Panel
Lab Quality
Lab Support (i.e. customer service, turnaround times, etc.)
My relationship with my rep
Other (please specify)
*4. My representative recently shared new information about the VAP with me including:
Not knowing about the risk is risky
LDL of 100 really being 136
Treating Beyond the obvious LDL
The important of PCSK9
None of the Above
*5. My representative has also informed me that the VAP is the:
Most comprehensive Lipid test available with information about remnant lipoproteins
The only lipid test to give you a real look at the Lp(a)
Most accurate lipid test available, because LDL is directly measured
Most affordable cholesterol test available with the competitive billing policy
Other (please explain)
*6. When discussing the VAP+, my representative has told me that the VAP+ is:
Complete, Comprehensive, and Customized
Accurate, Actionable, and Affordable
Cholesterol, Triglyceride, and Hereditary Risk focused
Quality, Support, and Innovation focused
Other (please explain)
*7. I understand the basic cholesterol test is flawed because:
It does not classify risk into cholesterol, triglyceride, and hereditary risk
Requires fasting
It is not flawed, and is fine to use in most patients
Significantly underestimates risk in nearly 50% of patients
Other (please explain)
*8. I would like additional support regarding:
How other physicians use the VAP+
Other tests available through Atherotech
How to treat identified risk
Other (please explain)
9. Other questions or comments:
10. Please provide the following information to be entered to win a GoPro Hero 4:

Email Address

One of the funniest surveys ever. Does anyone think accounts are going to respond. We are a pimple on an ass.

But this survey being a silly endeavor was not your initial concern. Your initial concern was that the company was doing this punitively -- because your bitter, paranoid little brain could not fathom anything constructive that might otherwise resemble something "big brother" might do. This should be another confirmation to you that you need to move on. And try as you may to find that next Cush job, if nobody will have you, accept that it is you that SUCKS and not Atherotech -- and then just shut up.

Atherotech is absolutely moving in the right direction at a speed unlike anything in this industry. It is clear from the absurd comments on this board that there are still employees that need to go. The first rule of any successful company is to make sure they have a winning team who compels incredible strength, commitment and knowledge about the clinical integrity and value of what they are out there selling.

The industry is changing and to place blame on leaders who have had to make really tough decisions in a tough environment are cowards. I work for this company and this leadership team. There is constant professionalism among those who are still here. Our clinicians and scientists are committed to the value this testing can make in the lives of the people we represent. They hope to find patients who are at risk and make a difference. I am personally not aware of any lab out there who is not challenged in the current environment as reimbursements are decreasing, regulatory and govt oversight continues to escalate, patients benefits are changing and costs are shifting to those patients. It takes a strong leadership team to do the tough stuff. They are not venting on chat boards instead of working hard for a company who has been great to their employees.

If you are still here and making all these stupid comments, then you are stupid people. Move on and take the negativity and unprofessionalism with you. We all know who you are and we are quite certain the next company you go to will have the same result, and can expect the same lack of commitment which you have displayed publically.

I agree with Clint. Those of you (stupid) people who have given up on the lies of leadership should get off this board and on with your stupid life. I am appalled by your lack of understanding that I need to get this company sold. How am I going to get this company sold when you stupid-heads keep messing with my game? And you can bet that my game is 100% invested in saying what needs to be said to get this test sold to anyone who will buy it. This company has been good (to me). You stupid people need to stop attacking JM and the rest of us. JM can take you and you know it.
Now get back to work.

But this survey being a silly endeavor was not your initial concern. Your initial concern was that the company was doing this punitively -- because your bitter, paranoid little brain could not fathom anything constructive that might otherwise resemble something "big brother" might do. This should be another confirmation to you that you need to move on. And try as you may to find that next Cush job, if nobody will have you, accept that it is you that SUCKS and not Atherotech -- and then just shut up.

No I think this is an even funnier comment. It's is an initial concern because what customer the few we have left would take time to fill out such an ass of a survey. Just more insight that management is way of course and out of touch.

But this survey being a silly endeavor was not your initial concern. Your initial concern was that the company was doing this punitively -- because your bitter, paranoid little brain could not fathom anything constructive that might otherwise resemble something "big brother" might do. This should be another confirmation to you that you need to move on. And try as you may to find that next Cush job, if nobody will have you, accept that it is you that SUCKS and not Atherotech -- and then just shut up.
This company just doesn't get it. It's not about "messaging" or how often a rep visits an account. It's about how we can make things more efficient for a customer and how we can create fewer headaches for patients and accounts. How about asking "how many recent billing issues have you had, and what were they" or "what can your rep do to make your job of identifying risk easier"
You know, real world stuff. Not asking how often they see someone or when they were in there last.