1. When was the last time you saw your Atherotech representative?
This Week
2-3 Weeks Ago
Last Month
3-6 Months Ago
I've never seen my rep.
*2. On average, you see your Atherotech representative:
Once a quarter
Once a month
Once a week
Multiple times per week
Other (please specify)
*3. What I like most about Atherotech is:
VAP+ Lipid Panel
Lab Quality
Lab Support (i.e. customer service, turnaround times, etc.)
My relationship with my rep
Other (please specify)
*4. My representative recently shared new information about the VAP with me including:
Not knowing about the risk is risky
LDL of 100 really being 136
Treating Beyond the obvious LDL
The important of PCSK9
None of the Above
*5. My representative has also informed me that the VAP is the:
Most comprehensive Lipid test available with information about remnant lipoproteins
The only lipid test to give you a real look at the Lp(a)
Most accurate lipid test available, because LDL is directly measured
Most affordable cholesterol test available with the competitive billing policy
Other (please explain)
*6. When discussing the VAP+, my representative has told me that the VAP+ is:
Complete, Comprehensive, and Customized
Accurate, Actionable, and Affordable
Cholesterol, Triglyceride, and Hereditary Risk focused
Quality, Support, and Innovation focused
Other (please explain)
*7. I understand the basic cholesterol test is flawed because:
It does not classify risk into cholesterol, triglyceride, and hereditary risk
Requires fasting
It is not flawed, and is fine to use in most patients
Significantly underestimates risk in nearly 50% of patients
Other (please explain)
*8. I would like additional support regarding:
How other physicians use the VAP+
Other tests available through Atherotech
How to treat identified risk
Other (please explain)
9. Other questions or comments:
10. Please provide the following information to be entered to win a GoPro Hero 4:
Email Address