
Well done and good on you. I often wonder if it's the same cowardly pussy posting on these threads. Easy to be a hero when you're sitting behind a key board.

Sure....$20M PO...and with your $5M commission you are here on the loser’s chat talking crap anonymously. Tell mommy and daddy to loan you more money for the Holidays hero. And blame the company for your lack of skill.

One thing is for certain. Over last 5 years zimmer has gained the worst reputation out of all the players for the way it’s being run. If you’ve been in ortho sales awhile you know exactly what I am talking about. Leadership has become rotten to the core and it now stinks so bad the world can smell it. Sad times for Zimmer for sure.

One thing is for certain. Over last 5 years zimmer has gained the worst reputation out of all the players for the way it’s being run. If you’ve been in ortho sales awhile you know exactly what I am talking about. Leadership has become rotten to the core and it now stinks so bad the world can smell it. Sad times for Zimmer for sure.

Nailed it. Corporate clowns have destroyed Zimmer.
5M in commission?!! lol You mean the crumbs your distributor lets you keep and deducts the rest for "Zimmer corporate administration fee" aka thrown into a pillow case out the back door.

Yeah, really what's up with the go fund me anyway? A total lack of leadership... calling out every sales rep in every division... the bottom of the list without knowing why someone would be down is management by fear. Total lack of integrity.

I assume everyone else is getting the hard push to bring in bulk sales - or get fired if you don't. Compliant... nudge, nudge... oversell but don't hurt Q1 or you will get fired for that too. It is a continual roller coaster!