Don't know, don't care. 2 weeks notice is going out on Friday a.m. Peace ZB
Could Ivan the terrible be any more of a clown?
Could Ivan the terrible be any more of a clown?
call him and tell him. He gives his cell to everyone. He will pick up. Or just post anonymous insults here. Equally courageous I guess.
Well done and good on you. I often wonder if it's the same cowardly pussy posting on these threads. Easy to be a hero when you're sitting behind a key board.
One thing is for certain. Over last 5 years zimmer has gained the worst reputation out of all the players for the way it’s being run. If you’ve been in ortho sales awhile you know exactly what I am talking about. Leadership has become rotten to the core and it now stinks so bad the world can smell it. Sad times for Zimmer for sure.
I'M JUST GETTING THE HARD PUSH! YUM!!!I assume everyone else is getting the hard push to bring in bulk sales - or get fired if you don't. Compliant... nudge, nudge... oversell but don't hurt Q1 or you will get fired for that too. It is a continual roller coaster!