
I echo the last poster. The comp plan will need to change. There is no way they can continue paying from dollar one in some of these large territories where you have guys have $200-$300k for a commodity product. I bet there will be lots of territory cuts or thresholds where yothat you need to hit to get commissions.

this is all order taking everything is driven by price only and contracts in place. All the reps do are swing in make a visit see whats going on and maybe get a request to cross some instruments. The good old days are gone and the comp plan will be changing with that. I would suspect a decent base $50-$60k with a bonus potential each quarter.

It's unfortunate. I worked for them a while back, and great sales people would come and go and they didn't seem to care. They have never really had a competitive pay structure, and they have never seemed to care. It's a stepping stone company.

They never seemed to comprehend that constant turnover, and always having to train new people is not a good thing.