Surgical Principals (SPI)

For one it is multiple posters, I was one of the many. I was a past employee of SPI and I have plenty to complain about but would rather use that energy else where. They really don't deserve this much attention. The only thing to say or advice to give is just stay away from SPI.

Sadly, all the above are posted by one individual. I'm not going to comment on the company but I know the poster above. I also know each of the people he talks about above. Sadly the poster was fired in training and must have gone back to his 700000 a year Ortho position ... Really? You left that company for SPI?

There are several different posters Karl ! Did all the disgruntled employees offer to blow you? I hope not . She /he must have been completely desperate to offer that up for a crappy job.
What will it take for you and Tymm to wake up? You waste thousands training people to fail. Why not invest in quality training and professional management? Tymm could fire you and the company would be better off and he could buy another car with your salary. You are just an extra heartbeat, you offer nothing but negativity and ignorance. Your emails don't make an sense most of the time and Hello get/use spell check.

As mentioned above the saddest thing is that everything posted is true. No fiction here!!!
The owner and the regional managers love nothing more than to call people out and go out of their way to berate and chastise salespeople. Nothing ever makes them happy , you can follow their instructions to the letter and they will still slam you for something . They are never wrong and you will never do anything right. Hostile workplace is an understatement. Leaving was the best thing I ever did , I sleep better at night and I feel happier. SPI will suck the living life out of you. I now can appreciate working for a normal company that has everyone 's best interest at heart and is not sleazy.

Amen brother and sister! This company needs a management consultant firm to help TW make an informed decision for restructuring the current management team. Offering to blow a manager to make him more relaxed and feel secure about a position with the company is unconscionable! Changes with this organization must be made or serious ramifications will prevail!

TW has built a career out of knock offs . He doesn't get that a copy of the original is never as good. Anyone can buy a copy of the Mona Lisa and put it above their mantle, a normal person knows that it is a copy and appreciates it for what it is.TW would re- paint the Mona Lisa in crayon and say his version was better. Then try to sell it! He is delusional . His managers are either desperate or have had too much Kool aide?? I agree with the two posters above that stated all the posts were correct, nothing fabricated here. All the facts are original not a knock off !!!

This theme sounds exactly out of scene from Tommy Boy. I can tell you one thing for sure. If you can help get into the OR and sell key opinion leaders on the products presented, this may be the company for you. This company needs sales to compete against the giants in the industry. It is up to you to assess this challenge to make a difference and move the needle.

This theme sounds exactly out of scene from Tommy Boy. I can tell you one thing for sure. If you can help get into the OR and sell key opinion leaders on the products presented, this may be the company for you. This company needs sales to compete against the giants in the industry. It is up to you to assess this challenge to make a difference and move the needle.

Good one Timmy ! Let's all hold hands and skip. Maybe Karl can ride along beside us on a unicycle juggling pineapples.

Tim Wynn is the biggest douche you will ever meet. He emails to his reps are slanderous . He never has a positive thing to say. He really is the King of the knock off . Never had an original thought in his life. Thank goodness he did not become an MD, he's not smart enough and it's all about the $$$ to him. A patients wellfare would be of no concern to him. All he worries about is making money and making his reps feel inferior . And honestly none of reps would ever aspire to be like him, moreover the exact opposite .

Amen brother and sister! This company needs a management consultant firm to help TW make an informed decision for restructuring the current management team. Offering to blow a manager to make him more relaxed and feel secure about a position with the company is unconscionable! Changes with this organization must be made or serious ramifications will prevail!

TW will never admit he needs help, never spend money on a consultant. He thinks he knows it all and that it is easier to keep hiring the wrong people. They chase off the good reps that actually know more than they do and have better industry knowledge. It's a very sad state of affairs. The only person TW listens to is his wife , and she knows nothing. His balls are in her back pocket . I honestly don't know how he looks at himself in the mirror each morning, he would be livid if someone treated his son this way. I would hate to be his child , never a kind word or comment from his dad and an overbearing mother. A miserable life for all.

KK and TW spend so much time conniving and trying to undermine their reps it's insane. If they spent that time actually working in a positive way the company would be in much better position. They are miserable depressed people. Being mean/negative takes more time out of your day that you could be living your life in happiness. These men are purely existing , they are unhappy , they have no joy or pleasure. You reap what you sow.

The owner Timmy Wynn signs all his emails El P ? What the hell does that mean? I can think of a lot of words for the P. He is such an idiot . Words can hardly describe him. I don 't know how people like him function in the real world. Wait, I forget he lives in LaLa land! He is the King!!!

They have a full training class every session. Some people quit in the middle of it.
Tim is beyond obnoxious. Nobody can stand him. If he was as Rich , handsome , and smart as he thinks he is he would be a real threat. But sadly he none of the above . He makes Hitler look like a Sunday school teacher !!!

I hate all the upper management at SPI. They are all horrible people . Cruel, insensitive , unreasonable and down right stupid. Their customer service employee are clueless and the management thinks they are perfect, immune to making a mistake . They can not count to ten.
They all love it, like a pig in the mud. SPI should stand for Stupid People Incorporated!!! You will never see a worse group assembled unless you attend an Obama family reunion .

How is Tim handling the National morcellator pressthat may effect Loop challenge? The ramifications have just started as legal teeth sink in and docs abandon and diversify procedures like LSH into TLH.

There's a ton of angry people on here spewing some pretty slanderous stuff, but that seems to be the MO for cafepharma. Every company on this site is chalked full of disgruntled employees. SPI's not a perfect company, but I challenge you to find one that is. If you're looking for a place to get into OR sales and make a good living, you can do that here. I can't speak to the other managers, but the Southwest RSM (TC) is good at helping you maximize the comp plan and deal with issues when they pop up. It's a diverse bag with a ton of call points and contrary to what most of the people above are saying, they want you to succeed and do well. If you put the effort into it in training and in the field, you can do well with SPI.

Really?!? Average turn over for them is probably 10 months. How does a company have a full training class at least 3-4 times a year and only have 25 or so territories??? You would think that at least someone would stick around?!? Could not possibly be SPIs fault. There are only two reps that have been there for more than three is a decent guy but blind to reality, the other has a serious rap sheet and he can't get a job anywhere else bc of his jail time. I have never heard of a company taking money out of your paycheck bc you have a bad month. Also threaten the entire sales force that if they don't sell the colpotomizer they are fired....then when no one in the company does he chickens out and doesn't fire a single rep??? You call that motivation or respect? I agree there are a lot of folks that are disgruntled employees bad mouthing but SPI has a negative culture and reps are just a means to get one or two more accounts. Yes it is a good job to "break" into the industry... But you WILL not make the money promised during the interview. Real numbers are 70-90k and expenses out of your own pocket. I am glad you are happy, maybe you can be rep number three that lasts.....