70/30 and 30 is curosurf! I take it you are retarded.
OK.... We just care about the other stuff 2.33 times more than Curosurf.
70/30 and 30 is curosurf! I take it you are retarded.
OK.... We just care about the other stuff 2.33 times more than Curosurf.
I care about 100% of my portfolio and bonus 100% of the time!!!!
Are you retarded??? I think everyone does, Idiot!
It's true. Cardene is hard because it is a much less specialized drug. You have to be able to speak on the level of some pretty important folks at the door to the ER, and also the guy who you pay to get out of the ticket you got for parking in the doctor's lot at the hospital. And you have to get all of this accomplished while waiting in line at the tanning booth.
Honey, you haven't actually bothered to visit on of your ERs since you were 35, and we both know that was a LONG time ago.
They could have 3,000 reps, and it wouldn't matter. To understand this, you really have to listen to customers. DSCO burned every bridge it crossed over the past decade, which would be bad enough. The biggest mistake, however, was choosing not to listen to customers regarding the product design. I applaud DSCO for trying to make the discussion about synthetic, but in the end the customer is not going to be pleased with the product features. Good luck to anyone involved, but it is not going to take off.
real simple - would you want your child exposed to antigens from an animal or not? Synthetic good - animal derived bad. Look at the insulins, topical thrombins etc. Recombinant/synthetic is the wave of the future and if DL does this right, no parent in their right mind would ever condsider using a animal based product. I wouldnt, and I sell our damn drug.
The last time I checked, the doctor doesn't bring a menu of surfactants to the mother's bedside and let them pick which one they want to be used. Doctors will make their decisions based on data and ease of use. Post #10 is right on the money.
Right on the money? So a lower death rate for Surfaxin versus Curosurf and lower costs due to less intubation is no porven benefit?
Watching debating details on cafepharma is so boring and stupid! Save it for f2f with Clinican's.
real simple - would you want your child exposed to antigens from an animal or not? Synthetic good - animal derived bad. Look at the insulins, topical thrombins etc. Recombinant/synthetic is the wave of the future and if DL does this right, no parent in their right mind would ever condsider using a animal based product. I wouldnt, and I sell our damn drug.
You my friend are and idiot. Ever heard of MAb's. Monoclonal antibodies, you know the most important discovery in oncology in the past 10 years for targeted therapy. Rituxin, Herceptin, Avastin ring any bells? All billion plus molecules. Most are of the chimeric variety meaning half mouse half human. But go ahead and keep telling yourself animal derived is bad. Again, there is a reason you work at cornerstone.
Listen moron, those are two completely different patient populations and disease states. Monoclonal antibodies services old patients and saves lives. When a rapidly developing baby is exposed to animal proteins at such an early age who knows what long term effects this can have.
You my friend are and idiot. Ever heard of MAb's. Monoclonal antibodies, you know the most important discovery in oncology in the past 10 years for targeted therapy. Rituxin, Herceptin, Avastin ring any bells? All billion plus molecules. Most are of the chimeric variety meaning half mouse half human. But go ahead and keep telling yourself animal derived is bad. Again, there is a reason you work at cornerstone.