Sure got quiet in here.

Wonder what the leaders are up to? Wonder what the board intends on doing with JM? What are people hearing out there?

I guess JM is on the board so he has their blessing. If they keep shedding people obviously the board has decided not to pump any new money into the company. So it looks like the board is saying no more new money, turn this around on your own.

Most demotovating place I have ever worked. Just blame the sales force for everything that goes wrong when there is no viable strategic vision for this test. It takes more than "messaging" to make a clinic want to work with us. The people who think up stuff like "not knowing the risk is risky" live in a damn bubble. It's not reality. Docs don't give a shit about that kind of stuff. They want to have an easy way to run their tests and we are supposed to be all idealistic!! Barf!

You are such a smart little historian. You overlook a minor detail though. This isn't war, and people are here on their own free will. Unlike Normandy, if people are unhappy here, they can leave at any time. Hint. Hint. You are such a noble crusader, but your cafepharma graffiti rebellion is not necessary because we are not at war. You are not a prisoner. Just leave.

You are such a smart little historian. You overlook a minor detail though. This isn't war, and people are here on their own free will. Unlike Normandy, if people are unhappy here, they can leave at any time. Hint. Hint. You are such a noble crusader, but your cafepharma graffiti rebellion is not necessary because we are not at war. You are not a prisoner. Just leave.

You just leave Clint, you pudgy loser. Go buy some more skinny jeans and tight fashion boy sweaters

#1 this isn't Clint
#2 Clint isn't the only person who believes in this place. While people are understandably nervous, most people want to be here and want Atherotech to succeed. Obviously you are not one, so go away.
#3 stooping to irrelevant personal attacks on a public forum makes you a coward and your unkindness is reprehensible. Please leave and take your hatred elsewhere.

#1 this isn't Clint
#2 Clint isn't the only person who believes in this place. While people are understandably nervous, most people want to be here and want Atherotech to succeed. Obviously you are not one, so go away.
#3 stooping to irrelevant personal attacks on a public forum makes you a coward and your unkindness is reprehensible. Please leave and take your hatred elsewhere.

shut up clint

#1 this isn't Clint
#2 Clint isn't the only person who believes in this place. While people are understandably nervous, most people want to be here and want Atherotech to succeed. Obviously you are not one, so go away.
#3 stooping to irrelevant personal attacks on a public forum makes you a coward and your unkindness is reprehensible. Please leave and take your hatred elsewhere.

Wussy. Another cry baby

Well, we just received the news that the HR dept. has jumped ship. Only one left is LT. For how long, who knows. However, per Jim the company is doing great. Especially now that we have some new accounts. Yeah right! Come on just shoot the horse and put it out of its misery.

Well, we just received the news that the HR dept. has jumped ship. Only one left is LT. For how long, who knows. However, per Jim the company is doing great. Especially now that we have some new accounts. Yeah right! Come on just shoot the horse and put it out of its misery.
. Jim can't be honest. Results are where the rubber hits the road. History will write in one year he ruined a decent company b

Well, they lied to us about the billing change and said it was due to the OIG report when really it was ALL about raising our prices due to a supposed reduction in insurance reimbursement so I don't really expect them to be honest with us at this point either. I no longer trust upper management nor middle-management, time to start looking for a new opportunity. Oh how I miss the old upper management team!

Exactly, I've questioned everything that has happened since JM took over. He's got the remaining RDs so far up his ass they can't see what's really going on in the field. The RDs know they can't make nearly the money they're making now anywhere else so they hang around as the ass kissers. Anybody that's left of this company is not working every day to better the company, they're working every day to better their checkbook. Such a shitty work environment, thanks JM for your inspirational leadership, you da man!

Are there still people left that think this can be turned around in 2016??? FB leaving is a BIG deal because she was on the executive committee and met with the board. She knows what's really going on her, and it's not pretty folks. For her to jump now, you know this ship is going down.