Support Romney and Obama wins

-Real income has fallen
-Unemployment has risen
But remember- this capitalism-- when the Emporer/CEO decides he needs to buy another yacht- he has to decrease head count in order to get the funding. You wouldn't want the govt to create jobs would you.
-dramatic increases in families receiving aid such as food stamps
-The deficit is out of control to the point youth see a questionable future
Obama can't decide from one day to the next if he should court businesses or if they are the enemy
-The healthcare takeover will drastically increase costs and decrease quality for the majority of Americans, and will move more and more people under government provided and allocted care. Most hilarious is this was his idea of fiscal restraint
-obama has apologized to our enemies and insulted our allies again and again
-He has polarized and divided a nation, increased racial tensions
- He has allowed the office of president to ignore proof and documentation required throughout the history of the office and has spent millions preventing documentation or release of anything about his history
I don't think he is 100% resposible for this-- he is just a puppet for a bigger power. This had to be a result of cooperation between many different organizations.
-He has expanded the power of the government far beyond the worst nightmares of those who fretted about the patriot act
-He is a very poor military tactician, announcing his plans for political points without any concern for risk to the troops on the ground
-He should be an embarrassment to blacks, with his harvard degree and trumped up oratory resume, yet falls into slang and ghetto speech--Um really? when talking to a black audience - an educated, elected black audience
-social engineering with a defined plan to redistribute wealth, to reward those who do not by taking from those who do
-selling out allies with the missile shield in eastern europe
-ignoring the threat of Iran's nuclear capabilities
- gas and food prices have soared
But isn't this Capitalism in action? Arent these companies allowed and supposed to make as much money$$ as they can, so that their shareholders can be as rich as godly possible? So what, now you want obama to step in and Lower Gas and Food prices?? I see You want socialsim when it can help YOU, got it.-
-a catastrophic drop in the US rankings in economic freedom
-banks continue to fail and close
and this is a bad thing? He should have let all the banks fail.
-He continualy circumvents procedure and the responsibilities of other arms of goverment to push through what he wants
well that doesn't seem to be the case now with his jobs bill, now does it??-he effectively created amnesty for illegals and does nothing about individual states enacting laws that dilute illegal enforcement, but sues states who try to enforce federal law within their borders. Thousands of acres in Arizona are closed to US citizens due to illegal activity but he does nothing to stop it except removing US citizens
-stimulus I was a massive expansion of government, poorly thought out, rushed as a crisis, and so poorly executed. So the obvious answer to that failure is to do it all over again.

Wow, Capitalism is tough, aint it?
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Actually not - may vote for Howard Stern.

I don't have time to run down this list but most of it is stuff you can attribute to the previous administration, anyway:

oil hit $147 under Bush - what is it now?
mater sandwhich hit $2.50 under Bush, just built one yesterday for $1.50

game set, match..........

If you want to play the antecdotal story thing so be it. When Bush was Prez a ribeye was $6.99 lb at my butcher's. It's now $11.99. Wanna discuss the cost of gold or silver? Maybe cotton or corn?

Real deep economic analysis there Vag.