Support Romney and Obama wins

I Love America

Everyone thinks that supporting Perry, or Bachman or anyone else other than Romney assures Odummy a victory. But, nothing can be further from the truth.

Ask yourself this question. If you agree that the mainstream media is out to protect Odummy at all costs, then why would they allow a real threat to Odummy to emerge from the GOP field?

Don't you find it odd that the lamestream media hasn't gone after Romney with full throttle the way they did with Bachmann when she had the lead, the way they did with Perry when he had the lead and now the way they are going after Cain.|htmlws-main-bb|dl1|sec1_lnk2|102740

This poll will tell you who the true conservatives are. Now is our chance to get a real conservative into the White House. If you support Romney and go along with the GOP establishment, then you deserve what you get.

I for one will not be party to it and I will not support Romney if he is the nominee.

BTW, the one guy who Breakingnews says he would consider voting for gets 0% which should tell you everything you need to know about Huntsman. If Breakingnews would consider voting for him and if you think Breakingnews is a goofball lib, why in the hell would you consider voting for that person?

Start thinking for a change.

I disagree with you. A very small percentage of the US population is as far right as Bachmann, for example.

We currently have one of the most inexperienced, indecisive presidents in the nation's history. He is an extreme liberal in ideology but has failed the far left because he does not know how to make things work outside of an academic, ideological, theoretical world. You apply this to the messy real world, get faced with hard choices and disagreement, and a "leader" who is polarizing and divisive, and you get the disasterous results we have watched the last three years.

I think Perry and Bachmann have a role in stabilizing the nation but we need a president who is fiscally conservative without far left or right social views. This is the only way the nation comes back together and focuses on what matters, gets off the nonsense of us against them and socking it to the rich, quits playing the victim mentality of poor us who aren't company presidents a year out of school. We can't have a fed so embroiled in social issues from calling a person's faith a cult, to wanting to imprison doctors for legal abortions, and wanting to reverse women's social progress. We need a fed that returns to their primary responsibility, national security and financial stability. We will not get both sides working on solutions, and we do need both sides for the best answers, with idealogues from the right or left. You do not correct obamanism by going to the far extreme opposite.

What impresses me about Romney is he listens to his constituents and works toward what they want in their government. He has a detailed plan on far ranging issues. He was a successful leader in an extremely liberal state. Cain is an interesting one that I am still watching but he is beginning to show signs of a big head and naivete in understanding government. I haven't counted him out yet, hope he has a role in the administration, but don't think he has what it takes to lead a nation. I wish Gingrich could get some traction because of all the candidates, he really is the one I feel has what the nation needs. But he is faced with more than his personal issues, and is viewed as old school and an insider.

The view that an extreme right candidate will not win is being stated in more than just the biased media. Poll after poll shows more than 45% of voters will absolutely not vote for obama - - - or Perry. If you really want to question the media bias, you should look at Romney again. The media is so afraid of this guy, despite his rise in the polls with voters, all they can talk about is need for another candidate, his mormonism, and that he isn't the life of a party.

I disagree with you. A very small percentage of the US population is as far right as Bachmann, for example.

We currently have one of the most inexperienced, indecisive presidents in the nation's history. He is an extreme liberal in ideology but has failed the far left because he does not know how to make things work outside of an academic, ideological, theoretical world. You apply this to the messy real world, get faced with hard choices and disagreement, and a "leader" who is polarizing and divisive, and you get the disasterous results we have watched the last three years.

I think Perry and Bachmann have a role in stabilizing the nation but we need a president who is fiscally conservative without far left or right social views. This is the only way the nation comes back together and focuses on what matters, gets off the nonsense of us against them and socking it to the rich, quits playing the victim mentality of poor us who aren't company presidents a year out of school. We can't have a fed so embroiled in social issues from calling a person's faith a cult, to wanting to imprison doctors for legal abortions, and wanting to reverse women's social progress. We need a fed that returns to their primary responsibility, national security and financial stability. We will not get both sides working on solutions, and we do need both sides for the best answers, with idealogues from the right or left. You do not correct obamanism by going to the far extreme opposite.

What impresses me about Romney is he listens to his constituents and works toward what they want in their government. He has a detailed plan on far ranging issues. He was a successful leader in an extremely liberal state. Cain is an interesting one that I am still watching but he is beginning to show signs of a big head and naivete in understanding government. I haven't counted him out yet, hope he has a role in the administration, but don't think he has what it takes to lead a nation. I wish Gingrich could get some traction because of all the candidates, he really is the one I feel has what the nation needs. But he is faced with more than his personal issues, and is viewed as old school and an insider.

The view that an extreme right candidate will not win is being stated in more than just the biased media. Poll after poll shows more than 45% of voters will absolutely not vote for obama - - - or Perry. If you really want to question the media bias, you should look at Romney again. The media is so afraid of this guy, despite his rise in the polls with voters, all they can talk about is need for another candidate, his mormonism, and that he isn't the life of a party.

There isn't a hair's bit of difference between McShamnesty and Romney. I also notice that you always seem to want to avoid that fact that Romney "now" says he is pro life. Now, either you are employing cognitive dissonance and pretending it isn't happening or deep down you think he is doing the same thing Odummy is doing regarding gay marriage when he says he thinks marriage is between a man and a woman but the gays know where is true heart lies.

If that is the case, than Romney is just your typical politician and how do you really know he won't "reverse" his positions once elected?

Like I said, you are missing the point and you are being fooled. If you are listening to "republicans" telling you Romney is the "grown up" you are being manipulated.

I know I am not going to change your mind. I am just telling you what will happen if Romney is the nominee. Willard will be savaged in the media if and once he gets the nomination and I will turn my back on the GOP once and for all. Willard is just another in the long line of the pseudo aristocracy like the Bush clan.

The fact that people let him get away with this nonsense of him claiming to not be a "career politician" is laughable. He only started running for office in 1994. His daddy was the Governor of Michigan which probably means he has had his eye on this forever. That alone makes me distrustful of this guy. I have had enough of the establishment types like Willard.

U folks crack me up.:D Just because Obama hasn't cleaned up the BU$H and the Judeo repub mess as fast as U wanted U are going to vote for the same bunch that got us into this mess.:D:D:D Oh brother!!!:D

U folks crack me up.:D Just because Obama hasn't cleaned up the BU$H and the Judeo repub mess as fast as U wanted U are going to vote for the same bunch that got us into this mess.:D:D:D Oh brother!!!:D

One thing is certain. obama and his ilk have done more damage to the United States in the past three years than what was done in the previous 20. Anything and anyone will be an improvement.

U folks crack me up.:D Just because Obama hasn't cleaned up the BU$H and the Judeo repub mess as fast as U wanted U are going to vote for the same bunch that got us into this mess.:D:D:D Oh brother!!!:D

How are the Scientists' experiments coming Charlie? Are you and Algernon having deep philosophical discussions?

I disagree with you. A very small percentage of the US population is as far right as Bachmann, for example.

We currently have one of the most inexperienced, indecisive presidents in the nation's history. He is an extreme liberal in ideology but has failed the far left because he does not know how to make things work outside of an academic, ideological, theoretical world. You apply this to the messy real world, get faced with hard choices and disagreement, and a "leader" who is polarizing and divisive, and you get the disasterous results we have watched the last three years.

I think Perry and Bachmann have a role in stabilizing the nation but we need a president who is fiscally conservative without far left or right social views. This is the only way the nation comes back together and focuses on what matters, gets off the nonsense of us against them and socking it to the rich, quits playing the victim mentality of poor us who aren't company presidents a year out of school. We can't have a fed so embroiled in social issues from calling a person's faith a cult, to wanting to imprison doctors for legal abortions, and wanting to reverse women's social progress. We need a fed that returns to their primary responsibility, national security and financial stability. We will not get both sides working on solutions, and we do need both sides for the best answers, with idealogues from the right or left. You do not correct obamanism by going to the far extreme opposite.

What impresses me about Romney is he listens to his constituents and works toward what they want in their government. He has a detailed plan on far ranging issues. He was a successful leader in an extremely liberal state. Cain is an interesting one that I am still watching but he is beginning to show signs of a big head and naivete in understanding government. I haven't counted him out yet, hope he has a role in the administration, but don't think he has what it takes to lead a nation. I wish Gingrich could get some traction because of all the candidates, he really is the one I feel has what the nation needs. But he is faced with more than his personal issues, and is viewed as old school and an insider.

The view that an extreme right candidate will not win is being stated in more than just the biased media. Poll after poll shows more than 45% of voters will absolutely not vote for obama - - - or Perry. If you really want to question the media bias, you should look at Romney again. The media is so afraid of this guy, despite his rise in the polls with voters, all they can talk about is need for another candidate, his mormonism, and that he isn't the life of a party.

Romney and Obama are bookends, for you to think otherwise is laughable. If you dig into his stances from anywhere form HC reform, gay rights, foreign policy, and immigration etc… There is absolutely no difference between the two; I’d even venture to say the Romeny’s even more liberal than McCain.
Also the guys a former venture capitalist who bought up companies chopped then up and either sent jobs overseas or eliminated them all together. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, not exactly the guy Americans have a stomach for right now.
Plus Romeny’s a flip-flop machine and is nicknamed the flip-flipper. I hate to say so but ILA’s right Obama easily beats Romeny. The polls you're reading into mean squat right now. Romeny won’t gain support of his base, and his negatives will go way up as time goes on.

Romney and Obama are bookends, for you to think otherwise is laughable. If you dig into his stances from anywhere form HC reform, gay rights, foreign policy, and immigration etc… There is absolutely no difference between the two; I’d even venture to say the Romeny’s even more liberal than McCain.
Also the guys a former venture capitalist who bought up companies chopped then up and either sent jobs overseas or eliminated them all together. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, not exactly the guy Americans have a stomach for right now.
Plus Romeny’s a flip-flop machine and is nicknamed the flip-flipper. I hate to say so but ILA’s right Obama easily beats Romeny. The polls you're reading into mean squat right now. Romeny won’t gain support of his base, and his negatives will go way up as time goes on.

Great post. This hypocrisy is why Ebayer-job cutter/shipper Meg Whitman lost the Govener CA election

One thing is certain. obama and his ilk have done more damage to the United States in the past three years than what was done in the previous 20. Anything and anyone will be an improvement.

Exactly what is this more damage than the last 20 years?

The stock market is back, bin laden is dead and so are the other 2 guys...

I can ssee he hasn't achieved the improvement many of the unemployed want but what damage has been done?

Exactly what is this more damage than the last 20 years?

The stock market is back, bin laden is dead and so are the other 2 guys...

I can ssee he hasn't achieved the improvement many of the unemployed want but what damage has been done?

-Real income has fallen
-Unemployment has risen
-dramatic increases in families receiving aid such as food stamps
-The deficit is out of control to the point youth see a questionable future
Obama can't decide from one day to the next if he should court businesses or if they are the enemy
-The healthcare takeover will drastically increase costs and decrease quality for the majority of Americans, and will move more and more people under government provided and allocted care. Most hilarious is this was his idea of fiscal restraint
-obama has apologized to our enemies and insulted our allies again and again
-He has polarized and divided a nation, increased racial tensions
- He has allowed the office of president to ignore proof and documentation required throughout the history of the office and has spent millions preventing documentation or release of anything about his history
-He has expanded the power of the government far beyond the worst nightmares of those who fretted about the patriot act
-He is a very poor military tactician, announcing his plans for political points without any concern for risk to the troops on the ground
-He should be an embarrassment to blacks, with his harvard degree and trumped up oratory resume, yet falls into slang and ghetto speech when talking to a black audience - an educated, elected black audience
-social engineering with a defined plan to redistribute wealth, to reward those who do not by taking from those who do
-selling out allies with the missile shield in eastern europe
-ignoring the threat of Iran's nuclear capabilities
- gas and food prices have soared
- a catastrophic drop in the US rankings in economic freedom
-banks continue to fail and close
-He continualy circumvents procedure and the responsibilities of other arms of goverment to push through what he wants
-he effectively created amnesty for illegals and does nothing about individual states enacting laws that dilute illegal enforcement, but sues states who try to enforce federal law within their borders. Thousands of acres in Arizona are closed to US citizens due to illegal activity but he does nothing to stop it except removing US citizens
-stimulus I was a massive expansion of government, poorly thought out, rushed as a crisis, and so poorly executed. So the obvious answer to that failure is to do it all over again.

-Real income has fallen
-Unemployment has risen
-dramatic increases in families receiving aid such as food stamps
-The deficit is out of control to the point youth see a questionable future
Obama can't decide from one day to the next if he should court businesses or if they are the enemy
-The healthcare takeover will drastically increase costs and decrease quality for the majority of Americans, and will move more and more people under government provided and allocted care. Most hilarious is this was his idea of fiscal restraint
-obama has apologized to our enemies and insulted our allies again and again
-He has polarized and divided a nation, increased racial tensions
- He has allowed the office of president to ignore proof and documentation required throughout the history of the office and has spent millions preventing documentation or release of anything about his history
-He has expanded the power of the government far beyond the worst nightmares of those who fretted about the patriot act
-He is a very poor military tactician, announcing his plans for political points without any concern for risk to the troops on the ground
-He should be an embarrassment to blacks, with his harvard degree and trumped up oratory resume, yet falls into slang and ghetto speech when talking to a black audience - an educated, elected black audience
-social engineering with a defined plan to redistribute wealth, to reward those who do not by taking from those who do
-selling out allies with the missile shield in eastern europe
-ignoring the threat of Iran's nuclear capabilities
- gas and food prices have soared
- a catastrophic drop in the US rankings in economic freedom
-banks continue to fail and close
-He continualy circumvents procedure and the responsibilities of other arms of goverment to push through what he wants
-he effectively created amnesty for illegals and does nothing about individual states enacting laws that dilute illegal enforcement, but sues states who try to enforce federal law within their borders. Thousands of acres in Arizona are closed to US citizens due to illegal activity but he does nothing to stop it except removing US citizens
-stimulus I was a massive expansion of government, poorly thought out, rushed as a crisis, and so poorly executed. So the obvious answer to that failure is to do it all over again.

And after most of this was through no fault of Obama's you still will vote for a Judeo republican. The same ilk that got us into this economic mess. U R a blind voter. The same one who voted for BU$H twice.

-Real income has fallen
-Unemployment has risen
-dramatic increases in families receiving aid such as food stamps
-The deficit is out of control to the point youth see a questionable future
Obama can't decide from one day to the next if he should court businesses or if they are the enemy
-The healthcare takeover will drastically increase costs and decrease quality for the majority of Americans, and will move more and more people under government provided and allocted care. Most hilarious is this was his idea of fiscal restraint
-obama has apologized to our enemies and insulted our allies again and again
-He has polarized and divided a nation, increased racial tensions
- He has allowed the office of president to ignore proof and documentation required throughout the history of the office and has spent millions preventing documentation or release of anything about his history
-He has expanded the power of the government far beyond the worst nightmares of those who fretted about the patriot act
-He is a very poor military tactician, announcing his plans for political points without any concern for risk to the troops on the ground
-He should be an embarrassment to blacks, with his harvard degree and trumped up oratory resume, yet falls into slang and ghetto speech when talking to a black audience - an educated, elected black audience
-social engineering with a defined plan to redistribute wealth, to reward those who do not by taking from those who do
-selling out allies with the missile shield in eastern europe
-ignoring the threat of Iran's nuclear capabilities
- gas and food prices have soared
- a catastrophic drop in the US rankings in economic freedom
-banks continue to fail and close
-He continualy circumvents procedure and the responsibilities of other arms of goverment to push through what he wants
-he effectively created amnesty for illegals and does nothing about individual states enacting laws that dilute illegal enforcement, but sues states who try to enforce federal law within their borders. Thousands of acres in Arizona are closed to US citizens due to illegal activity but he does nothing to stop it except removing US citizens
-stimulus I was a massive expansion of government, poorly thought out, rushed as a crisis, and so poorly executed. So the obvious answer to that failure is to do it all over again.

As I've said, I have no current plans to vote for Obama but for the most part, this list is laughable.

As I've said, I have no current plans to vote for Obama but for the most part, this list is laughable.

Wow, deep thoughts.

No, it is not laughable. It is very sad what this administration has been allowed to do. Doc and some others will never place any blame for anything on obama's head. Yet he campaigned on changing the mess. I bet most people thought that meant improvements, not making things worse.

Funny, you don't plan to vote for the guy yet don't want anyone pointing out why this guy shouldn't get another term.
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Wow, deep thoughts.

No, it is not laughable. It is very sad what this administration has been allowed to do. Doc and some others will never place any blame for anything on obama's head. Yet he campaigned on changing the mess. I bet most people thought that meant improvements, not making things worse.

Funny, you don't plan to vote for the guy yet don't want anyone pointing out why this guy shouldn't get another term.

You are dead on. Vag WILL vote for this guy.

Wow, deep thoughts.

No, it is not laughable. It is very sad what this administration has been allowed to do. Doc and some others will never place any blame for anything on obama's head. Yet he campaigned on changing the mess. I bet most people thought that meant improvements, not making things worse.

Funny, you don't plan to vote for the guy yet don't want anyone pointing out why this guy shouldn't get another term.

He did not send our army into Iraq. BU$H did. There R less casualties in Iraq than when BU$H was president. That is not worse that is better.

President Obama got Bin Laden in Pakistan. That has made things better.
He stopped the hemorrhaging of our economic fabric in our country. That is better not worse.

Why would U put the same party back into power that got America into the economic and military mess President Obama is trying to extract us out from?

He did not send our army into Iraq. BU$H did. There R less casualties in Iraq than when BU$H was president. That is not worse that is better.

President Obama got Bin Laden in Pakistan. That has made things better.
He stopped the hemorrhaging of our economic fabric in our country. That is better not worse.

Why would U put the same party back into power that got America into the economic and military mess President Obama is trying to extract us out from?

Yes, we all know you don't care about the casualties in Afghanistan. They don't count according to you.

Yes, we all know you don't care about the casualties in Afghanistan. They don't count according to you.

Take a look what's happened since we went into Pafghanistan (vs focusing on Iraq). We got bin Laden, we got the Al-wiki guy, we just got another one after that. Some drones just got a key guy yesterday. We accomplished zip in Iraq (member Mission accomplished - LOL?). All we've done is leave a hold fpor Iran to plug and become a super-power the minute we leave (to quote Donald Trump). We've accomplished way more in Pafghanistan. This is what we should have done in the first place.

You are dead on. Vag WILL vote for this guy.

Actually not - may vote for Howard Stern.

I don't have time to run down this list but most of it is stuff you can attribute to the previous administration, anyway:

oil hit $147 under Bush - what is it now?
mater sandwhich hit $2.50 under Bush, just built one yesterday for $1.50

game set, match..........

Yes, we all know you don't care about the casualties in Afghanistan. They don't count according to you.

Oh but they do. If we get out in 10, 20 or 50 years the situation will be the same. We should get out now.