Supply and demand problem seeking a source


I once read of the Swiss millionaire Herman la Roche, who was one of the biggest distributors of the benzodiazepine, Diazepam. In the early days of its emergence, it was a much celebrated and widely prescribed sedative. Given the barbiturate use and abuse with such a dangerous label due to its high toxicity and deadly consequences when used with alcohol. The Eli Lilly era died with Jimi Hendrix and welcome her mothers little helper. Unfortunately when I was 14 I found Valium of medicinal use and at 16 a prescription of Valium and Temazepam was easily got. Apparently they were considered of little long term harm ….until they were. Mr Roche had become a multi millionaire on the strength of a drug that enabled me to function and were readily available in a way which came to an abrupt stop due to later studies and the cessation of a medicine which is only available via online illegal sites as the street version is maybe some base lomerazepam at best and does not medicate me as it’s namesake. It is the only drug I have never abused and only ever used and without it I cannot function and am prone to go into shock. Really bad timing and shame on the doctors for chucking out benzo scripts only to shut shop and become a general practice in the general practice of saying no.