Supernus - the super spreader

Based on their knowledge and wisdom, I can only assume this person has worked for years in clinical research with expansive experience in dealing with the FDA.

Yea your recent actions have made it real clear on your experience in dealing with the FDA. Just please remember our new address in key west not Gude Dr.

Am I the only one that thinks the whole “wrong address” shtick is a lie????

They could publish the letter the FDA sent, but of course they won’t. They could share that info with the sales force, but of course they won’t. They could tell us about the meetings since then, but of course they won’t.

We have had two meetings with the FDA since then that have been rescheduled or didn’t have good results, because we have heard nothing about them.

Giving the history of supernus I’m starting to think that launch will never happen.

It will launch within 6 months. The problem is we aren’t going to have the data to justify the price difference between 812 and straterra. Docs are going to laugh this one off even quicker than they did with OXR.

If you all think that this is the drug that’s going to take you to a different level you are all delusional. This is nothing but an XR of a generic drug that’s been out for 30 years. Do your self a favor and leave like I did.

Am I the only one that thinks the whole “wrong address” shtick is a lie????

They could publish the letter the FDA sent, but of course they won’t. They could share that info with the sales force, but of course they won’t. They could tell us about the meetings since then, but of course they won’t.

We have had two meetings with the FDA since then that have been rescheduled or didn’t have good results, because we have heard nothing about them.

Judging by the amount of bitching and whining you do on here, it appears to be a wise decision not to inform you of the interactions with the FDA.

though I’m sure your experience renting cars and ordering lunch for offices makes you an expert.

Judging by the amount of bitching and whining you do on here, it appears to be a wise decision not to inform you of the interactions with the FDA.

though I’m sure your experience renting cars and ordering lunch for offices makes you an expert.

Different poster here. Just came to say you are a real loser. Does it make you feel big to act so condescending? Always mocking Enterprise, why? Because you worked there and never even got promoted to management, is that it? Seriously what are you over-compensating for with your pathetic insults and arrogance? Real keyboard warrior we have here - big tough bully typing away from his parents basement. Get a life. The sad thing is you’re probably some worthless RD at the end of his career versus the reps on here who will move onto a bigger and better role (if they haven't already) once Supernus flops. Just know that we all pity your sad little life.

Judging by the amount of bitching and whining you do on here, it appears to be a wise decision not to inform you of the interactions with the FDA.

though I’m sure your experience renting cars and ordering lunch for offices makes you an expert.

I hope you didn't miss the meeting with the FDA because you entered the wrong address into your GPS.

This company is the end of the road for all RDs. No other company will hire them due to managements reputation. They’d have to become reps before leaving if they wanna go to another place. Enjoy selling XR products for the rest your career.

Agree with this. If we were “essential” employees as they state in their email, we would be offered to take the vaccine right now. But I didn’t see pharmaceutical sales reps on that list. I don’t think outrage is the right word. More like disappointment. There’s just constant disappointment coming from supernus for the last bit. I don’t really remember the last time there was good news or I was proud of “my company”. Cue being trolled to leave if I’m so unhappy. Life isn’t always black & white ya trolls

Bingo! The vaccine email from HR is beyond upsetting. If we are “essential” why doesn’t Supernus have access to these vaccines for us?
Since we were all forced go into these offices Supernus, we have had a front row seat on how the roll out of the vaccines works. If you are truly essential, your employer secures the vaccine & offers them to you. You are not sent a link from HR with a short novel email that says is a super PC way that you are basically on your own to get the vaccine.
Your cover was blown long ago on the essential employee BS, yet you are sticking to your story meanwhile creating more & more distrust with your sales force.