Sun Stock vs. Biofrontera Stock

Can you explain a bit more specific how the ASP can be manipulated by paying excessive fees to FC in order to buy 6-9 months inventory?

And why do you need the fees to FC in order to successfully sell the spread? For selling the spread you dont need to manipulate the ASP, just always increase the price and let doctors know.

Can you explain a bit more specific how the ASP can be manipulated by paying excessive fees to FC in order to buy 6-9 months inventory?

And why do you need the fees to FC in order to successfully sell the spread? For selling the spread you dont need to manipulate the ASP, just always increase the price and let doctors know.

Let’s just say it has to do with being able to show the inventory was in house and lag time for pricing.

‘Riddle me this Dilip’:

Why would FC bring in $75M of inventory in one month, June each year, and sit on it for 5-6 months? That’s a tremendous cash flow issue for lil ‘ok FC and an enormous Accounts Receivable risk for the company.

Ask Ron, Fadness, Zvi or Abhay.

Go ahead, ask. You’ll hear nothing but crickets.

Let’s just say it has to do with being able to show the inventory was in house and lag time for pricing.

‘Riddle me this Dilip’:

Why would FC bring in $75M of inventory in one month, June each year, and sit on it for 5-6 months? That’s a tremendous cash flow issue for lil ‘ok FC and an enormous Accounts Receivable risk for the company.

Ask Ron, Fadness, Zvi or Abhay.

Go ahead, ask. You’ll hear nothing but crickets.

Yeah, now I get it.
And people here complain about behaviors from Biofrontera ...

Thanks for the answer.

That sounds to me like a very sophisticated version of selling the spread where the doctors dont have the 6 months delay of updated ASP.

However, I still dont get it, where Dusa is manipulating the ASP in that system. The ASP just follows the continuos price increase, doesnt it?

Also I dont understand why that system should be illegal? Of course, it is not the purpose of medicare reimbursement to do what Dusa is doing, but is it really illegal that they take smart advantage of the (somewhat stupid) rules in sec. 1847A social security act? Can you really call that defrauding the government if you take smart advantage of rules?

Please explain me why that system might be illegal.

Thanks for the answer.

That sounds to me like a very sophisticated version of selling the spread where the doctors dont have the 6 months delay of updated ASP.

However, I still dont get it, where Dusa is manipulating the ASP in that system. The ASP just follows the continuos price increase, doesnt it?

Also I dont understand why that system should be illegal? Of course, it is not the purpose of medicare reimbursement to do what Dusa is doing, but is it really illegal that they take smart advantage of the (somewhat stupid) rules in sec. 1847A social security act? Can you really call that defrauding the government if you take smart advantage of rules?

Please explain me why that system might be illegal.

Let’s think about it this way:

Ask Ron and Fadness to explain why it is LEGAL ?
The only thing you’ll hear are their tires spinning out of the parking lot.

Thanks for the answer.

That sounds to me like a very sophisticated version of selling the spread where the doctors dont have the 6 months delay of updated ASP.

However, I still dont get it, where Dusa is manipulating the ASP in that system. The ASP just follows the continuos price increase, doesnt it?

Also I dont understand why that system should be illegal? Of course, it is not the purpose of medicare reimbursement to do what Dusa is doing, but is it really illegal that they take smart advantage of the (somewhat stupid) rules in sec. 1847A social security act? Can you really call that defrauding the government if you take smart advantage of rules?

Please explain me why that system might be illegal.

Let’s think about it this way:

Ask Ron and Fadness to explain why it is LEGAL ?
The only thing you’ll hear are their tires spinning out of the parking lot.

Let’s think about it this way:

Ask Ron and Fadness to explain why it is LEGAL ?
The only thing you’ll hear are their tires spinning out of the parking lot.

Don't think so complicated. Procedure from Dusa will soon be history... and winner is BFRA...

Can you be a bit more specific, why Dusa procedure will SOON be history? If docs make the extra bucks with Dusa why should they switch over to Biofrontera, especially why should they switch soon if they dont make the extra bucks with Biofrontera? Docs will always try to snitch as many extra bucks as possible.

What is the real thing that could stop Dusa soon? Currently, I can see just vague hopes without any hard facts. Also checked the law, sec 1847A SSA, no real base for the investor general to hit the Dusa system soon coz the market price of Levulan is not under the ASP.

So where is the real deal what could Dusa hit soon?

And guys, I am a Biofrontera shareholder, so obviously I really hope, the Dusa procedure will be history VERY soon!

Thanks for the answer.

That sounds to me like a very sophisticated version of selling the spread where the doctors dont have the 6 months delay of updated ASP.

However, I still dont get it, where Dusa is manipulating the ASP in that system. The ASP just follows the continuos price increase, doesnt it?

Also I dont understand why that system should be illegal? Of course, it is not the purpose of medicare reimbursement to do what Dusa is doing, but is it really illegal that they take smart advantage of the (somewhat stupid) rules in sec. 1847A social security act? Can you really call that defrauding the government if you take smart advantage of rules?

Please explain me why that system might be illegal.

It's called colussion and manipulation. That is what makes this illegal and it isnt hard to prove. The devil is in the details of how ASP is calculated. If Groff and Fadness went to FC and talked them into this that is easily discoverable by the feds. A few affidavits will do it. The feds scare the crap out of FC officials and they cave. Colluding and manipulating the ASP to go higher in order to get the feds to pay a higher ASP is a crime. If I were both groff and fadness I would be leaving the country as fast as possible.

It's called colussion and manipulation. That is what makes this illegal and it isnt hard to prove. The devil is in the details of how ASP is calculated. If Groff and Fadness went to FC and talked them into this that is easily discoverable by the feds. A few affidavits will do it. The feds scare the crap out of FC officials and they cave. Colluding and manipulating the ASP to go higher in order to get the feds to pay a higher ASP is a crime. If I were both groff and fadness I would be leaving the country as fast as possible.

‘We’ve got a winner’ - that’s correct, and it’s only a small slice of the pie. Others in Trade team were complicit.

‘We’ve got a winner’ - that’s correct, and it’s only a small slice of the pie. Others in Trade team were complicit.

Why do you think they only use FC as their primary specialty pharmacy? They can control ASP that way. Groff and Fadness need to go to jail over this. Send in anything you have on this to the OIG office in New Jersey and save your own ass. Do you want the address?

PDT is dead ? How so?

There may be pricing pressures, but that’s not unique to PDT, it’s everywhere.

PDT is a highly-effective, underutilized therapy. It’s largest obstacle is that the two companies promoting the treatment are highly ineffective.

In our own customers’ words, Sun has ‘raped’ the market, and dermatologists almost loathe to use the product. Some have just stopped buying ALA, they’re fed up. Sun screwed them, then their reps defected to Biofrontera. Same shit show, different name.

Besides, those that didn’t go to Biofrontera largely left Sun altogether, except for the two architects of the illegal pricing scheme with Foubdation Care: Fadness and Groff.

There may be pricing pressures, but that’s not unique to PDT, it’s everywhere.

PDT is a highly-effective, underutilized therapy. It’s largest obstacle is that the two companies promoting the treatment are highly ineffective.

In our own customers’ words, Sun has ‘raped’ the market, and dermatologists almost loathe to use the product. Some have just stopped buying ALA, they’re fed up. Sun screwed them, then their reps defected to Biofrontera. Same shit show, different name.

Besides, those that didn’t go to Biofrontera largely left Sun altogether, except for the two architects of the illegal pricing scheme with Foubdation Care: Fadness and Groff.

That is why those 2 and their minions will all go to jail. OIG is keenly aware. Tick tock tick tock