It is not a good place. It is horrible. No trust, no ethics. They do not care about anything but profits. They have no clue about American markets and are cheap cheap cheap with employee benefits and patient support.
If they are trying to sell you on how good it is then that should be a major red flag. The don't pay well, they want you to cross the line when selling and there is a wink wink nod nod approach. Compliance is clueless to this and the upper leaders don't care. They just want sales and results. India is freaking out because they are losing tons of money and the products really do suck. Tildra will not do well and will be crushed by big pharma. Levulan goes off patent next year and will have tons of compounded competition and Sun won"t be able to stop it. Ameluz has a better label and will have a Jcode in January. Customers are pissed at Sun and will jump ship fast. Stay away!