Sun Dermatology division

It is not a good place. It is horrible. No trust, no ethics. They do not care about anything but profits. They have no clue about American markets and are cheap cheap cheap with employee benefits and patient support.

If they are trying to sell you on how good it is then that should be a major red flag. The don't pay well, they want you to cross the line when selling and there is a wink wink nod nod approach. Compliance is clueless to this and the upper leaders don't care. They just want sales and results. India is freaking out because they are losing tons of money and the products really do suck. Tildra will not do well and will be crushed by big pharma. Levulan goes off patent next year and will have tons of compounded competition and Sun won"t be able to stop it. Ameluz has a better label and will have a Jcode in January. Customers are pissed at Sun and will jump ship fast. Stay away!

It's interesting to note the question 'is to as good as people say, was posted in April.

My, my - things have certainly changed. People are fleeing. Just months ago, the company had great, great potential.

Is the VA/DC territory for Biologic division new or what happened w former rep?

What's the pay like? Need to start looking my company is downsizing by the end of the year. No experience in biologics, only general derm products. Any info helps!

The entire pharma industry is made up of marginal sales people. Trust that there are no candidates for future Ray Crocs. Real sales people sell on commission and have their life on the line. Pharma reps sell a BS message, me-too products, work until the kids have to be picked up, move to another company or run to HR as soon as there is any pressure applied. Marginal at best.

Sales Rep in 'Brand Dermatology'..

Which Derm products and how are sales in this division?


Not an expansion at all.

Backfilling positions where reps have resigned.

If you interview, ask what the sales force turnover rate has been. It starts with a ‘3’ if not a ‘4’, and it’s double digits.

If nothing else, that’s all you need to know.

Again?? Didn't they just hire the last rep not even a year ago? I can guarantee its either a horrible manager or horrible bonus OR BOTH! do ur hw is all I can say

I have no personal interest in this company, but do have at few industry friends/colleagues who have worked there in the past year.
I’d say talk to people who have been there - many have resigned.

Hard sell.. The derm products and numbers are awful and compete with numerous other RX's in the market. Low market share which means the idiotic hiring manager or DM will expect you to work magic and get those numbers up! Always ask what happened w the former rep and how the numbers are doing. Interview the hiring manager. I will tell you the hiring managers in Derm are rookies young and dumb. Many were promoted from reps bc Sun recruiters couldn't find anyone to join the Sun circus. I worked in Sun Derm a long time ago and got out thank goodness and now in another division.

Bottom line.. Managers are useless, High expectations for poor products and low market share. Btw their biologic reps are still sitting around after being hired months ago. That oughtta tell ya somethin! The non biologic division is POORLY ran and barely hanging on.

Why is the DC territory open? How's the DM and what happened to the former rep?? I could've sworn this is the 2nd or 3rd posting in less than a year. Any info?

If this is the same territory, watch out for the DM/rsm, heard he's a nightmare of a micromanager and drives reps out the company!!