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Sun can't get real talent to join

People on this site pretending to be Gordon Geko and speculating on Dilip, oil and gas and invoking Goldman Sachs. Really ? You're just a peddler of a topical, a branded generic or an undifferentiated Opth product.

Get real people, the bottom line is this company is a crock.

The most accurate statement I've seen is those who can, have 9 toes out the door.

Others are worthless.

Ashish = next to be fired. despite the failing sales he is also holidaying like Jester, Fabs, and Macavoy did. Now they are gone and Last I looked little Ashish was sunning himself in Vegas while sales tank. Ashish is the next head to roll from the new Axe wielder. Bye bye. It is fun to call the heads who will go

So one talent search is finalized. SUN Pharma hired Tom Goga. CafePharma past labels Goga as "the destroyer". Anyone have "dirt"?

He will bring in his own executive team so by bye bye RDs. He doesn't care what you have done and doesn't trust anyone. He has his inner circle and that is it. No new circle jerks allowed.

no worries.

1. He has no 'followers', look at the number of companies he's been at the past 5 years. Count 'em.
2. The term 'executive leadership' is an oxymoron at Sun
3. Look at his track record - he didn't even last at InVentiv

"people don't leave bad jobs, they leave bad bosses"

I think the PDT reps who have left, left a bad job. Everyone else left because they had a bad boss.

Both left a bad job and very poor leadership. The managers here are mostly newbies who have no idea how to lead. They only know how to tell. From the top down on PDT they are horrible.

Leadership mentality = used car salesmen. Yuck it up and slap each other on the back. Smoke some cigs and drink some beers. Under the rug and dirty deals.

Like putting lipstick on a pig. All smoke and mirrors. Sucks here.

uh, yeah ... what was all that about ? Does the little man have a bromance crush going on with his new sales guy ?

And he was very clear to make it known that it was 'his' hire.