Summarize Castle

This shows how out of touch you really are in the administration. When I received my first samples I asked my DVP how to track them in the system so I could make sure they went smoothly for my new customer. He did not have an answer for me. If he did not know how are we supposed to track? If I have 10 accounts then I am supposed to call them every single day and ask how many samples? Then do what? My accounts really want me calling every day???? I had a huge territory and could not possibly stop at each place every day. This is another absurd Castle Medical idea. How about a commission report so we can keep track?

Ya know it's funny. LP used to know exactly how many samples he had per week. So as I have been reading all this stuff about commission reports I figured there had to be something. But then it occurred to me that LP'S numbers keep growing because he rapes people's territories. He hires someone who he believes can get another account or two. Because he knows he is going to fire the person anyway. Because his goal is $1,000,000. Told us straight out. How do you do that when you can't sell. Well you're not suppose to sell per Robbie Ray. So how do you do that? Hire and fire. Hire someone, exploit their relationships and fire them. Then you take the accounts for you own and Bragg that you are great and they have free rein of the territory that has never been touched.

So LP and CB just have their numbers going up. It doesn't matter if the number is exactly right. Sick freaks working here.

Ya know it's funny. LP used to know exactly how many samples he had per week. So as I have been reading all this stuff about commission reports I figured there had to be something. But then it occurred to me that LP'S numbers keep growing because he rapes people's territories. He hires someone who he believes can get another account or two. Because he knows he is going to fire the person anyway. Because his goal is $1,000,000. Told us straight out. How do you do that when you can't sell. Well you're not suppose to sell per Robbie Ray. So how do you do that? Hire and fire. Hire someone, exploit their relationships and fire them. Then you take the accounts for you own and Bragg that you are great and they have free rein of the territory that has never been touched.

So LP and CB just have their numbers going up. It doesn't matter if the number is exactly right. Sick freaks working here.

I think I agree with your conclusions completely. Funny thing is, if the rep is the emotional connection with the samples being sent to Castle Medical and the rep is fired all the rep has to do is go to another company and Carry on. It will be the actions of a horrible management scheme that puts Castle out of business. Most of us listened to and saw these two managers display there management skills. Now they are proving us right. $4000.00 a month doesn't doesn't command too much respect either way. 30% commission as a10-99 on one account can put an end to this kind of idiotic kangaroo management that you are experiencing. If I thought I was about to get fired I would ask one if these two managers to ride with me to my best accounts before hand. This way when you do get fired your customers will have a very fresh recollection of them and who they are. This should make the task if converting your samples over to whom ever easy. This kind of technique has been practiced in the past with great success. I promise. Good luck with your version of cannubalism of them

I think I agree with your conclusions completely. Funny thing is, if the rep is the emotional connection with the samples being sent to Castle Medical and the rep is fired all the rep has to do is go to another company and Carry on. It will be the actions of a horrible management scheme that puts Castle out of business. Most of us listened to and saw these two managers display there management skills. Now they are proving us right. $4000.00 a month doesn't doesn't command too much respect either way. 30% commission as a10-99 on one account can put an end to this kind of idiotic kangaroo management that you are experiencing. If I thought I was about to get fired I would ask one if these two managers to ride with me to my best accounts before hand. This way when you do get fired your customers will have a very fresh recollection of them and who they are. This should make the task if converting your samples over to whom ever easy. This kind of technique has been practiced in the past with great success. I promise. Good luck with your version of cannubalism of them


Or.....or as a "professional" sales rep you all claim to be, you leave and close an account on your own. No micromanagement or HC1 to worry about or Rob or Scott or LP or ABC or whatever the hell is holding you back. Go to this 1099 place, put on your big girl panties and sell an account. Or....or, just poach. See, as a 1099, there will be no one to blame, no one. You up for that? If so, much respect. I would take my hat off to you. Now that takes balls. See if you can go 90 days without bringing in any samples.

I'm not management but a rep. Just a thought. Everyone here can do it better, there are companies who make you 10x more with less headaches, yet you are not there??? OK......


Or.....or as a "professional" sales rep you all claim to be, you leave and close an account on your own. No micromanagement or HC1 to worry about or Rob or Scott or LP or ABC or whatever the hell is holding you back. Go to this 1099 place, put on your big girl panties and sell an account. Or....or, just poach. See, as a 1099, there will be no one to blame, no one. You up for that? If so, much respect. I would take my hat off to you. Now that takes balls. See if you can go 90 days without bringing in any samples.

I'm not management but a rep. Just a thought. Everyone here can do it better, there are companies who make you 10x more with less headaches, yet you are not there??? OK......

I just did!


Or.....or as a "professional" sales rep you all claim to be, you leave and close an account on your own. No micromanagement or HC1 to worry about or Rob or Scott or LP or ABC or whatever the hell is holding you back. Go to this 1099 place, put on your big girl panties and sell an account. Or....or, just poach. See, as a 1099, there will be no one to blame, no one. You up for that? If so, much respect. I would take my hat off to you. Now that takes balls. See if you can go 90 days without bringing in any samples.

I'm not management but a rep. Just a thought. Everyone here can do it better, there are companies who make you 10x more with less headaches, yet you are not there??? OK......

It may be that not all the DVPS are terrible here in the Kingdom, but The Kingdom does have a few ringers. Time will tell. We didn't start out with bad feelings or an enormousness amount of discontent. It was thrust on us by bragging, unknowing, unethical and unwanted management applications. If any of these managers I am eluding to acted this way at a Fortune 500 medical company I'm sure they would be relieved of duty immediately. Sexual harassment, dept of labor complaints Ect would be terminal to their career. But that's all ok, just fix your house. Then we will move on.

And like I said, @ 30% commission rate with a "B" account should reimburse more than what we are getting now without the headache. One months pay @ 30% should compensate for a 90 days no pay period by the way.


Or.....or as a "professional" sales rep you all claim to be, you leave and close an account on your own. No micromanagement or HC1 to worry about or Rob or Scott or LP or ABC or whatever the hell is holding you back. Go to this 1099 place, put on your big girl panties and sell an account. Or....or, just poach. See, as a 1099, there will be no one to blame, no one. You up for that? If so, much respect. I would take my hat off to you. Now that takes balls. See if you can go 90 days without bringing in any samples.

I'm not management but a rep. Just a thought. Everyone here can do it better, there are companies who make you 10x more with less headaches, yet you are not there??? OK......

This is a very aggressive post that has zero to do with what is happening at Castle Medical. Once more you are out of touch. When a person is hired on with a company like Castle they are promised training and support to become a successful sales representative in an industry that many of us have little or no experience with. We are given a salary, expenses and benefits. In return we develop a territory and service it over time creating a return on your investment. This is how it works. To expect return in 90 days is ridiculous and completely unprofessional. My DVP did not have a clue who had given up and was just collecting a check and those of us working hard every day. To me it was obvious but to him he was clueless because he had never been in the industry.


What the hell are you guys talking about? Have your collectors or MA text you daily numbers. Next day, look it up in COMTRON....done. You guys lose all credit with this shit.

I see you have some very very good points here. In fact, I think I know who you might be. WE want to know where the hell you where at first when we were getting our cans handed to us by some of these terrible DVPS. not everyone has someone like you to help them out.

But, what I want you to weigh in on is :
1. The almost 100% turnover rate every 90days?
2. No pay for working hours completed.
3. Ridiculous sales model that most all people in medical sales agree is not effective.
(Time vs initial contact ratio)
Good to great managers don't hire and fire people like what has been a standard of practice at Castle unless the end goal is different than that of hiring, training and keeping a sales force.

What about it XXXXX?
So far you are the only one in ..... That has offered a cerebral comment on here by ......

Hiring and firing sales representatives is like buying stock and then selling it in a week if it hasn't increased in value. Everyone knows you have to hold on to your investments to increase your wealth. You evaluate and chose a stock carefully for it's long term value. You hire and select your representatives carefully. The problem is you fire them before they can ever generate sales and increased profits for you. When are you going to put your enormous ego in your pocket. Take it out for something else because it does not belong in sales management.

I see you have some very very good points here. In fact, I think I know who you might be. WE want to know where the hell you where at first when we were getting our cans handed to us by some of these terrible DVPS. not everyone has someone like you to help them out.

But, what I want you to weigh in on is :
1. The almost 100% turnover rate every 90days?
2. No pay for working hours completed.
3. Ridiculous sales model that most all people in medical sales agree is not effective.
(Time vs initial contact ratio)
Good to great managers don't hire and fire people like what has been a standard of practice at Castle unless the end goal is different than that of hiring, training and keeping a sales force.

What about it XXXXX?
So far you are the only one in ..... That has offered a cerebral comment on here by ......


OK, spoken like a true gentlemen, therefore warrants a response.
1) 100% turnover every 90 days. Fact, in medical sales, you are usually walking in to an established company. No one ever stayed long. You have 200 people that are rotating at 20% at a time. They are hiring 20, 30 (20%equavilant of what turns over) at a time. Of course people won't stick. 100% turn over? Not true. High turn over? Yes, and it should be looked at.

2) No pay for completed work? Don't know how. I work my 9-5 and go home. Get my $1000 base plus commission.

3) Rediculous sales model? OK. I agree your number of calls are high. It's temporary. I agree that 10 -20 calls a day must be made to start your book of business. I also do believe it is impossible to make those calls and not be booked with lunches. If you are a 1099, do you expect to make less calls? I would do as many until I hit my goal.

Look, not all the DVPS are created equal. Agree there too. I think it can be done better here. No model is ideal. My response originally was, how can one complain about all this but expect to go on staight commission and survive?

Also, I usually do not respond or say anything (in regards to where I have been) because a majority of post are total BS.

1. Owner arrested for Medicare fraud?? BS
2. Unethical practices? BS
3. Lab Source taking "top" producers and being ethical? Total BS
4. Personally attacking people? "Professional"?
5. Rob not knowing to sell, DVPS stealing accounts, top reps getting accounts handed to them? BS
6. Sexual harassment? Happens in every company, and if there is an idiot here that had moral and ethical issues, their problem, and they are idiots but claims of DVPS preying on people and alcohol?? Really guys? Not adult enough for a bit of fun? Some idiot goes overboard and now everyone's a victim?

I will Respond to common sense questions and comments such as yours but a lot of what is being said here is simply total lies. I think some of you are looking for a solution but I promise you those who can and want to help don't because of this. Do a separate post for factual info and it may happen. But as long as this is Castle bashing with little to none truth? You are going to have to speak amongst yourselves. just my 2 cents.

The owner being arrested for Medicare fraud comes from the internet where another company named Castle did have that happen. We corrected that right away.

The rest of it is 100% correct. It is illegal to have reps do training at home and not pay for it. The Sales Director did leave and take sales representatives with him. On and on and on.

The turnover rate is the number of employees who have left in a year divided by the total employees so it is over 100%. There is no legitimate medical sales company that has turnover near this. Start ups keep reps even longer so they can establish territories. Why do you continue to defend a flawed model? Do you have no empathy for the good people you hire then fire? This company has so many red flags they are hard to count.

I know for a fact that one of the top representatives started out with accounts that were given to him that he did not close. I am not saying he has not grown them or closed additional but he started with a book of business so do not say this is a lie. I also know DVP's keep some of their accounts. They were given a choice.

Nobody came to Castle because they wanted to be a 10-99 representative. Most of us have families to support and we depend upon our salary and benefits. We do not have the experience or the luxury to take a chance at a 10-99 position. The only reason it happens is that you start with Castle Medical and then find out the issues and sometimes are let go suddenly. In that situation some of us have found that transitioning to 10-99 is an option. Being 10-99 is difficult but not impossible. I find that I have more time to call on accounts because I do not have all the corporate meetings etc. I also have other products to sell. You fail to get the bottom line message. Allow your representatives to develop their territories so they are not forced to find other options which may or may not be a 10-99 position. Your immediate expectations are to high.

Thank you for responding i am not the last one to post but as you can read some of the post by people you have hired are educated and have a conclusion that may be verified by facts. Regardless, I think it's safe to conclude that there is some distance between the management and recent sales force in regards to many issues. But I can also see where there may be some cooperation and chance for the two to make some positive strides to saving this sales force and making it productive for all involved. I promise you that as of two weeks ago every sales rep I spoke with at Castle was actively searching for a new job and they felt that it was all but useless to consider surviving much longer at Castle. If this is the way Castle wants it they have truly accomplished that goal. Since that time some of us are starting to feel like Castle may be modifying its direction towards its sales force? In the next week or two we all will know if this is true.

Most all of us are pretty smart on our own merit. All of us together are very smart. Consequently, I give you Cafe Pharma Castle Board where all of us can relay info and experiences making us a very informed and knowledgeable group of sales people unlike the ones before us. We also are more experienced and knowledgeable about medical sales than the present Dvps. We are just new to tox sales. I hope Castle is making some strides towards a better work environment for the sales people than what exist. But on the other hand, Castle Medical, you have let "The Wolf" in the door and only you are to blame for it.

Nobody is blaming Rob, ABC or XYZ for their failure. I know that is a convenient cliche for you. Instead we are saying let us do our job, give us adequate time to develop our territories.

I apologize for the personal attacks. I do not agree with them at all but when you have a website that is anonymous then these posts become a part of it. I know people have tried to discuss these issues in a more professional manner and were fired for it. I apologize Rob, LP and the billing department if anything on here that hurt your feelings.

Please keep in mind that you hired many excellent sales people with solid resumes who have families. They did their jobs to the best of their ability and were fired. In this economic environment a sales person who is unemployed has a much more difficult time finding a job. Please also keep in mind that normally there is a process to someone being let go called a PIP plan. This plan goes in place to give the sales representative a chance to improve or find another job.

You have brought hardship upon many people and their families and are not apologetic at all but continue your hire and fire system and even defend it.

I apologize for the personal attacks. I do not agree with them at all but when you have a website that is anonymous then these posts become a part of it. I know people have tried to discuss these issues in a more professional manner and were fired for it. I apologize Rob, LP and the billing department if anything on here that hurt your feelings.

Please keep in mind that you hired many excellent sales people with solid resumes who have families. They did their jobs to the best of their ability and were fired. In this economic environment a sales person who is unemployed has a much more difficult time finding a job. Please also keep in mind that normally there is a process to someone being let go called a PIP plan. This plan goes in place to give the sales representative a chance to improve or find another job.

You have brought hardship upon many people and their families and are not apologetic at all but continue your hire and fire system and even defend it.

I too am a little embarrassed by some of the things I have posted. They could have been more professional as well. The reason for the stray from professionalism by me is because I was so dissapointed and feel very strongly I was lied to and they used fraud to get me to abandon whtvi was presently doing for commissions for this. I felt belittled and constantly questioned about my abilities that I know for a fact greatly exceed that of my DVP. So I dishes some special stuff back on Cafe Pharma. We are airing all of our dirty laundry on this site. The competition Is reading it. I know about Cafe Pharma braise that's what I would do in the past to find out what my competitions weakness's are. An we are letting them know. Too bad for them I don't have anything to take. Ha ha ha.

This place needs a lot of help. I once took it serious but if they can't show accurate sample numbers to us, they are hiding something! No doubt about it. The buck stops at the top and we all know who is at the top. Thanks for hiring me but Dawm, give me a chance to leave on my terms. I need another 45 days please and I will leave smiling.

Thanks for comin out !!!


OK, spoken like a true gentlemen, therefore warrants a response.
1) 100% turnover every 90 days. Fact, in medical sales, you are usually walking in to an established company. No one ever stayed long. You have 200 people that are rotating at 20% at a time. They are hiring 20, 30 (20%equavilant of what turns over) at a time. Of course people won't stick. 100% turn over? Not true. High turn over? Yes, and it should be looked at.

2) No pay for completed work? Don't know how. I work my 9-5 and go home. Get my $1000 base plus commission.

3) Rediculous sales model? OK. I agree your number of calls are high. It's temporary. I agree that 10 -20 calls a day must be made to start your book of business. I also do believe it is impossible to make those calls and not be booked with lunches. If you are a 1099, do you expect to make less calls? I would do as many until I hit my goal.

Look, not all the DVPS are created equal. Agree there too. I think it can be done better here. No model is ideal. My response originally was, how can one complain about all this but expect to go on staight commission and survive?

Also, I usually do not respond or say anything (in regards to where I have been) because a majority of post are total BS.

1. Owner arrested for Medicare fraud?? BS
2. Unethical practices? BS
3. Lab Source taking "top" producers and being ethical? Total BS
4. Personally attacking people? "Professional"?
5. Rob not knowing to sell, DVPS stealing accounts, top reps getting accounts handed to them? BS
6. Sexual harassment? Happens in every company, and if there is an idiot here that had moral and ethical issues, their problem, and they are idiots but claims of DVPS preying on people and alcohol?? Really guys? Not adult enough for a bit of fun? Some idiot goes overboard and now everyone's a victim?

I will Respond to common sense questions and comments such as yours but a lot of what is being said here is simply total lies. I think some of you are looking for a solution but I promise you those who can and want to help don't because of this. Do a separate post for factual info and it may happen. But as long as this is Castle bashing with little to none truth? You are going to have to speak amongst yourselves. just my 2 cents.

WOW--You are such a Duche Bag....Sexual Harassment does NOT happen in every
company....There are pleanty of peeps that still have ethics too....Everyone likes to have
FUN...but not during a training class with shots and peer pressure to drink with your
new DVP....I agree ...once you know what you really got yourself into with Castle...
Take the paycheck and start looking for something else..Even Double Dip if possible...
Nothing on this post from past,current,reps are lies..Rob...or whoever you are...???
If you can't handle the TRUTH..get off our Board....

The issue is not so much the number of calls per day but the number of brand new targets we need to call on every day. In my territory there just are not that many targets that I could continue to call on to make that number.

The igssue is not so much the number of calls per day but the number of brand new targets we need to call on every day. In my territory there just are not that many targets that I could continue to call on to make that number.

I have come to the conclusion that Castle has no idea what is happening in this field right now. LP's demonstration and illustration of how he does sales calls would get him thrown out of the offices in my area. They are so bombarded with sales reps the last thing they want to deal with is a sales rep that just sets there mute waiting for them to entertain him. Those days are per LP. Sorry it just ain't sellin now days.

I have come to the conclusion that Castle has no idea what is happening in this field right now. LP's demonstration and illustration of how he does sales calls would get him thrown out of the offices in my area. They are so bombarded with sales reps the last thing they want to deal with is a sales rep that just sets there mute waiting for them to entertain him. Those days are per LP. Sorry it just ain't sellin now days.

LP does not just sit there and say nothing. That is his stupid story. He thinks it is a cool story. But let's be honest. His love for his own voice is so overwhelming that he can't stand to be quiet. Plus he knows without a shadow of a doubt that he is the smartest person in any room. So why would he not speak and tell them why they would be stupid to not listen to him. So his whole he waits for them, is bull sh#t. Like everything that comes out of his mouth.