Hi All,
Wishing you a pain free day.

I would like to put in a big thumbs up for Sumavel Dose Pack. I know it may just seem like just one more way to get Imitrex (usually a gold standard for both cluster and migraine sufferers) but I think it represents more than that. It pulls more attention to our cause, right? We now have Zoginex Sumavel's needle-free Imitrex delivery system and a company called NuPhase (I believe just came out with a unique patch form of Imitrex, using a fast non-painful way to get Imitrex into the skin).*

Sumavel, right now can only get medications with a .05 base and down to the sub-cutaneous level at farthest without a needle. However, we know Zogenix is working on getting medications into the skin that require larger in-active bases and stronger nitrogen gas pressures to get medication to the intra-muscular level. This means new medications could be licensed to Zogenix for use in their system, including more triptans that could be converted into a faster route that gets working in the body, namely in the

It's certainly seems worth giving the company a bit more time to see what else they have in store for migraine or cluster pain. As for the pain, I admit- it's a strong pop, but then all the med is in and working with 5 minutes or so.

Anything I've missed?

The Lab Rat

Well said. I've used this thing now over 20 times and it really has changed my life. I know a lot of competitors get on here and talk down products that they compete with, so I'm sure that is going on here. My first several times did hurt really badly, but it fixed my migraine so fast I had to keep trying.
Now that I have figured out the best way to take it, it barely hurts. Maybe I just know what to expect better, but the entire experience is way better now.
If you get migraines, give this thing a chance. If you had a bad first experience, give it another try.
Good luck to everyone!!!

Who pays for this? Every PBM in the country has it at non-preferred/tier 3 or even higher co-pay.

I remember leadership saying it is "revolutionary". Yeah--people want to rebel if they have it prescribed and once they find out how much it will cost them in copay.

Compared to the excruciating pain of a migraine , a little pinch from the shot is nothing.
This is the best product I have tried. However, at $70.00 a month for one shot. It is unaffordable. I have at least 6- 8 headaches per month.

I am a severe migraine sufferer... Sumevel helps quickly but It hurts so bad that I have to bite on something while my husband injects it...I think going back to Imitrex will be best for me. It is 2am... Here I am lying wide awake looking for courage to inject it. I have bruises all over my legs from this medicine. I think waiting 20 minutes for Imitrex to work is so much so much better!

Use it in the abdomen but at least two inches from your belly button, Pinch a bunch a skin firmly, the inject it. It won't hurt as bad. For the other poster, go to the website for a coupon for only $ 15.00 per six units

I've used the medication for 2 years. Taken approximately 25 doses. It's been 99% efffective within 5 minutes of use. Minimal side effects that are gone within 5 minutes as well. I have United Health Pharma plan and pay $35 for a six-pack as my copay. It was a little painful at first, but after 3 or 4 times it doesn't bother me. I take the injection in the middle / center of my thigh, stick a band aid on it, and i'm done. This is a great drug for me.

It took me a while to get on to how to use it, too. My thighs do not have enough flab, I think, and so it hurt there. I found that if I use it on the bit of spare tire right above the belt line right on my side and have a band-aid open and ready to slap on, it goes pretty well.

When I think about how hard dealing with migraines used to be, this is great. When I have a headache so bad that I can't see or think and am about to hide for darkness like I used to when I waited for 3 or 4 hours for Imitrex pills to work... then, at that point, a pinch in the side is nothing. When I'm about to go lights-out, I'd take that pinch every minute on the minute for the next 15 minutes to start feeling better quickly.

Sometimes the symptoms seem to intensify for 10-15 minutes but then I start feeling better relatively quick.

The drawback, for me, is I start to wait them out to see if other things help first, then... after playing chicken with the migraine... I could kick myself for not just getting it out in the first place. This stuff cuts down my overall numbers if I use it quick as it doesn't allow it to become imbedded unless I wait too long. With Imitrex, I always needed my 9 because once they got imbedded I couldn't get rid of them.

I now worry about what if I had to stop using the Sumavel.

Reading a lot of these messages, I can't help but think that for those who complain about the pain of the injection that anyone who thinks that pain is worse than that of a migraine isn't legimitmately suffering from migraines! I mean, seriously, how much of a baby can you be? It is far less miserable than a regular shot, IMO, since the pain is over in a split second.

As a person who bruises so easily that I don't know where half of them come from, giving myself this injection in my abdomen has never left me with more than a slight bruise the size of a pencil eraser. And before anyone thinks that I must be a heavier weight individual to be saying this: I'm a 5'6, 118 lb female w/a fairly lean abdomen.

Sure, I hesitate before pushing down almost every time I use it, but I'd say it's human nature. It's the same way that the air puff test at the eye doctor doesn't hurt, but I am terrified and nervous every time I have to do it!

I am confused. I have been taking imitrex injectable for years with no issues. While I don't enjoy the shot, it is worth it to relieve the migraine. Is this more or less painful than the needle shot or the same? It is the same medication, correct? I recently had to switch to a generic injection, but for some reason I find it much more painful and difficult to use than the imitrex. Now my dr is prescribing sumavel. If it is worse than the needle injection I'm just not going to be physically able to force myself to do it. I get so scared of this generic I start hyperventilating and shaking and spend an hour trying and just make my migraine worse. If someone could compare the two I would appreciate it.