
I've heard the reason they are having trouble finding a manager is that most don't llike working with loosers like all of the TX reps are. All they can sell is medicaid and nothing else and mostly whine about that. Hey in this life you get out of what you put into it. If you don't like it LEAVE LOOSERS!!

No one has left for quite a while as far as i know - the TX manager was let go but for being a bone head as i understand it. Seems like as soon as you losers go away the company can get on with the business of growing and making some good progress.


If the losers left, there would be no one left at corporate(esp the owner)...but then it really wouldn't be much different than it is now! It's really pathetic!

I've heard the reason they are having trouble finding a manager is that most don't llike working with loosers like all of the TX reps are. All they can sell is medicaid and nothing else and mostly whine about that. Hey in this life you get out of what you put into it. If you don't like it LEAVE LOOSERS!!

You are definately right, considering the only people who might make any money in this company are the ones in Texas. So, it would definately be too hard to find a DM who actually might have a shot at making any money! Makes a lot of sense. But then again they took care of the fact that the Texas reps make any kind of bonus by taking most of it away from them while the company is still profiting the same!

How does the company profit the same when all products had to be cut by over 60% to keep them in TX? You loosers have no idea thats why you're loosers. You can't cut it so you bitch, you have to really go to work so you blame others (owner, Frank, others) then all you can do is bitch. Look in the mirror see what you like? me either! Again, if its that bad leave looser.

I wish everyone would stop picking on the sales manager. He is perhaps the best manager I have ever encountered. How many people do you know that have the ability to defend worthless products year after year. How many people do you know that can consistently blame a revolving door sales force on the employees and get away with it. How may people do you know that can not follow up with product questions, walk in late to interviews, constantly misrepresent the company to potential new hires and get away with it. How many people do you know that can read all the negative commentary about themselves and the company and come up with consistently pathetic responses in defense time after time. With a skill set like this I think even Bernie Madoff may be a little impressed. Lets not forget the enabler of this great man, the Chief, the CEO, the Supreme Leader. In fact, I think a salute is in order, please take a private moment and salute these two geniuses in any way you see fit.

How much do they pay you to put this b.s. on here? You are like the watch dog of the Centrix Cafe Pharma Boards. Anytime anyone posts anything even slightly negative you jump right on here with something to say. It's kind of pathetic. But it's obvious that Centrix will do anything to try to save some face anyway they can.

They can't get even half way decent products to promote and they can't get half way decent managers. What Centrix does manage to get is pretty good salespeople with talent by promising them the world and then not delivering on the promises, hmm, I meant to say lies. This is why there is such a high turnover rate at Centrix. Who would want to have a job where you get no respect because you are out there pushing really expensive generic products that no one wants? It just doesn't make sense. And don't even start with the crap of "oh you should be thankful that you have a job." It's not hard to find another job paying $33,000 or so a year.

Oh and don't start with your crap of if you are so unhappy you should just leave stuff, I have already left, I've got a much better job with a much more respectable pharma company making double the money WITH bonuses, 401K, car, all the stuff a REAL pharma company offers.

And I don't want to hear your crap about how I'm pathetic for looking on here even after I left. We all know that people will occasionally check back to their old company to see how things are going. I was just kinda curious as to what was going on here. From the looks of it, nothing has changed. The poor reps that are still plugging along are unhappy because they were promised the world and they haven't seen it yet. And I still see that the company cheerleader is still on here liftin' up her skirt, which it just gives all of the current employees something to chuckle about.

I just can't wait for your little "ra ra Centrix" reply. There's absolutely nothing that you can say to me to get under my skin. I'm no longer with the company, thank the heavens!, I left on my own because I got a much better job, I am sooooo incredibly happy where I am, I am respected and you are not, and I bet I make a whole lot more money than you do, so go ahead get on here and "rip me apart." And you can't say that I am a terrible salesperson because I have been hitting my quotas or have come very very close. That was nearly impossible at Centrix, unless you lived in Texas of course.

Funny thing is, I more than likely won't check out the board again for another couple of months. When I am surfing the internet and I am curious about this rinky dink little company again I might pop back on. This will be a funny little e-mail for all the employees to chunkle about next week. But in a couple more months, the company probably won't exist, then where will you be with your skirt and pom poms? Oh....I know...the unemployment line. Good luck with that!

In other words, you really love this place and miss it or you would not bother to write a short story covering up your true feelings.

you know the majority of people that work in that bad excuse for a home office we have here.... The majority of people that actually do the work for this company and waste all day trying to sell this shit cant stand him. If you have ever sat down and actually talked to the man about any type of sales plan you can understand that he has no freaking clue on what he is actually talking about!! I really hope that a couple of these interviews i have work out because i would much rather be busting my ass for someone who actually appreciated my effort rather then continuing busting my ass for him.

Bob is the true dumb ass. He's spending his golden years trying to build a company on a business model that is pathetic at best. From what I can tell the only thing that keeps this company going is the success he realized when working for someone else. Thats because someone else made him successful. Bob thought he could do the same thing and created the miserable failure know as Centrix. He is incapable of innovation and tries to create value where there is none. The process simply leads to an entire group of miserable sales reps that never realize anything more than an outrageously high turn over rate. Aslo, has anyone else noticed someone at Centrix has become an administrator or is wired in to Cafepharma as is taking down the posts that they really don't like?

Just saw an ad for a rep position with Centrix that was 100% commission. Is this new since I read of at least low base salaries. Anyone working on 100% commission? Please share info. on true earning potential. Thanks.

save yourself some sanity and DON'T work for this company. I worked there when Jimmy Ratcliff was there and STOLE drugs out of every closet. Also, FRANK TORTORICCI is a slime ball, loose cannon w/a temper who patrols these boards bc he has nothing else to do. Not to mention the HORRIBLE drugs we had to sell to docs who hated us!