So what is the bottom line? What is the offer? ACell is going gangbusters hiring new reps right now. Why? They are continuing to boost their valuation. The IPO will come. A larger fish will buy them quickly. A number of offers have already been turned down. Anyone in management has stock options. They are busting their asses right now to post increases in gross sales. Hiring more reps than needed. So they can cash out early. Most of them by the way are not corporate material. I understand that a number of managers do not have four year college degrees. So here is the offer. Take a position selling something that is very hard to convince docs into using.(every biologic claims the same exact thing). They may try it out of curiosity, you may have a big month, however good luck converting a long term user. Unless of course you have the backing of a handful of KOLs. Best Reps= KOLs. Does the product work? Yes. It is a powerful technology. Will you make a killing? chances are NO. Corporate is not into building a long term company. That is the bottom line. If they were, they would have invested far more into their reps(who by the way, have no stock options). Instead they watch you build a territory with minimal help from mgmt. Once and if it gets going, here's the rub: they take your territory from you. Give it to a new rep with zero experience, then give the newbie all the accolades for selling so well during their infancy. WTF? Maybe even center stage during NSM. So the question is: does every company treat their employees like this or this just what to expect from ACell? ACell = The Obama Administration. Work hard, spend your time and money to build something that will be redistributed to someone else who didn't do crap or risk anything. Sounds like a good deal to me. Sign me up.