Successfully Killing Careers

well, there's gotta be some sales people that are in fact 'killing it'. the revenue numbers have increased every year over the year before it, for the last 3 years. you can use childish attacks on others when you read things that don't suit you, but i can tell you for a fact that some of us are doing very well. i'm sorry if that doesn't include you. i wish you were doing better. if you were, it would benefit us all.

Sales increase when you hire more reps. But the average that each rep is selling is pathetic, and that is where the deception is. If you went to a stock broker and he got you to buy a stock because it has performed well, but you find out later that it was not nearly what the stock broker said it was, you would be pissed. I have a pretty good idea who you are, and I realize why you are so defensive. You can't admit you are wrong.

Sales increase when you hire more reps. But the average that each rep is selling is pathetic, and that is where the deception is. If you went to a stock broker and he got you to buy a stock because it has performed well, but you find out later that it was not nearly what the stock broker said it was, you would be pissed. I have a pretty good idea who you are, and I realize why you are so defensive. You can't admit you are wrong.

i would agree with this poster if the hiring continued to add reps and no reps ever left. i know that's not true at any company in the device world. if turnover outpaces hires, there could even be a net loss, which would mean those who stay are in fact 'killing it' even more than we thought.

So what is the bottom line? What is the offer? ACell is going gangbusters hiring new reps right now. Why? They are continuing to boost their valuation. The IPO will come. A larger fish will buy them quickly. A number of offers have already been turned down. Anyone in management has stock options. They are busting their asses right now to post increases in gross sales. Hiring more reps than needed. So they can cash out early. Most of them by the way are not corporate material. I understand that a number of managers do not have four year college degrees. So here is the offer. Take a position selling something that is very hard to convince docs into using.(every biologic claims the same exact thing). They may try it out of curiosity, you may have a big month, however good luck converting a long term user. Unless of course you have the backing of a handful of KOLs. Best Reps= KOLs. Does the product work? Yes. It is a powerful technology. Will you make a killing? chances are NO. Corporate is not into building a long term company. That is the bottom line. If they were, they would have invested far more into their reps(who by the way, have no stock options). Instead they watch you build a territory with minimal help from mgmt. Once and if it gets going, here's the rub: they take your territory from you. Give it to a new rep with zero experience, then give the newbie all the accolades for selling so well during their infancy. WTF? Maybe even center stage during NSM. So the question is: does every company treat their employees like this or this just what to expect from ACell? ACell = The Obama Administration. Work hard, spend your time and money to build something that will be redistributed to someone else who didn't do crap or risk anything. Sounds like a good deal to me. Sign me up.

So what is the bottom line? What is the offer? ACell is going gangbusters hiring new reps right now. Why? They are continuing to boost their valuation. The IPO will come. A larger fish will buy them quickly. A number of offers have already been turned down. Anyone in management has stock options. They are busting their asses right now to post increases in gross sales. Hiring more reps than needed. So they can cash out early. Most of them by the way are not corporate material. I understand that a number of managers do not have four year college degrees. So here is the offer. Take a position selling something that is very hard to convince docs into using.(every biologic claims the same exact thing). They may try it out of curiosity, you may have a big month, however good luck converting a long term user. Unless of course you have the backing of a handful of KOLs. Best Reps= KOLs. Does the product work? Yes. It is a powerful technology. Will you make a killing? chances are NO. Corporate is not into building a long term company. That is the bottom line. If they were, they would have invested far more into their reps(who by the way, have no stock options). Instead they watch you build a territory with minimal help from mgmt. Once and if it gets going, here's the rub: they take your territory from you. Give it to a new rep with zero experience, then give the newbie all the accolades for selling so well during their infancy. WTF? Maybe even center stage during NSM. So the question is: does every company treat their employees like this or this just what to expect from ACell? ACell = The Obama Administration. Work hard, spend your time and money to build something that will be redistributed to someone else who didn't do crap or risk anything. Sounds like a good deal to me. Sign me up.

i agree 100% with this: "Best Reps= KOLs. Does the product work? Yes. It is a powerful technology"

with essentially no reimbursement in outpatient wound care and belt tightening across the country, the only way to push the product well is to get key docs who understand the technology and what it can do for their patients. they in turn back you in front of their VACs. this is especially true if the KOL is savvy enough to understand that the technology not only works better but saves the hospital money because it gets patients out of there quicker. when there are no clinical trials, the only thing we can do is sell the product through the backing of the docs who see it work day in and day out.

So what is the bottom line? What is the offer? ACell is going gangbusters hiring new reps right now. Why? They are continuing to boost their valuation. The IPO will come. A larger fish will buy them quickly. A number of offers have already been turned down. Anyone in management has stock options. They are busting their asses right now to post increases in gross sales. Hiring more reps than needed. So they can cash out early. Most of them by the way are not corporate material. I understand that a number of managers do not have four year college degrees. So here is the offer. Take a position selling something that is very hard to convince docs into using.(every biologic claims the same exact thing). They may try it out of curiosity, you may have a big month, however good luck converting a long term user. Unless of course you have the backing of a handful of KOLs. Best Reps= KOLs. Does the product work? Yes. It is a powerful technology. Will you make a killing? chances are NO. Corporate is not into building a long term company. That is the bottom line. If they were, they would have invested far more into their reps(who by the way, have no stock options). Instead they watch you build a territory with minimal help from mgmt. Once and if it gets going, here's the rub: they take your territory from you. Give it to a new rep with zero experience, then give the newbie all the accolades for selling so well during their infancy. WTF? Maybe even center stage during NSM. So the question is: does every company treat their employees like this or this just what to expect from ACell? ACell = The Obama Administration. Work hard, spend your time and money to build something that will be redistributed to someone else who didn't do crap or risk anything. Sounds like a good deal to me. Sign me up.

"ACell = The Obama Administration. Work hard, spend your time and money to build something that will be redistributed to someone else who didn't do crap or risk anything."

Huh? Corporate profits and the stock market are at an all time high. W's tax cuts never expired. We essentially paid for our wars 'on credit', so the middle class could continue to buy their flat screens, toyotas, and iphones. Stick to medical device sales analysis, at least you made a few good points in that department.

Multiple offers have been turned down? Please that is the goofiest thing I have heard. No real company looks at this and thinks it is legit. This place wouldn't make it through the due diligence process for a acquisition with any real company. A OK technology covered in dirt and shadiness.

Multiple offers have been turned down? Please that is the goofiest thing I have heard. No real company looks at this and thinks it is legit. This place wouldn't make it through the due diligence process for a acquisition with any real company. A OK technology covered in dirt and shadiness.

Haven't you heard? The military wants to only use ACELL! They are kicking everybody else off of the government contract because ACELL rocks!

with essentially no reimbursement in outpatient wound care and belt tightening across the country, the only way to push the product well is to get key docs who understand the technology and what it can do for their patients. they in turn back you in front of their VACs. this is especially true if the KOL is savvy enough to understand that the technology not only works better but saves the hospital money because it gets patients out of there quicker

So why use acell, numerous other products work better and faster....primatrix, Integra.....

Haven't you heard? The military wants to only use ACELL! They are kicking everybody else off of the government contract because ACELL rocks!

Funny........maybe a va in the middle of nowhere...all other major military facilities use a mix and combo of products, Acell being one of them, but used far less then others

This product might have worked in the 70s and 80s
Hospital personnel have a vested interest in not adding any new products!
Up hill battle, all the company cares about is a blip in sales, then sell the co
off to the first bidder.
Why work here except to earn a paycheck until the next one
give blood, I think not
Dad E

Acell Matristem

I had Acell used on myself, to reduce scarring, associated with the cosmetic procedure I had in 2009.

The results were horrific! I was left disfigured, the doctor using acell claimed it reduced scarring, and also claimed he could pluck hair from my beard, bathe the hair shaft in acell solution, plant it in my scalp and it would grow.

Needless to say this also did not happen. I can provide photographs, I cant seem to find the upload feature here.


Projected 280K At Plan
Multiple Clinical Studies in the Works
Future Indications in the works for Orthopedics, Cardiac, Vascular and Plastic Surgery
Stock Options to be awarded to all reps
Management Opportunities for top performers
100% Reimbursement

The Truth....

Absolutely no reimbursement
90% of cases are off label
Most reps make less then 100K
No Clinical Studies being conducted
No New Indications
No Support from Marketing or Sales Management
No Stock Options
No Training
The same incomplete case photos to sell with

No need to worry, have faith in our fearless leader a cowboy man-child that dies his hair and caries a purse. who knows what he's doing with those llamas....

I actually really enjoyed my time with acell. I grew sales at a decent rate and almost got off retainer over a 10-11 month period but then was fired with no warning...It was hard to explain in interviews to some while others understood. I just think all in all I would have been better off avoiding this company. Pete, the recruiter was actually very up front about everything I just had a lot of confidence and it didn't work out for me. Man did it kill my resume