Successfully Killing Careers


Projected 280K At Plan
Multiple Clinical Studies in the Works
Future Indications in the works for Orthopedics, Cardiac, Vascular and Plastic Surgery
Stock Options to be awarded to all reps
Management Opportunities for top performers
100% Reimbursement

The Truth....

Absolutely no reimbursement
90% of cases are off label
Most reps make less then 100K
No Clinical Studies being conducted
No New Indications
No Support from Marketing or Sales Management
No Stock Options
No Training
The same incomplete case photos to sell with

No need to worry, have faith in our fearless leader a cowboy man-child that dies his hair and caries a purse. who knows what he's doing with those llamas....

where did you hear any of the stuff at the top of your post?

i was told i'd make my minimum guarantee salary + commission, no stock options for reps, reimbursement issues existed in the wound space (as for all competitors), and that the clinical studies while in the works were nowhere near completion.

if you heard differently, you must have skipped out on the interview process and the corporate training.

where did you hear any of the stuff at the top of your post?

i was told i'd make my minimum guarantee salary + commission, no stock options for reps, reimbursement issues existed in the wound space (as for all competitors), and that the clinical studies while in the works were nowhere near completion.

if you heard differently, you must have skipped out on the interview process and the corporate training.

How does that Koolaid taste?

How does that Koolaid taste?

not sure what you mean. it is what it is. i was told i what i was told. more importantly, my employment letter read clear as day. there's no secrets, just ask around if you're not clear about something. to me, it seems to be more sour grapes from people who have failed to meet their goals, and would like to blame others for those failures.

ah, i see. i can't speak to them. i didn't use them. i never trust recruiters. these guys work independent of acell, they have their own company and just send acell (and probably many other companies) candidates.

not sure what you mean. it is what it is. i was told i what i was told. more importantly, my employment letter read clear as day. there's no secrets, just ask around if you're not clear about something. to me, it seems to be more sour grapes from people who have failed to meet their goals, and would like to blame others for those failures.

It doesn't matter, koolaid man. Things will change soon enough. Have a nice weekend.

It doesn't matter, koolaid man. Things will change soon enough. Have a nice weekend.

according to our compensation model, things will change only if our sales improve or slow down. things for you will likely remain poor if you continue to sell little, which i imagine youdo based on your posts. as much as you really wish it was someone else's fault, you are really the only one that can change your situation. good luck with that.

according to our compensation model, things will change only if our sales improve or slow down. things for you will likely remain poor if you continue to sell little, which i imagine youdo based on your posts. as much as you really wish it was someone else's fault, you are really the only one that can change your situation. good luck with that.

The fact that you think there is a "compensation model" here is hysterical! There is no model to anything here, just deception. The koolaid may make you blind, but it does not make you smart. Things will change, so good luck with that.

The fact that you think there is a "compensation model" here is hysterical! There is no model to anything here, just deception. The koolaid may make you blind, but it does not make you smart. Things will change, so good luck with that.

once again, i'm unsure i can make any sense of your post. the compensation model is pretty clear. i make a minimum of $X, and Y% commission on anything over and above that. i would imagine you have the same model. i'm unsure you need to drink kool aid or be smart to understand that.

once again, i'm unsure i can make any sense of your post. the compensation model is pretty clear. i make a minimum of $X, and Y% commission on anything over and above that. i would imagine you have the same model. i'm unsure you need to drink kool aid or be smart to understand that.

Once again, you reiterate the silly "I make x% of y$". That would make sense if the situation was truthfully explained to me when I interviewed. I was told the average rep did y$, but it was nowhere near what real average sales. I am "unsure" that you can comprehend anything. I am not arguing the details of the contract. I am disappointed because the people who interviewed me painted a rosy picture and were not truthful regarding the challenges and obstacles. Now you may have needed a job and had nowhere else to go, as I am unsure you would get hired anywhere else, but I left a good position and turned down other positions based on the lies I was told. I am unsure why you can't understand that. Did I use "unsure" enough for you?

Once again, you reiterate the silly "I make x% of y$". That would make sense if the situation was truthfully explained to me when I interviewed. I was told the average rep did y$, but it was nowhere near what real average sales. I am "unsure" that you can comprehend anything. I am not arguing the details of the contract. I am disappointed because the people who interviewed me painted a rosy picture and were not truthful regarding the challenges and obstacles. Now you may have needed a job and had nowhere else to go, as I am unsure you would get hired anywhere else, but I left a good position and turned down other positions based on the lies I was told. I am unsure why you can't understand that. Did I use "unsure" enough for you?

you are an angry person. you should see someone about the feelings you harbor. i can't speak to what you were allegedly told, nor can i speak to whether what you were told was true. i doubt you were told lies, because averages are just that, averages. some people make more (probably not you), some people make less (probably you). i too would be disappointed if i was making less than the average, but if you are are as good a sales person as you say you are (which must be true based on the the "good positions" you "turned down" elsewhere), you should go find similar positions and take them. if i were in your shoes i would definitely do so. why would you remain and be unhappy if you are a good sales person who can get higher paying jobs elsewhere? it seems self-defeating.

you are an angry person. you should see someone about the feelings you harbor. i can't speak to what you were allegedly told, nor can i speak to whether what you were told was true. i doubt you were told lies, because averages are just that, averages. some people make more (probably not you), some people make less (probably you). i too would be disappointed if i was making less than the average, but if you are are as good a sales person as you say you are (which must be true based on the the "good positions" you "turned down" elsewhere), you should go find similar positions and take them. if i were in your shoes i would definitely do so. why would you remain and be unhappy if you are a good sales person who can get higher paying jobs elsewhere? it seems self-defeating.

Such an eloquent soliloquy from either management or home office who troll on here daily. I believe the previous poster is very accurate in his/her assessment of the position as presented by recruiters. It is undeniable that a much "rosier" picture is presented. Management fails to mention the real obstacles present to being successful in this market during the interview process. In today's market, people try to make a career decision based on the information given to them during the interview process. There has to be some "trust" that the information is somewhat accurate. It is very difficult to verify all the truths and non-truths. I think this is why you have so many upset people. It has gotten better, but by no means is it good. A lot of people in management need to take a long look in the mirror and realize how their actions affect other people's lives.

Such an eloquent soliloquy from either management or home office who troll on here daily. I believe the previous poster is very accurate in his/her assessment of the position as presented by recruiters. It is undeniable that a much "rosier" picture is presented. Management fails to mention the real obstacles present to being successful in this market during the interview process. In today's market, people try to make a career decision based on the information given to them during the interview process. There has to be some "trust" that the information is somewhat accurate. It is very difficult to verify all the truths and non-truths. I think this is why you have so many upset people. It has gotten better, but by no means is it good. A lot of people in management need to take a long look in the mirror and realize how their actions affect other people's lives.

outside recruiters aren't management. outside recruiters work for themselves. they get paid to place us at any company, whether we succeed or fail. like the mortgage jerks of the last decade, they have no financial incentive for us to succeed, just to place us. to the contrary, if we fail and leave the company, there's yet another space for them to fill and get paid on. in the end, we lose, acell loses (they have to pay the recruiters) and the recruiters win. that's my issue about this whole 'you lied' b.s. if a third party is lying to you that sucks, but don't take it out on a totally different hand that feeds you! i for one am happy to be here.

outside recruiters aren't management. outside recruiters work for themselves. they get paid to place us at any company, whether we succeed or fail. like the mortgage jerks of the last decade, they have no financial incentive for us to succeed, just to place us. to the contrary, if we fail and leave the company, there's yet another space for them to fill and get paid on. in the end, we lose, acell loses (they have to pay the recruiters) and the recruiters win. that's my issue about this whole 'you lied' b.s. if a third party is lying to you that sucks, but don't take it out on a totally different hand that feeds you! i for one am happy to be here.

You are a dope. What don't you understand? The recruiter didn't tell me anything, moron. I sat there and listened to an Area and Regional Manager explain to me how everybody was "killing it". It was not the truth and not even close to reality. End of story. Your freaking ignorance explaining simple math and percentages of sales is getting old. Now run along and sell some pig bladder.

You are a dope. What don't you understand? The recruiter didn't tell me anything, moron. I sat there and listened to an Area and Regional Manager explain to me how everybody was "killing it". It was not the truth and not even close to reality. End of story. Your freaking ignorance explaining simple math and percentages of sales is getting old. Now run along and sell some pig bladder.

well, there's gotta be some sales people that are in fact 'killing it'. the revenue numbers have increased every year over the year before it, for the last 3 years. you can use childish attacks on others when you read things that don't suit you, but i can tell you for a fact that some of us are doing very well. i'm sorry if that doesn't include you. i wish you were doing better. if you were, it would benefit us all.