Strongest division

IC plan q1 1.10 per capsule
IC plan q2 .70 per capsule
IC plan q3 .60 per capsule

Sales not increasing so you end up making less and less

Great place to be if you like making no money. Bend over
Thank sir may I have another!

You forgot a few things. Managed-care and coverage instead of getting better is actually getting worse. Our personal medical coverage instead of getting better it's getting worse. Our bullshit 401(k) is getting worse instead of better it's an absolute fucking disgrace working here and I've just about had enough

Oh boy another quarter is coming to an end and no money will be made by 80-90% of the sales force.
Selling 1,000 Rxs a week BUT our goal is about 2,000 Rxs a week!! Dream on
Unfair goal means the sales force gets screwed a again!!

what a joke! This company has the worst senior leadership! CT can't find his way out of a closet and SH is asleep at the wheel. Actually, SH is just too old and tends to nap alot. LOL Run from this company! Run Fast!

Did I say how much I hate working for this company! We have incompetent leadership, our sole product is a joke and our customers laugh at us, our competition laugh at us, our managers lie about bonus, and CT our VP has very little respect for any of us is he thinks we believe the horse shit that spew from his oversized lips everytime he flaps them which is far too often!

Hey Chris you can stick Cancun where the sun don't shine! None of us can be bought with your feable attempt at leading this two bit company with one lousy product! FYI, the company still sucks and noone cares to see you or scott in a speedo! CT, one suggestion.. instead of Cancun, take the money and find your neck! LOL!!! Oh and by the way, thanks for paying me while I looked for a new job over these past few months, I really appreciate it! Getting ready to start my new gig on Monday and guess what, I decided I'm not letting you know for awhile. Thinking I will just continue to collect my paycheck and collect some of the bonus you have screwed me out of! For you, the sad thing is... you have no idea who I am and I'm laughing thinking how you'll be racking your brain over the next couple days trying to figure out who's collecting pay and not really working for USL. Guess what CT... there's alot of us! You see, thats what happens when you loose the respect of everyone! We don't care about you or this company!! Here's an idea, maybe put your goon RY on the case! (JOKE, I mean he is a JOKE, LOL) Yes, RY we all know about your illustrious career at Shire! How can you expect any of us could ever respect you as a leader? Your incompetence got you fired at Shire and CT with all his wisdom decided to transfer that problem here! Lucky us! Hint RY.... you may want to learn how to speak before you need to move on to your next gig. Your stumbling over sentences and trying to pronounce words is just plain sad! Finally, CT please join me in your fav song.. Singin the Happy Song CT! Cmon CT I wanna see your short little legs shake one mo time! LOL

Hey Chris you can stick Cancun where the sun don't shine! None of us can be bought with your feable attempt at leading this two bit company with one lousy product! FYI, the company still sucks and noone cares to see you or scott in a speedo! CT, one suggestion.. instead of Cancun, take the money and find your neck! LOL!!! Oh and by the way, thanks for paying me while I looked for a new job over these past few months, I really appreciate it! Getting ready to start my new gig on Monday and guess what, I decided I'm not letting you know for awhile. Thinking I will just continue to collect my paycheck and collect some of the bonus you have screwed me out of! For you, the sad thing is... you have no idea who I am and I'm laughing thinking how you'll be racking your brain over the next couple days trying to figure out who's collecting pay and not really working for USL. Guess what CT... there's alot of us! You see, thats what happens when you loose the respect of everyone! We don't care about you or this company!! Here's an idea, maybe put your goon RY on the case! (JOKE, I mean he is a JOKE, LOL) Yes, RY we all know about your illustrious career at Shire! How can you expect any of us could ever respect you as a leader? Your incompetence got you fired at Shire and CT with all his wisdom decided to transfer that problem here! Lucky us! Hint RY.... you may want to learn how to speak before you need to move on to your next gig. Your stumbling over sentences and trying to pronounce words is just plain sad! Finally, CT please join me in your fav song.. Singin the Happy Song CT! Cmon CT I wanna see your short little legs shake one mo time! LOL

I agree with your points on the incompetence of the leadership and lack of integrity on contest prizes but don't make personal appearance attacks on the man. That being said I'm not even excited to go to Cancun. Can't believe anything they push. There is little respect for the field. I am just about done.

Did I say how much I hate working for this company! We have incompetent leadership, our sole product is a joke and our customers laugh at us, our competition laugh at us, our managers lie about bonus, and CT our VP has very little respect for any of us is he thinks we believe the horse shit that spew from his oversized lips everytime he flaps them which is far too often!

CT is all about CT period.


What did you expect? This is not the same organization that we all joined and were excited for in March of 2014 in Washington DC. its about as far from it as you could get on the grand scale.

In Washington, listening to Mark E. was exciting, he was dynamic, and had visions to change the way business was handled.
Marks vision didn't work, CT and SH are in charge, Mark is a ghost, and the same shit happens every quarter.

It was a farce from the beginning, training, testing, and delays. No leadership, just a network of people taking care of their friends. That's evident by the players in Maple Grove that continually move into roles created especially for them.

USL has a track record of this behavior, ask the legacy reps. Though they will all tell you that its not the same organization they joined all that time ago.

Remember, this is just a job. Its not a career, though CT would pontificate differently.

Go through the resume again, update the linkedin profile, and go look for another job. Its that easy. This will be just a footnote in your working history, and think about it. You learned some valuable lessons here.
What not to do, say, or how to lead if you're in management.
What not to believe if you're in sales.

I'm beginning to think those that were laid off in October were the lucky ones.

Cancun, what a joke. I hope no one gets kidnapped and held for ransom? Don't expect USL to come to your rescue.


What did you expect? This is not the same organization that we all joined and were excited for in March of 2014 in Washington DC. its about as far from it as you could get on the grand scale.

In Washington, listening to Mark E. was exciting, he was dynamic, and had visions to change the way business was handled.
Marks vision didn't work, CT and SH are in charge, Mark is a ghost, and the same shit happens every quarter.

It was a farce from the beginning, training, testing, and delays. No leadership, just a network of people taking care of their friends. That's evident by the players in Maple Grove that continually move into roles created especially for them.

USL has a track record of this behavior, ask the legacy reps. Though they will all tell you that its not the same organization they joined all that time ago.

Remember, this is just a job. Its not a career, though CT would pontificate differently.

Go through the resume again, update the linkedin profile, and go look for another job. Its that easy. This will be just a footnote in your working history, and think about it. You learned some valuable lessons here.
What not to do, say, or how to lead if you're in management.
What not to believe if you're in sales.

I'm beginning to think those that were laid off in October were the lucky ones.

Cancun, what a joke. I hope no one gets kidnapped and held for ransom? Don't expect USL to come to your rescue.

Well said, Bravo!

Cancun - dangerous place they hate Americans are we going to build a wall around Mexico anyway we don't even want those people to come into the US you couldn't pick a worse place what about that virus from mosquitoes that is now in Mexico

It's a shit hole