Looking at the company.and thinking of applying.
Is it a hidden gem or a revolving door? Truth please
Is it a hidden gem or a revolving door? Truth please
Revolving door unless you are connected.
Everyone else is just a commodity to be used.
still no IC plan for Q2! No IC plan for Q3! The no sales leadership team should resign
still no IC plan for Q2! No IC plan for Q3! The no sales leadership team should resign
Great company
Strong leadership
Clear vision
You know things are really bad here when sales reps would rather work at a contract company then Upsher.
Contract work is not good. No job security, few f any benefits, no sense of loyalty from anyone, and you are often treated like a nobody/outsider. If you are stuck in a contract agency they take a percentage of your pay. If you get laid off (and you will) there will be no severance package. This may be fine for someone who is not the prime wage earner of the family, doesn't have to carry health insurance, or just wants to shop around. For most people it just sucks.Contracts roll from one contract to the today's market that's good.
Revolving door. Me too product.
4 Dm's left
Hired a new sales director who is cleaning house. Most territories aren't producing. Product comes off patent 6 months before the next gem hits market...
Everyone is looking. Anyone who tells you otherwise must be in management
still no IC plan for Q2! No IC plan for Q3! The no sales leadership team should resign
The point is... Clearly there are employees here that feel the risk of contract work is better than working for Upsher
The point is... Clearly there are employees here that feel the risk of contract work is better than working for Upsher
Contract work is not good. No job security, few f any benefits, no sense of loyalty from anyone, and you are often treated like a nobody/outsider. If you are stuck in a contract agency they take a percentage of your pay. If you get laid off (and you will) there will be no severance package. This may be fine for someone who is not the prime wage earner of the family, doesn't have to carry health insurance, or just wants to shop around. For most people it just sucks.
How is the new leadership team doing? Chris T took over the helm well over a year ago... Sales numbers? Turnover? Morale?