
I am currently interviewing for a rep position with Strativa. I would like to get honest feedback from reps about the position and the company. I know this may be a lot to ask on Cafe Pharma, but thought I would give it a shot... Any honest replies would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

look if you dont know how to sell or manage a territory without holding hands with 5 other conterparts then you will fail miserably. this is fast paced, intense and a progresive company. those that joined are either succeeding or seeing the writing on the wall. we just hope the one interviewing you will see through the bullshit on your resume and capture your fony numbers you photoshopped to make you look like you were #1 from you past company.

So check this out fatboy. we dont want you here if you cant produce. and thats what it boils down to.

look if you dont know how to sell or manage a territory without holding hands with 5 other conterparts then you will fail miserably. this is fast paced, intense and a progresive company. those that joined are either succeeding or seeing the writing on the wall. we just hope the one interviewing you will see through the bullshit on your resume and capture your fony numbers you photoshopped to make you look like you were #1 from you past company.

So check this out fatboy. we dont want you here if you cant produce. and thats what it boils down to.

Did you graduate high school? Thanks for embarassing the rest of us.

I am currently interviewing for a rep position with Strativa. I would like to get honest feedback from reps about the position and the company. I know this may be a lot to ask on Cafe Pharma, but thought I would give it a shot... Any honest replies would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Be VERY careful. If you are in the Philly region....RUN AWAY. The RBD there is a nutcase who chews reps up, ruins their lives...then spits them out. Families and all. She will tell you she wants the very best for you...but the minute she can cut your legs out from under you, you will be gone. They will tell you you need to improve Nascobal numbers within your 90-day probation period or you will be gone. Trust that word. They cut me within days of my 90th. They make unrealistic goals for you to meet...12-15 calls a day....working 12-hour days.. Programs several times a 2 conference calls a 2 weekly reports...and a monthly report. If you are desperate for a job....take this one if you must. Just keep looking for a better opportunity. Sorry to be so negative....but the Philly manager just cut three people from her team...and one was second in the nation in sales. And if you are a a cup. You'll need it. Again...sorry. These ARE the facts.

The above message is spot on. Managers will not be held accountable for the sales numbers of a so so vitamin option. They will fire you if ask too many questions or critisize upper management. Every manager is like RR.

The above message is spot on. Managers will not be held accountable for the sales numbers of a so so vitamin option. They will fire you if ask too many questions or critisize upper management. Every manager is like RR.

I don't know that any other manager is as bad as RR, but look who is leading them. The pressure they are under from the superbly underqualified BH is phenomenal. And RP is no better. Just a bigger ass. That doesn't excuse RR from being a cold-harded bitch. The three she cut were good people...GOOD PEOPLE. That's what this company was founded on. It is a shame that qualified people are staying away from this company because of our severely poor management philosophy. This puppy is dying a slow death....and they still don't seem to care.

Think of all the money this company has wasted on training alone! In part because of below average leadership. Management is aware of this, but have too much pride to admit weaknesses and fix it. Not only have they wasted money on training but also on a number of monetary settlements to reps across the country for a miriad of reasons. It starts from directors down to dsm. Some directors are clueless on how to filter information in order to keep a sales force motivated. This inability creates a lot of collateral damage. That is why we have vaccancies all over the country. Please wake the Fuck up! Oh yeah. One more thing. We are checking boxes like a mother fucker out here. So BH, catch me if you can. Sincerely, 4 days and counting

look if you dont know how to sell or manage a territory without holding hands with 5 other conterparts then you will fail miserably. this is fast paced, intense and a progresive company. those that joined are either succeeding or seeing the writing on the wall. we just hope the one interviewing you will see through the bullshit on your resume and capture your fony numbers you photoshopped to make you look like you were #1 from you past company.

So check this out fatboy. we dont want you here if you cant produce. and thats what it boils down to.

Here is what it boils down to. You couldn't manage for any other company or you would be there. You have lost 50% of the sales force 6 months after each expansion. How much did that cost your fast paced organization? The products suck and are way under plan. Reps who are still there aren't trying to manage their territory or grow business but are faking sigs on a daily basis to make it look like they are working. Weekly fire drills are considered "fast paced" and in order to max bonus you have to be over plan for all 4 products which less than a quarter of the sales force is doing. Any of this making sense to you Mr. Tough guy. I quit this piece of shit company and am now making more money, have more vacation and not dealing with any of this horse shit anymore. So who is the smart one? Are you going to write back and tell me I couldn't hack it. Keep something in mind. When you tell people that you work for Strativa nobody knows what the hell you are talking about, have never heard of any of the drugs and don't really care. The place is not Goldman Sachs and can't be run like it is.

Here is what it boils down to. You couldn't manage for any other company or you would be there. You have lost 50% of the sales force 6 months after each expansion. How much did that cost your fast paced organization? The products suck and are way under plan. Reps who are still there aren't trying to manage their territory or grow business but are faking sigs on a daily basis to make it look like they are working. Weekly fire drills are considered "fast paced" and in order to max bonus you have to be over plan for all 4 products which less than a quarter of the sales force is doing. Any of this making sense to you Mr. Tough guy. I quit this piece of shit company and am now making more money, have more vacation and not dealing with any of this horse shit anymore. So who is the smart one? Are you going to write back and tell me I couldn't hack it. Keep something in mind. When you tell people that you work for Strativa nobody knows what the hell you are talking about, have never heard of any of the drugs and don't really care. The place is not Goldman Sachs and can't be run like it is.

Loser. blah blah blah blah blah. Why don't you go try to blow yourself too?

Here is what it boils down to. You couldn't manage for any other company or you would be there. You have lost 50% of the sales force 6 months after each expansion. How much did that cost your fast paced organization? The products suck and are way under plan. Reps who are still there aren't trying to manage their territory or grow business but are faking sigs on a daily basis to make it look like they are working. Weekly fire drills are considered "fast paced" and in order to max bonus you have to be over plan for all 4 products which less than a quarter of the sales force is doing. Any of this making sense to you Mr. Tough guy. I quit this piece of shit company and am now making more money, have more vacation and not dealing with any of this horse shit anymore. So who is the smart one? Are you going to write back and tell me I couldn't hack it. Keep something in mind. When you tell people that you work for Strativa nobody knows what the hell you are talking about, have never heard of any of the drugs and don't really care. The place is not Goldman Sachs and can't be run like it is.

100% agree!

Loser. blah blah blah blah blah. Why don't you go try to blow yourself too?
Is that really the best you have for me? I wrote that before half the sales force was laid off. Now the poor slobs who actually didn't get cut are quitting every week. What is the sales force down to now, 17 people? Are you still there? If you are then you know. It's all over. This is total vindication. Everything failed. We were at the Dolphin and Swan just a year ago with that lightweight, Dick Painter, telling us how bright the future is. What are you going to write back? How great management is. How great the products are. How "cutting edge" the company is. Try and put a full sentence together and tell me how wrong I am.

Hey Brad! Nice win last night! Looks like your Ducks are 0-2 for there last two games and out of the national championship race in week one! Ha ha ha ha ha ha.... at least things are still good at Strativa.... aaaaaaaa...... sorry..... OK, at least you still have your looks..... aaaaaaaa......OK, I'll quit while I'm ahead.

I am currently interviewing for a rep position with Strativa. I would like to get honest feedback from reps about the position and the company. I know this may be a lot to ask on Cafe Pharma, but thought I would give it a shot... Any honest replies would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Here is some honest advice. Keep selling copiers until you are 24 and then try to find a nice contract job making in the mid 50's. You'll thank me later.