strativa salary and bonus...


just interviewed for open strativa position... how negotiable is 60k-65k salary? i have 13 years pharma experience. i heard 30k bonus... how realistic are their pay outs?

thanks for your help...

Hello? Nascobal is off to a very good start. Bonuses will be good.

HELLO??? You must be on the west coast...the only place Nascobal is off to a good start. I'm in the midwest and the only scripts I have are for my family members. Alot of reps are doing that just to save their jobs. I hear alot of the east is starving too. Docs just can't get past the cost issue. And just wait til we see if Megace drops because of our DMs obsession with redemptions. Tough tough TOUGH launch. If you take the job, be prepared to be looking for a needle in the haystack.

seriously? who in the world said bonuses would be good with nascobal? uh..why do you think the company is flippin out over numbers not being good? and all the bs we were fed at launch...should have known it was too good to be true. working our tails off for nothing. at least getting paid would make it somewhat worth it... trying to stay positive, but very hard these days. hope things turn around for all of us

There will not he any big money makers after the first four months
With nascobal. Upper management is being held accountable for sluggish numbers and that means the expectations will become even more unrealistic. There will be a breaking point. Who is willing to accept responsibilty? The 'upper' management team? or the sales force?

There will not he any big money makers after the first four months
With nascobal. Upper management is being held accountable for sluggish numbers and that means the expectations will become even more unrealistic. There will be a breaking point. Who is willing to accept responsibilty? The 'upper' management team? or the sales force?

No mercy for the sales force especially since par has overfunded branded with very generours salaries, benefits and working conditions. Nascobal is a slam dunk so no excuses will be tolerated.

No mercy for the sales force especially since par has overfunded branded with very generours salaries, benefits and working conditions. Nascobal is a slam dunk so no excuses will be tolerated.

Slam dunk!!!??? Who in management IS this? Have you been out in the field...especially in the midwest and east? Nascobal is in NO WAY a slam dunk. When is the company going to realize that offices are looking for easier, less costly meds for this patients, especially in this economy. Plus, they are reluctant to do favors for reps they hardly know, and some of us are on our 4th or 5th call panel change in 2-3 years. Add to that the fact that most of my docs patients are MedD and you have a very , very tough sale. I'm working my ass off for every script. I don't mind that, but don't make it sound like this is a piece of cake or that I am not earning my pay. All this company wants to do is insult the intelligence of its sales force and the offices we serve.

The sales force is held in the highest regard and is a most valuable cog in the wheel. Management truly appreciates your efforts. Keep up the good work and trust me your success will be rewarded. Rememeber nascobal is a cheaper alternative when you factor in the cost to travel and have the 8 B-12 injections at the physician's office. You are highly valued Par employee.

Slam dunk!!!??? Who in management IS this? Have you been out in the field...especially in the midwest and east? Nascobal is in NO WAY a slam dunk. When is the company going to realize that offices are looking for easier, less costly meds for this patients, especially in this economy. Plus, they are reluctant to do favors for reps they hardly know, and some of us are on our 4th or 5th call panel change in 2-3 years. Add to that the fact that most of my docs patients are MedD and you have a very , very tough sale. I'm working my ass off for every script. I don't mind that, but don't make it sound like this is a piece of cake or that I am not earning my pay. All this company wants to do is insult the intelligence of its sales force and the offices we serve.

East here...I feel your pain. Most of my docs have Medicare. I am begging for rxs and I just saw my numbers and they suck. Docs are worried about there own skin with Obama and then we come along and ask them to rx nascobal with no coverage....these people are idiots!!!!!!!!!!!

No mercy for the sales force especially since par has overfunded branded with very generours salaries, benefits and working conditions. Nascobal is a slam dunk so no excuses will be tolerated.

On what planet would a physician rather write a prescription than bill for an office visit and a B12 shot? Co-pays are a primary care doc's bread and butter.

There will not he any big money makers after the first four months
With nascobal. Upper management is being held accountable for sluggish numbers and that means the expectations will become even more unrealistic. There will be a breaking point. Who is willing to accept responsibilty? The 'upper' management team? or the sales force?

Whoever wrote this was right on the money. I don't think a lot of people made money this bonus.

received a call from recruiter on position with this company:

Base - 45K + 30K Bonus potential

Company Car, laptop, full benefits

Products: Megace ES, Nascobal, Oravig

Wow!!! they lowered the base. What a way to take advantage of a situation. The last new hires were getting 63-65K with 30 bonus potential. Most did not make it past 6 months probationary period. Btw, you will never see the 30K. Nascobal is dud and Oravig will be too. Selling old drugs with their nano crystal crap that is suppose to provide a better delivery like hell!!!!

I know you probably need a job, but trust me this place is hell. I am being 100% honest with you.

I was offered $1,000,000,000 base and $500,000,000 in bonus!!!
Base is $65,000 at BEST. Realistic bonus is $10,000.....MAYBE if things go really, really well.
Check out the posts, not the 2 that are talking about the buyout and how much people want Nascobal, the other posts. Is your soul worth $75,000?
This place is a nightmare, I will be out as soon as possible. I may even leave without another job. I am not sure how much more I can take.