Stone Clinical Diagnostics

While you state “I’m not perfect” let me be crystal clear with you, no one whose ever met you said to themselves, that Chrissy Ridgeway is one perfect guy….#NeverHappened

While you state “I’m not perfect” let me be crystal clear with you, no one whose ever met you said to themselves, that Chrissy Ridgeway is one perfect guy….#NeverHappened

“Whose ever”? My God you are stupid too.

Come out of your Mom’s basement. Meet me Monday AM. I will treat you to a coffee.

Reminder: The FBI rolled up on you and jacked your lab up. I loved the physician on the local news stating he never signed those forms….exposing your continued FRAUD. I love ruining your weekend, you can’t even enjoy that malt liquor

Good morning from beautiful Alys Beach. As I watch the sun come up I realize how blessed I am. I have a beautiful family. New employees I can rely on. A business on the rise. And, most importantly, a faithful following of haters and losers who fuel my desire to succeed. To you who wish / hope Stone will fail. I thank you! You give me the fuel to succeed.

Cowards going to coward. No one is going to jail junior. I feel sorry for you. So sad. Not shocked. Saw it in you. Your life must be void of love and happiness.

My life is void of BANKRUPTCY, FBI raids, unpaid bills, fraudulent STD test, embarrassing my family, lost non complete lawsuits etc etc etc….you know the rest. BTW I’m not who you think I am you dumb ass

Pacer Monitor item 521
Read it. Stone NOLA is gone. Christopher removed all mentions of it from the website.
I find it interesting that the lies continue in the document. The belief that Stone is the victim of ex employees being vindictive is wild. For us who were there and lived through it, I can only hope the managed care contracts Stone Florida purchased don’t transfer. Christopher does not belong anywhere near healthcare. His leadership is corrupt and he has put patients at risk.

A confluence of events through the life of Stone NOLA caused three of its creditors to file the Involuntary Proceeding that has led to the consent of Stone NOLA to the entry of the Order for Relief. Some of the events that have brought about the entry of Stone NOLA into Chapter 11 are the following:
3 See Dkt. No. 241.
4 See Dkt. No. ___.
5 See Dkt. No. 304.
{00378408-20} 18

Case 21-10923 Doc 521 Filed 08/12/22 Entered 08/12/22 10:02:38 Main Document Page 19 of 51
a. Unfounded allegations made by a past medical director concerning Stone NOLA;
b. A patent that was stolen,
c. Disgruntled employees who started a competing business in violation of a non- compete and who have been relentless in spreading false rumors or statements about Stone NOLA. These statements have led to bad publicity about Stone NOLA and possibly an FBI raid. None of the statements has proven to be true or led to any governmental action against Stone NOLA,
d. The default by the State of Louisiana in connection with a contract. The Debtor has filed suit against the State on this claim,

Can you believe this shit? Still blaming ex workers for your incompetence. I would love to get you on the stand to talk about stonewash. LOL. It would be glorious.

Looks like someone cleaned up the Stone cafepharma site. Was it Ridgeway aka ‘Critter’ trying to clean up his reputation prior to the move to Florida? The great news… Christopher’s reputation can’t and won’t be erased. Everyone in the industry knows him for the grifter and scam artist he is. Can’t wait for him to be shut down.

Is anyone left at stone? Have the FBI finished their investigation? A lot of noise made this an interesting follow. Have not heard much. Don’t see them in Louisiana or Mississippi.
They are still around and operating in LA and FL. They still have lawsuits out their ass. They still are in major debt to vendors. Nothings changed. CR is still screwing his employees and investors over. Karma is a bitch. And Karma is coming after CR.