There isn’t one coming for Acthar. Go take your short selling ass back to that pathetic site you run.
You are correct there is no generic for Acthar and likely never will be. However there is also likely to be no Acthar come February when we are booted off Medicare/Medicaid. My guess from the conversations I had with payor teams past and present is that maybe IS/MS would be safe if we are very lucky Lupus too but coverage for the rest all likely to go. That’s what the 10% cuts were partita our was leaning ahead of that eventually. But if it does happen far more than 10% are going next time

Where has the jackass claiming the stock was going to 60’s been. He’s almost as funny as the ALL CAPS JACKASS!!!
love it!!!! My best guess is the guy claiming the stocks going to the 60’s is JR and the ALL CAPS JACKASS is RG. Nate picked some winners there!!! They will be gone soon. RG has had multiple HR issues in his 9 months here. He is hated by all the NSDs and his marketers he won’t survive

You are correct there is no generic for Acthar and likely never will be. However there is also likely to be no Acthar come February when we are booted off Medicare/Medicaid. My guess from the conversations I had with payor teams past and present is that maybe IS/MS would be safe if we are very lucky Lupus too but coverage for the rest all likely to go. That’s what the 10% cuts were partita our was leaning ahead of that eventually. But if it does happen far more than 10% are going next time

How true is this?

It will be a happy day to see those arrogant asses have to sell for awhile.
Ultimately they will be discovered for what they are content, lazy arrogant asses

Truth. All at leadership walks like they have a stick up their ass. Major arrogance. But they save their sleep by saying we do it fo the patients. Whistle is coming. Keep talking idiots

An Acthar generic is less likely as Acthar is a Peptide, and falls in the middle ground between small molecule drugs and large molecule biologics which has been difficult for the FDA to categorize with bio-equivalence guidance. However, the Synacthen synthetic that MNK was forced to divest as a result of the FTC settlement is likely to come to market late next year. It will not have the Acthar indications only a diagnostic label, making direct marketing difficult, but it will be available. Payers will know its available and most high Acthar prescribers will as well. How do you plan to sell against that when high prescribes are concerned about the perception that they receive kickbacks from MNK? Doctors have been able to hide behind a lack of alternatives, but will no longer have that excuse when Synacthen is on the market.