Stock Price

ignorance is bliss........

Listen Johnny, how is someone ignorant just because they enjoy their job? Just because you are an early 50's, Mr. Know It All who thinks they have all the right answers but has never really progressed their career; you think so highly of your own opinions that anyone who disagrees is ignorant? Really? You are pathetic. You are clearly the same miserable human being who keeps posting on all the threads. I even have a strong indication of who I think you are. I could spot you from a mile away in KC. Shaking your head in confusion and angst during general sessions. Asking questions out of frustration. Just quit already, your manager would be happy. The company would be better off and more importantly, you would be happier. I'm sure you would end up on another companies board, complaining and living your negative lifestyle out for them though. It is generally only a matter of time for people like you to start spewing your negativity and find a couple other miserable people to share your stories with. You are not in the majority, you are in the minority with how you feel. But it makes you feel good to come on CP to get empathy from a bunch of other negative Nancy's, doesn't it? You get a little chubby from someone actually agreeing with you, don't you? Again, pathetic. If I had to guess, miserable married man, early 50's with nothing to show. I could be wrong.

Listen Johnny, how is someone ignorant just because they enjoy their job? Just because you are an early 50's, Mr. Know It All who thinks they have all the right answers but has never really progressed their career; you think so highly of your own opinions that anyone who disagrees is ignorant? Really? You are pathetic. You are clearly the same miserable human being who keeps posting on all the threads. I even have a strong indication of who I think you are. I could spot you from a mile away in KC. Shaking your head in confusion and angst during general sessions. Asking questions out of frustration. Just quit already, your manager would be happy. The company would be better off and more importantly, you would be happier. I'm sure you would end up on another companies board, complaining and living your negative lifestyle out for them though. It is generally only a matter of time for people like you to start spewing your negativity and find a couple other miserable people to share your stories with. You are not in the majority, you are in the minority with how you feel. But it makes you feel good to come on CP to get empathy from a bunch of other negative Nancy's, doesn't it? You get a little chubby from someone actually agreeing with you, don't you? Again, pathetic. If I had to guess, miserable married man, early 50's with nothing to show. I could be wrong.

actually, you and I are about the same age. I may be a little younger. So you're off on that mark. I don't think I know everything....just some things. I welcome a difference of opinions. if you think you know who I am.....walk up to me and ask me. Really? You believe the majority of reps at our company love it and only a minority number are unhappy?

You obviously do not work at Natera.

The pre-reverse split strike price is not $2.35. And the post-reverse split strike price should have been $3.8305 based on your pre-reverse split strike price of $2.35. If you really work at Natera, you would have gotten these numbers correct.

OP here, seriously, i am the OP. Are you nieeve enough to think everyone has the same strike price. We're you not able to, or just not skilled enough during the Q-4 2013 hiring wave to negotiate anything? Did you simply accept what they told you the offer was? Did you not have options from your previous company that you were leaving on the table that you used as leverage? Guess not. You simply took the 2500 options, the $90,000 - $95,000 base max (I negotiated higher), the nonmatching 401K and the 15 vacation days. You also believed your hiring manager when they told you "there would be a match to the 401k coming soon, that great performance would be rewarded with more options, and that you would have tremendous opportunities for advancement if you produced" (sound familiar?).

Even a $0.10 reduction per share on a strike price of an anticipated 10 fold increase at the IPO can have a significant impact on the cash out value. Learn to negotiate better.

Or were you one of the hiring RDs that failed to go to bat to get the best talent out there, and accepted either the best affordable talent or the former Conceptass or Lipposervice rep that was forced down your throat via the friends and family plan?

Every private company has the ability to reserve a certain % of its stock options at an undisclosed and separate strike price that can be used at their discretion.

OP here, seriously, i am the OP. Are you nieeve enough to think everyone has the same strike price. We're you not able to, or just not skilled enough during the Q-4 2013 hiring wave to negotiate anything? Did you simply accept what they told you the offer was? Did you not have options from your previous company that you were leaving on the table that you used as leverage? Guess not. You simply took the 2500 options, the $90,000 - $95,000 base max (I negotiated higher), the nonmatching 401K and the 15 vacation days. You also believed your hiring manager when they told you "there would be a match to the 401k coming soon, that great performance would be rewarded with more options, and that you would have tremendous opportunities for advancement if you produced" (sound familiar?).

Even a $0.10 reduction per share on a strike price of an anticipated 10 fold increase at the IPO can have a significant impact on the cash out value. Learn to negotiate better.

Or were you one of the hiring RDs that failed to go to bat to get the best talent out there, and accepted either the best affordable talent or the former Conceptass or Lipposervice rep that was forced down your throat via the friends and family plan?

Every private company has the ability to reserve a certain % of its stock options at an undisclosed and separate strike price that can be used at their discretion.

Here comes the company cheerleader for his response.........let's listen in;)

OP here, seriously, i am the OP. Are you nieeve enough to think everyone has the same strike price. We're you not able to, or just not skilled enough during the Q-4 2013 hiring wave to negotiate anything? Did you simply accept what they told you the offer was? Did you not have options from your previous company that you were leaving on the table that you used as leverage? Guess not. You simply took the 2500 options, the $90,000 - $95,000 base max (I negotiated higher), the nonmatching 401K and the 15 vacation days. You also believed your hiring manager when they told you "there would be a match to the 401k coming soon, that great performance would be rewarded with more options, and that you would have tremendous opportunities for advancement if you produced" (sound familiar?).

Even a $0.10 reduction per share on a strike price of an anticipated 10 fold increase at the IPO can have a significant impact on the cash out value. Learn to negotiate better.

Or were you one of the hiring RDs that failed to go to bat to get the best talent out there, and accepted either the best affordable talent or the former Conceptass or Lipposervice rep that was forced down your throat via the friends and family plan?

Every private company has the ability to reserve a certain % of its stock options at an undisclosed and separate strike price that can be used at their discretion.

The strike price cannot be negotiated. It's based on the board's decision at certain intervals. As a result, there is a fixed number of strike prices. $2.35 is just not one of them.

The strike price cannot be negotiated. It's based on the board's decision at certain intervals. As a result, there is a fixed number of strike prices. $2.35 is just not one of them.

As you stated..."At certain intervals". It does not mean the board must issue them at the time of the price strike. It is common practice for the board to hold stock options back in reserve for use as incentive when courting specific talent. You are working under the assumption that the OP is a field sales representative or in some way associated with sales. My guess is that you are mistaken. For the record, $2.35 was an available option at one point. Go back prior to the name change and start working backwards from there.

As you stated..."At certain intervals". It does not mean the board must issue them at the time of the price strike. It is common practice for the board to hold stock options back in reserve for use as incentive when courting specific talent. You are working under the assumption that the OP is a field sales representative or in some way associated with sales. My guess is that you are mistaken. For the record, $2.35 was an available option at one point. Go back prior to the name change and start working backwards from there.

S-H-A-Z-A-M! Company will say....................?

Down 6% today. I thought when you go public and announce your first quarterly results your stock was supposed to go up. Not so with this one. SQNM and Natera will merge by the end of the year. Dont worry too much SQNM people this Natera bunch will be in jail for SEC violations so you should come out ahead. Unless of course your management is sharing a cell which is always a possibility in NIPT land. Did I read in the Natera results they are letting the investors know the revenue will be impacted because they are going to enter into in network pricing with "major payors"? Wow I thought you were supposed to do that before you go public because that established you as a legit company. But it is always easier to be out of network and engage in insurance fraud by capping OOP and providing illegal physician inducements in order to keep docs referring. Isnt that right SQNM? Remember when that was standard practice? Oh yes the good old days!!

Down 6% today. I thought when you go public and announce your first quarterly results your stock was supposed to go up. Not so with this one. SQNM and Natera will merge by the end of the year. Dont worry too much SQNM people this Natera bunch will be in jail for SEC violations so you should come out ahead. Unless of course your management is sharing a cell which is always a possibility in NIPT land. Did I read in the Natera results they are letting the investors know the revenue will be impacted because they are going to enter into in network pricing with "major payors"? Wow I thought you were supposed to do that before you go public because that established you as a legit company. But it is always easier to be out of network and engage in insurance fraud by capping OOP and providing illegal physician inducements in order to keep docs referring. Isnt that right SQNM? Remember when that was standard practice? Oh yes the good old days!!

Lol. Nice try Sequenom PEASANT. Keep trying to tell offices they will get in trouble for using our test on low risk! We own you! I could spend $100 and buy 50 shares of your sorry ass company!!! Bwahahahahahahaha!!!! Keep hating!

Was the insurance fraud and illegal physician inducements disclosed in the filing documents? I doubt it. Who cares what doctors think. The only one who matters in a commodity market is the payer. And the price per test just hit a record low of $200/test and will be lower tomorrow. That is why both companies stock is near 52 week lows, except in Natera's case it will never get the chance to establish a true low because it drops every day. Thanks you God for this wonderful short opportunity. Doubled my $$ in the last 2 days and am betting everything on the continuing the fall. I should have continued my short postion in SQNM but just didnt think there was enough room to make any real $$ but with the management over there you can just really never tell how poorly they will perform. By my math both of these losers have cost their shareholders about $750,000 since Natera went public in May(????) this might be a record and nobody has been fired!! Where is Trump when you need him?

Was the insurance fraud and illegal physician inducements disclosed in the filing documents? I doubt it. Who cares what doctors think. The only one who matters in a commodity market is the payer. And the price per test just hit a record low of $200/test and will be lower tomorrow. That is why both companies stock is near 52 week lows, except in Natera's case it will never get the chance to establish a true low because it drops every day. Thanks you God for this wonderful short opportunity. Doubled my $$ in the last 2 days and am betting everything on the continuing the fall. I should have continued my short postion in SQNM but just didnt think there was enough room to make any real $$ but with the management over there you can just really never tell how poorly they will perform. By my math both of these losers have cost their shareholders about $750,000 since Natera went public in May(????) this might be a record and nobody has been fired!! Where is Trump when you need him?

I hear the company cheerleader walking down the hallowed halls.........let's listen in:)