Listen Johnny, how is someone ignorant just because they enjoy their job? Just because you are an early 50's, Mr. Know It All who thinks they have all the right answers but has never really progressed their career; you think so highly of your own opinions that anyone who disagrees is ignorant? Really? You are pathetic. You are clearly the same miserable human being who keeps posting on all the threads. I even have a strong indication of who I think you are. I could spot you from a mile away in KC. Shaking your head in confusion and angst during general sessions. Asking questions out of frustration. Just quit already, your manager would be happy. The company would be better off and more importantly, you would be happier. I'm sure you would end up on another companies board, complaining and living your negative lifestyle out for them though. It is generally only a matter of time for people like you to start spewing your negativity and find a couple other miserable people to share your stories with. You are not in the majority, you are in the minority with how you feel. But it makes you feel good to come on CP to get empathy from a bunch of other negative Nancy's, doesn't it? You get a little chubby from someone actually agreeing with you, don't you? Again, pathetic. If I had to guess, miserable married man, early 50's with nothing to show. I could be wrong.