Stock Price


Stock closed today at $16.67 a share, down $0.47. Not at all time low, but settling in at its true value, and $9.00 off of the opening day surge. We will announce Q-2 earnings on Wednesday. They will be worse than Q-1 according to the annalysts.

So to re cap the last 8 weeks. My stock options were cut by 33% (2500 now at 1667). My strike price rose by 33% (from $2.35/option to $3.22/ share. They were then put into a 6 month black out period (Senior Executives were exempted because they are given RSUs, not options), and the stock has lost 36% of its value since the opening day close. That means...what would have been worth $52,850 had there not been a reverse split and a black out period, is now worth $21,701 assuming the stock stays at is current price and I stay long enough for all of my shares to fully vest. That's a $31,000 swing inside of 8 weeks. So happy to be here. Spin that Pete!

Stock closed today at $16.67 a share, down $0.47. Not at all time low, but settling in at its true value, and $9.00 off of the opening day surge. We will announce Q-2 earnings on Wednesday. They will be worse than Q-1 according to the annalysts.

So to re cap the last 8 weeks. My stock options were cut by 33% (2500 now at 1667). My strike price rose by 33% (from $2.35/option to $3.22/ share. They were then put into a 6 month black out period (Senior Executives were exempted because they are given RSUs, not options), and the stock has lost 36% of its value since the opening day close. That means...what would have been worth $52,850 had there not been a reverse split and a black out period, is now worth $21,701 assuming the stock stays at is current price and I stay long enough for all of my shares to fully vest. That's a $31,000 swing inside of 8 weeks. So happy to be here. Spin that Pete!

But wait......our resident company cheerleader will make a statement. Unless he / she ( gender confused ) is out on K-Street spinning the news for the government.

SQNM and NATA will merge before the end of the year. It makes sense since these 2 losers are on the short end of the market and will only continue to decline. Of course once merged they will continue to decline because the NIPT market as a business is dead good but not the greatest technology but as a business model no IP and seen as a commodity by MCOs. Short the crap out of Natera remember 2Q13 Sequenom? OMG I made the most money I have ever made in the market on these losers then and then along comes my next wet dream Natera as a short. Wow!! There really is a GOD.

26% increase y/y..beat by 2.4M. Yeah, we are doing horrible.

" In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king". You my friend, will never be Elvis. Yes, the 26℅ increase looks great, but what is not discussed is that 100℅ of that goes directly to our "Angel Investor" from April 2015 who gave Natera $55 million (ain't Google a bitch). Which means we now resume the $2.1 million/quarter burn rate.

Stock closed today at $16.67 a share, down $0.47. Not at all time low, but settling in at its true value, and $9.00 off of the opening day surge. We will announce Q-2 earnings on Wednesday. They will be worse than Q-1 according to the annalysts.

So to re cap the last 8 weeks. My stock options were cut by 33% (2500 now at 1667). My strike price rose by 33% (from $2.35/option to $3.22/ share. They were then put into a 6 month black out period (Senior Executives were exempted because they are given RSUs, not options), and the stock has lost 36% of its value since the opening day close. That means...what would have been worth $52,850 had there not been a reverse split and a black out period, is now worth $21,701 assuming the stock stays at is current price and I stay long enough for all of my shares to fully vest. That's a $31,000 swing inside of 8 weeks. So happy to be here. Spin that Pete!

You obviously do not work at Natera.

The pre-reverse split strike price is not $2.35. And the post-reverse split strike price should have been $3.8305 based on your pre-reverse split strike price of $2.35. If you really work at Natera, you would have gotten these numbers correct.

" In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king". You my friend, will never be Elvis. Yes, the 26℅ increase looks great, but what is not discussed is that 100℅ of that goes directly to our "Angel Investor" from April 2015 who gave Natera $55 million (ain't Google a bitch). Which means we now resume the $2.1 million/quarter burn rate.

Are you really that stupid? The VC's get compensated by receiving shares in the company. They do not directly receive the revenue earned by the company.

The $2.1 million/quarter burn rate is actually quite good. Given that Natera has over $240 million on its balance sheet, at this rate, it could last another 114 quarters or 28.5 years.

Are you really that stupid? The VC's get compensated by receiving shares in the company. They do not directly receive the revenue earned by the company.

The $2.1 million/quarter burn rate is actually quite good. Given that Natera has over $240 million on its balance sheet, at this rate, it could last another 114 quarters or 28.5 years.

net income = -5.15m // net profit margin = -3.09% // return on capital percent = -4.61

Are you really that stupid? The VC's get compensated by receiving shares in the company. They do not directly receive the revenue earned by the company.

The $2.1 million/quarter burn rate is actually quite good. Given that Natera has over $240 million on its balance sheet, at this rate, it could last another 114 quarters or 28.5 years.

Unfortunately, you are dealing with a) ignorant investors who think they know all and b) angry employees who won't be around much longer or are already gone.

These numbers are fine, there will be no such merger with Seq, we are too competitive and have different philosophies on the tech. Our tech is by far the best on the market but the challenges to get our kits in the door will always be an issue. Too many crappy labs ruining the way the business is done. Way too many "me too" labs vying for their share of the pie. Only time will tell who makes it and who doesn't.. I like Natera's chances.

Unfortunately, you are dealing with a) ignorant investors who think they know all and b) angry employees who won't be around much longer or are already gone.

These numbers are fine, there will be no such merger with Seq, we are too competitive and have different philosophies on the tech. Our tech is by far the best on the market but the challenges to get our kits in the door will always be an issue. Too many crappy labs ruining the way the business is done. Way too many "me too" labs vying for their share of the pie. Only time will tell who makes it and who doesn't.. I like Natera's chances.

i like natera too, BUT.......what myself and many others do not like and actually resent is the day to day acrimony that management exudes. something has to change. you can continue to keep replacing reps day in and day out, but the climate will remain the same. Sr executives should examine very closely their management see about cleaning house.

i like natera too, BUT.......what myself and many others do not like and actually resent is the day to day acrimony that management exudes. something has to change. you can continue to keep replacing reps day in and day out, but the climate will remain the same. Sr executives should examine very closely their management see about cleaning house.

Will never happen. Management are all closely tied to execs. Cream will rise to the top. Those who can do the job in a volatile market and do it well will be rewarded. Those who can not will be working for another company come 2016.

Hello??!!!! You have a sales job. You make good money if you can sell, if not this isn't the place for you. If you don't quit it will catch up to you because you are expected to perform. Is Natera perfect? Of course not but no company is. These boards are just the disgruntled people who can't sell yet feel the world owes them something. There are some great people here and of course some bad apples. We just need to get rid of the bad apples. If you aren't happy here why stay? Find something you enjoy instead of wasting your time complaining.

Hello??!!!! You have a sales job. You make good money if you can sell, if not this isn't the place for you. If you don't quit it will catch up to you because you are expected to perform. Is Natera perfect? Of course not but no company is. These boards are just the disgruntled people who can't sell yet feel the world owes them something. There are some great people here and of course some bad apples. We just need to get rid of the bad apples. If you aren't happy here why stay? Find something you enjoy instead of wasting your time complaining.

and tell everyone management............what's your reason coming here so often and cheerleading for a company many people are disgruntled with?

Whoever (firm, person, etc) did Natera's earnings per share calculation should be fired.

The EPS was based on the number of pre-IPO shares outstanding, and not the number of post-IPO shares outstanding. As a result, the EPS missed analysts' estimates by a mile ($3.58/share loss vs. $0.45/share loss). This caused NTRA to drop as much as 15% on 8/13, the day after earnings release. The stock eventually bounced back, but was still down around 5%.

Technically the person or firm is correct to use the $3.58 figure since the earnings report was for the quarter ending June 30, 2015. However, the person or firm should have presented both figures with an explanation.

and tell everyone management............what's your reason coming here so often and cheerleading for a company many people are disgruntled with?

Not management, but a happy sales rep who just stumbled upon these threads. It's ridiculous! If you are so "disgruntled" then go somewhere else and be happy. What good does whining on an Internet board do? Honestly, I just feel bad for you and the others who have nothing better to do but complain on an anonymous board and seem to have such a miserable existence.

Not management, but a happy sales rep who just stumbled upon these threads. It's ridiculous! If you are so "disgruntled" then go somewhere else and be happy. What good does whining on an Internet board do? Honestly, I just feel bad for you and the others who have nothing better to do but complain on an anonymous board and seem to have such a miserable existence.

"happy" sales rep? is your head up your ass for the warmth?

Typical. I know, I know. It's so hard to fathom someone who enjoys their job, right? My head must be up my ass if I am happy because it's just not fathomable, is it? Again, I just feel bad for you.

I enjoy my job, too; just not the management of this place. I don't even think you actually work here. You're just a troll looking to be a contrarian.

I enjoy my job, too; just not the management of this place. I don't even think you actually work here. You're just a troll looking to be a contrarian.

I definitely work here and I stand firm in my position that it is possible to enjoy my job. I wasn't arguing whether I agreed with everything management says or does, I just enjoy the overall company.