Stock Price

you nailed it....especially a 5 for 2 split...this is usually to shore up senior management and large institutional investors prior to a buy out...a very telling signal to me.

Your financial investors must love you 2 idiots. Typically, a stock split means just the opposite. Senior management initiates a stock split to build a bigger tent for investors. A split of the stock usually carries a psychological component as well. It's management showing confidence in the companies future direction. Walmart has had 11 different stock splits since its IPO. As far as the split making the company appear "more affordable" for a buyout, that's also false. The company value still remains the same. Nobody makes an extra dime unless the stock price climbs back up. In order for the stock to climb investors need to feel confident. The market for suitable buyers is slim to none right now.

Only the board knows why a split is done. All of you SNN D class clowns can speculate all you want.

No, the poster above your ridcuolous comment pretty much nailed it.

The board and CEO want people to forget the old price, was around $40-50 forever. So they leaked that Stryker was looking at buying them on the day Lobo was to be interviewed on Fox. He was asked on the air and confirmed it. That required Stryker to be hands off for 6 Mon. The stock surged during that time... Perfect time to split it and turn $80 back into $30. New normal, forget the past. Now, this company has it going on.

Well manipulated, Olivia.

No, the poster above your ridcuolous comment pretty much nailed it.

The board and CEO want people to forget the old price, was around $40-50 forever. So they leaked that Stryker was looking at buying them on the day Lobo was to be interviewed on Fox. He was asked on the air and confirmed it. That required Stryker to be hands off for 6 Mon. The stock surged during that time... Perfect time to split it and turn $80 back into $30. New normal, forget the past. Now, this company has it going on.

Well manipulated, Olivia.

