Stock option at Lilly


Can anyone give me some insight about stock options for exec and senior TMs? What is the difference and when does a senior rep qualify for it? I understand as an exec it’s part of the package but how is it structured really? Tia!

Territory Managers get RSU’s. Only for the better performers.

401k is also great! Both options and 40k can be all in on LLY.

No other big pharma will have this growth for the next 5 years.

plus you get a pension.

Can anyone give me some insight about stock options for exec and senior TMs? What is the difference and when does a senior rep qualify for it? I understand as an exec it’s part of the package but how is it structured really? Tia!

Don’t even waste your time thinking about being promoted from Senior rep to Executive rep.

That’s a toxic topic at Lilly. The rules change every year & they let you know what they were after the fact.
Plus it’s a very very subjective process.
Basically it comes down to how good a manager is at getting a rep promoted. It has very little to do with the rep.

How good are they at writing for your promotional slide each year. How much do they care when writing it. Were they tired when they did it lol
Do other managers like your manager enough to vote for their rep?
Managers make deals with each other to vote for each others reps.

Top performers don’t typically even win. It’s mostly political

Don’t even waste your time thinking about being promoted from Senior rep to Executive rep.

That’s a toxic topic at Lilly. The rules change every year & they let you know what they were after the fact.
Plus it’s a very very subjective process.
Basically it comes down to how good a manager is at getting a rep promoted. It has very little to do with the rep.
How good are they at writing for your promotional slide each year. How much do they care when writing it. Were they tired when they did it lol
Do other managers like your manager enough to vote for their rep?
Managers make deals with each other to vote for each others reps.
Top performers don’t typically even win. It’s mostly political

Sounds like spilt milk, depends upon the manager and division certainly.

Question is why isn’t your boss supporting you?

After forty years, both my personal experience and observing other people, 99% of the time the problem is the person looking at you in the mirror.

As someone who worked for Lilly for many years, the above post is correct, it’s not about spilt milk. Lilly promotes you based on stupid projects you do that have nothing to do with sales or your territory. They will take up a lot of your time. Additionally, both sales and projects must align . Lastly it’s all a voting process for managers so if one manager is good at writing it up they have a better chance.

this company is unlike others. In other companies your sales determine promotions etc. not at lilly. It all bout how much nonsense you do.

Sounds like spilt milk, depends upon the manager and division certainly.

Question is why isn’t your boss supporting you?

After forty years, both my personal experience and observing other people, 99% of the time the problem is the person looking at you in the mirror.

Lmao. GTFO with that sugar tits

Shitty managers are shitty. Most managers became managers because they were running away from sales.

At Lilly you either get a young manager with training wheels or an old burn out that couldn’t get promoted upward.

Too bad the promotion process ushered 100% performance based so reps can control their own destiny. That’s when your opponent is the person in the mirror.

The system now is mostly subjective and if your manager is good at getting you promoted. Very little to do with the rep. Facts

Lmao. GTFO with that sugar tits

Shitty managers are shitty. Most managers became managers because they were running away from sales.

At Lilly you either get a young manager with training wheels or an old burn out that couldn’t get promoted upward.

Too bad the promotion process ushered 100% performance based so reps can control their own destiny. That’s when your opponent is the person in the mirror.

The system now is mostly subjective and if your manager is good at getting you promoted. Very little to do with the rep. Facts

You need to quit and leave Lilly now!

You GTFO and go where the grass is greener.

Have some courage and do something productive with your life.

If you don’t like it here, instead of complaining and making things miserable…

As already said, take your own advice and GTFO!

Don’t even waste your time thinking about being promoted from Senior rep to Executive rep.

That’s a toxic topic at Lilly. The rules change every year & they let you know what they were after the fact.
Plus it’s a very very subjective process.
Basically it comes down to how good a manager is at getting a rep promoted. It has very little to do with the rep.

How good are they at writing for your promotional slide each year. How much do they care when writing it. Were they tired when they did it lol
Do other managers like your manager enough to vote for their rep?
Managers make deals with each other to vote for each others reps.

Top performers don’t typically even win. It’s mostly political

who you play golf with. Who wou go to church with. Who you dine with. Sure. Nothing has changed.

You need to quit and leave Lilly now!

You GTFO and go where the grass is greener.

Have some courage and do something productive with your life.

If you don’t like it here, instead of complaining and making things miserable…

As already said, take your own advice and GTFO!


We have rustled you to the max. Truth stuck a nerve eh?

Actually, shitty managers need to GTFO. And you too bud. Time for people to quit getting promoted or not promoted based off of how good their manager is or isn’t at politicking for their rep

It’s a toxic toxic environment right now. The sales force as a whole is unhappy and it’s because of this process

Lilly should be proactive and change instead of having so many people leave like 2 years ago that they had to give everyone huge raises just to keep more people from leaving. Lilly lost a lot of talent & had to hire more recent college grads,
Fix it before it comes to that again

You need to quit and leave Lilly now!

You GTFO and go where the grass is greener.

Have some courage and do something productive with your life.

If you don’t like it here, instead of complaining and making things miserable…

As already said, take your own advice and GTFO!

This person is absolutely delusional. Please don't listen to him/her. I'm guessing this person is either black or a women. If you are at all diverse at Lilly, you will get special treatment. For everyone else, there will never ever be a promotion. If you are looking to get a promotion from an s3 to s4 and you are a white male, good fucking luck. It'll never happen. It'll never ever happen 100x over especially if you are in the diabetes business unit

This person is absolutely delusional. Please don't listen to him/her. I'm guessing this person is either black or a women. If you are at all diverse at Lilly, you will get special treatment. For everyone else, there will never ever be a promotion. If you are looking to get a promotion from an s3 to s4 and you are a white male, good fucking luck. It'll never happen. It'll never ever happen 100x over especially if you are in the diabetes business unit


It really does depend on how good your manager is at getting people promoted.
If you inherit a young manager then it’s going to take them a long while to figure out how to get their reps promoted & they have to build friendships with other voting managers

Race & gender have played major roles the last few years with Lilly announcing they wanted to reach over 40% women being promoted. So it was a promotion frenzy for women the past few years.

I left Lilly for J&J about 4 years ago.
I have lost well over $2mm in lost Lilly deferred comp/RSUs during this time frame.
The J&J pension ended a few years back and what’s left of it terminates in 2025.

I fucked up and hate it here for leadership reasons.
I hope you feel sad for me!


I left Lilly for J&J about 4 years ago.
I have lost well over $2mm in lost Lilly deferred comp/RSUs during this time frame.
The J&J pension ended a few years back and what’s left of it terminates in 2025.
I fucked up and hate it here for leadership reasons.
I hope you feel sad for me!
Based on the numbers it sounds like you were at least Senior Director (now AVP) level, so hopefully you were at least kept whole by JNJ share-wise when you jumped ship. It also sounds like you were at an age where the pension was a far-off consideration. Most people wouldn't walk away from a Lilly pension if they were in striking distance of 80-90 points - although I did and haven't regretted it for a second.

Give yourself a break. There's no way you could have known Lilly stock would catch fire the way it did (anyone who says they saw this coming is lying), although in the future you should always be skeptical of any company touting a pension plan. And Lilly is full of people who are miserably trapped in jobs they hate by the stock price and pension. You probably have plenty of time to find a job you don't hate AND recover financially.

Based on the numbers it sounds like you were at least Senior Director (now AVP) level, so hopefully you were at least kept whole by JNJ share-wise when you jumped ship. It also sounds like you were at an age where the pension was a far-off consideration. Most people wouldn't walk away from a Lilly pension if they were in striking distance of 80-90 points - although I did and haven't regretted it for a second.

Give yourself a break. There's no way you could have known Lilly stock would catch fire the way it did (anyone who says they saw this coming is lying), although in the future you should always be skeptical of any company touting a pension plan. And Lilly is full of people who are miserably trapped in jobs they hate by the stock price and pension. You probably have plenty of time to find a job you don't hate AND recover financially.

Great analysis.

I definitely am leaving Lilly. Culture is way too toxic. Promotion prices is 100% determined by managers & had little to do with the rep.
Lilly is not transparent or honest with their sales force around many things.

Im just waiting to best in our pension plan. I would have accepted an offer a couple of months ago but I want to best first& I do have several stock options waiting to vest too.
I’ll sacrifice the stock options for happiness if I need to. But I’d like to vest in the pension plan

Great analysis.

I definitely am leaving Lilly. Culture is way too toxic. Promotion prices is 100% determined by managers & had little to do with the rep.
Lilly is not transparent or honest with their sales force around many things.

Im just waiting to best in our pension plan. I would have accepted an offer a couple of months ago but I want to best first& I do have several stock options waiting to vest too.
I’ll sacrifice the stock options for happiness if I need to. But I’d like to vest in the pension plan
Good plan. It's worth a little misery if you are close to vesting in the pension. But if you obsess over stock options/awards you will never leave, because there will always be that next vesting date. And if you have been planning all along, some of the most recent options/awards may seem like a lot of money, but they are probably not going to impact your financial outlook that much because the share price was relatively high.

The people who made out like bandits with Lilly stock are those whose options/awards vested before 2020-ish -- and they didn't sell right away like most people other than the top executives.

Thanks but I lost over $2mm with this stupid move to Jnj and a position that is dead end. We have cut back on all business and especially international corporate tourism. My “boss” is a clown and wants me out as I’m a threat to his survival. Basically this department should be out sourced and now there is talk of that.
I never should have left
mother Lilly NEVER!!
Based on the numbers it sounds like you were at least Senior Director (now AVP) level, so hopefully you were at least kept whole by JNJ share-wise when you jumped ship. It also sounds like you were at an age where the pension was a far-off consideration. Most people wouldn't walk away from a Lilly pension if they were in striking distance of 80-90 points - although I did and haven't regretted it for a second.

Give yourself a break. There's no way you could have known Lilly stock would catch fire the way it did (anyone who says they saw this coming is lying), although in the future you should always be skeptical of any company touting a pension plan. And Lilly is full of people who are miserably trapped in jobs they hate by the stock price and pension. You probably have plenty of time to find a job you don't hate AND recover financially.

Stock options go to higher performing reps. But one year district did so well there wasn't enough money for pay increases so stock was given to some. As far as executive rep, ask to fill in your own set of accomplishments and answers to questions to promote yourself. Everyone has same set of questions. Then manager can tweak it and make it their own.

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