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DEI Is Working. Look At The Stock Price!

DEI is not “reverse discrimination”; it’s just good ‘ol fashioned regular “discrimination”..

The Supreme court has ruled that affirmative action (no matter what fancy word or acronym such as DEI) is unconstitutional!! PERIOD!!!
These dividing actions have always spread racism and will never bring equality.
So if Lilly wants to keep playing that game, it will be facing a ton of lawsuits… So, we shall see!

The Supreme court has ruled that affirmative action (no matter what fancy word or acronym such as DEI) is unconstitutional!! PERIOD!!!
These dividing actions have always spread racism and will never bring equality.
So if Lilly wants to keep playing that game, it will be facing a ton of lawsuits… So, we shall see!

And I will absolutely get in on the Acton - signed 52 year old white guy

The Supreme court has ruled that affirmative action (no matter what fancy word or acronym such as DEI) is unconstitutional!! PERIOD!!!
These dividing actions have always spread racism and will never bring equality.
So if Lilly wants to keep playing that game, it will be facing a ton of lawsuits… So, we shall see!

We are not divided by race, gender or sexual orientation. We are divided into intelligent people and fools. The fools divide themselves by race, gender and sexual orientation.

We are not divided by race, gender or sexual orientation. We are divided into intelligent people and fools. The fools divide themselves by race, gender and sexual orientation.

It has bern clearly established that more diversity exists within a population than between populations. The NAS has recommended Stop Talking about Race for some time now. For example, we may actually be talking about culture. One reason that government race baits so much, may be that failed experiments with poverty, food deserts in inner cities, and crackdowns on the Colonel’s Cannabis elixir resulting in incarceration, among many other failed DC and local policies, may have tipped the scales in favor of more educated populations that have fleed inner city crime. The same is true in other apparently disenfrachised groups. Oversimplification kills.